From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1007: Learn from elder sister

The police arrived when the family panicked to deal with the live broadcast of the big V.

It turned out that Jian Yiling not only found a big V on the way here, but also reported the police incidentally.

As soon as the police arrived, the old lady's family was at peace.

"Well, Mr. Police, we didn't do anything bad. Our old lady was knocked down by someone. We only hope that the other party will compensate." The old lady's eldest son explained quickly.

"Yes, yes, it shouldn't be wrong to ask for compensation?" The eldest daughter-in-law agreed.

"Isn't it wrong to ask for a compensation of 100,000 even for a broken bone?" the policeman asked.

"This one……"

Several people looked embarrassed and did not dare to face the police.

"Now you are in danger of extortion," the policeman said.

Upon hearing the crime of extortion, the faces of the old lady's family became more ugly.

"What? Extortion? Is it so serious?" The old lady's youngest son stared in surprise.

"What do you think? Just let you call one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand? They still stop people from leaving."

"But, but our old lady is in the hospital. It is reasonable for us to ask for compensation! Mr. Police, you see, my mother is still lying on the bed! She has a headache and stomachache from just now, and it’s not good until now. We are also concerned. Old man!" the eldest son defended.

"It is reasonable and reasonable for you to ask for compensation. The hospital check hasn't come out. It is not reasonable for people to ask for 100,000 yuan without doing anything," the police said.

The old lady's family all showed expressions of surprise and horror.

If this is a crime, things will be big.

"We really didn't want to blackmail. We calculated it based on the fact that the old lady was paralyzed in bed all the year round. So many of us missed work, and there was a lot of lost work expenses. My little brother is an internet celebrity. That’s thousands of dollars!"

"Yes, yes, even if we have a problem with the calculation, they just put it forward, saying that we blackmailed it a little too much."

Several people quickly explained, trying to get rid of the charge of blackmail.

"Yes or not, we will further investigate and verify." The police replied.

The faces of several people were pale, and a little at a loss.

Jian Yiling no longer intends to continue watching. An Yang left the police with contact information and contacted them if he needed to cooperate with the investigation.

Then Jian Yiling and An Yang left the hospital. Hu Jiaojiao's eyes were still red because they had just cried.

But she has regained her former vitality.

I started chattering to Jian Yiling endlessly: "Next time I do good deeds, I must remember to take pictures and leave evidence first, so I won’t give this kind of person the chance to ruin me! It’s really good to have you today. Otherwise, I’m so stupid, I’ll only be scared, An Yang’s temper is so violent, I’ll only quarrel with people, quarreling and quarreling, we will become irrational."

An Yang said: "I will learn from my eldest sister, and I will learn to use my mind instead of my fists!"

Hu Jiaojiao dismantled the platform in a low voice: "It's really good for you to have this idea, but I don't know if your brain can do it. After all, you and Yiling's IQ is not a little bit different."

An Yang reminded her girlfriend in a low voice, "Jiaojiao, can you save me some face?"

Hu Jiaojiao: "But... in front of Yiling, you don't have any face anymore..."

An Yang: "..."

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