From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 927: From a friend

Xiangduoli's new hair restorer is as popular as its two previous cosmeceutical scar creams and repair masks.

Once launched, it was sold out.

There are rave reviews online.

Many users report that the effect will be effective after a week of use.

In recent years, various shampoos and hair growth lotions have been advertised loudly, but most of them are deceptive and have no practical effect.

The products launched by Chandori this time are obviously different, the price is high, but it is actually effective.

Because of its effect, this hair restorer is even more difficult to buy.

An Yang asked Hu Jiaojiao, "Jiaojiao, you went to the press conference that day, why didn't you buy a few bottles?"

Seeing that the online sales are so hot, An Yang, who wants to try it, also wants to buy a bottle to try to save her recent serious hair loss problem.

Although hair loss has not yet occurred, serious hair loss can also cause worries, and you want to prevent it.

"Do you think I don't want it? It was not sold at the press conference. It was sold online and in physical stores, and I couldn't get it."

Hu Jiaojiao murmured and asked An Yang, "Are you losing your hair serious now?"

Then he reached out to grab La Anyang's hair.

"Don't mess with my hairstyle." An Yang said, "I'm not bald yet, but my hair fell a little when I washed my hair recently, so be prepared."

Hu Jiaojiao fiddled with An Yang's face again.

"What are you doing?"

"Imagine if you look bald and see if I can accept it."

"If you can't accept it, you have to accept it. Lao Tzu is your boyfriend no matter what, does your future husband know?"

"Who said that you are my future husband? I didn't agree." Hu Jiaojiao retorted quietly.

"No promise? Who else do you want to marry? Now my little brothers call your sister-in-law!"

"That's what they yelled, what's up with me..."

"What shouts, can such things be shouted casually?"

The two were talking, An Yang's cell phone rang, and the caller displayed on the screen: Big Sister.

An Yang immediately answered the phone.

"Help, move things, downstairs." Jian Yiling said concisely.

"almost there."

An Yang and Hu Jiaojiao immediately went downstairs.

The driver Jian Yiling's car stopped in front of the dormitory building with the trunk open.

The two saw a few boxes of things in Jian Yiling's trunk.

"Are you moving these?" An Yang asked.

"Well, one box for you, one box for pepper."


An Yang is a competent little brother, what the eldest sister is doing, then I have to do it quickly and quickly.

Hu Jiaojiao asked, "Yiling, what did you buy for us?"

"Hair restorer."

"Hair restorer?"

Both Hu Jiaojiao and An Yang looked surprised, An Yang stopped and Hu Jiaojiao opened the cardboard box.

What I saw was the latest hair tonic from Chandori.

The official price is one thousand five hundred and ninety-nine bottles.

There are sixteen bottles in this box.

Hu Jiaojiao asked in surprise, "Yiling, where did you buy so many?"

"From a friend."

Hu Jiaojiao exclaimed: "Yiling, your friend is amazing too! This is so hard to buy now, it is the new out-of-stock king!"

An Yang: "Sister, do you really want to give me this whole box? What about yourself?"

"I don't need it." Jian Yiling's hair is very lush.

"Where is Master Sheng?"

"Neither does he." Zhai Yunsheng had no problems with his hair.

An Yang looked down at the box heartily: "I'll use it just in case, I don't want to become a bald youth early."

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