From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 989: Warm bullying Cai Qinyue (1)

"Fuck, you bastard, you were a lie for a long time, you fucking..."

Yu Xi was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

As a result, Jian Yichen had already strayed first.

"Damn, bastard, I won't believe him again next time!" Yu Xi gritted her teeth.


Cai Qinyue, who knew that Jian Yiling had cleared his suspicion, was so angry that she lost her temper in the rental house where she temporarily lived.

When she was angry, someone knocked on the door.

"Who?" Cai Qinyue opened the door angrily.

But I found that the people standing outside the door are warm.

Warm and fashionable dress, low-key but expensive jewelry.

Warm and plain fashion dress is very plain, I don't know what's wrong today, dressed as a lady.

"Warm? What are you doing?" When she saw the warmth, Cai Qinyue tickled her teeth.

"Come and ask you to leave here." Warm said.

"What do you mean? This is not the place of Wen's or Jian's. Why do you let me leave?"

"But I have already bought this house." Warm said, "So I will not rent this house from now on, please move out."

Cai Qinyue's eyes widened, she couldn't believe that Warmth actually did this kind of thing, "Warmth, don't deceive people too much!"

"Too much deception? I buy a house, I deal with my house, it is all legal, how can I deceive people too much?"

"There are so many houses in Beijing, you don't want to buy it, but you just bought this one of mine. You deliberately did it?"

"Yes, I was deliberate." Warm and generous admitted, "I don't know who ran to Wen's family to mock when my daughter was hurt by the rumors. Why can't you do it by Cai Qinyue? Yes? My daughter didn't just bully you!"

"Warm, you bitch!" Cai Qinyue slammed, rushing to fight warm.

Warm stepped back, and the bodyguard he brought blocked Cai Qinyue outside.

"I'm sorry, knowing that you will go crazy, I brought a bodyguard in advance."

"Warm! Don't hide behind the bodyguard."

"I'm a female, I just don't have any seeds. You move out quickly, and I can pay you a one-month penalty. But you don't want to find a suitable house in the capital anymore."

"Warm you bitch! You spend money to buy a house just to let me move?"

"Yes, I'm willing to spend this money, I think spending this money can see you toss, see you get tired, I think it's worth it."

Rich is just so arrogant.

Warmth now not only makes money in her own studio, but also her husband and son give her money.

What does it mean to buy a few houses?

"You bitch! You are mean and shameless!"

"Whatever you scold, I won't let you stay in the capital anyway."

Warmth has determined to go to the end with Cai Qinyue.

"Okay! I move away! I don't care about your broken house!"

Cai Qinyue gritted his teeth.

Although angrily agreed to Warmth to move away, what was waiting for Cai Qinyue next was a bunch of troublesome things.

Pack up and find a new house.

Cai Qinyue is no longer a pampered Mrs. Wen.

She wants to save money and save money to get a lawyer to file a lawsuit for her daughter. There is no extra money to hire someone. She has to do everything herself.

She knew that warmth was tossing her in a changed way, but there was no way.

Thinking of this, Cai Qinyue couldn't help but feel sad.

Cai Qinyue felt even more uncomfortable when thinking of her warm and jeweled appearance.

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