This attitude made Du Yuan dumbfounded, although he had indeed coveted this.

But who told him that there was nothing he could do about his divine core.

The divine core has its own wisdom, but it is not the wisdom of an intelligent creature in the usual sense, but more like an artifact, or AI.

However, although the divine core has wisdom, no trainee god will guard against his own divine core, because it is essentially a part of you, born from your soul.

Of course, even though it is 伱, sometimes you can't control it. It won't harm you, but there are some things it won't help you, or you won't help you.

It's a bit convoluted, but it's also normal. A more concrete understanding is like the thoughts that pop up in your heart from time to time to make you diligent.

Of course you know that it is good, but most of the time you won’t be able to work hard, which is similar to this situation.

But there is one thing to say, although Du Yuan is poor, he is extremely generous in his dealings. Even if there is only one drop, this essence of life is not cheap, or it is extremely precious.

Ruby-like blood droplets suddenly appeared above the altar, and then followed the connection between them and turned into a blood-red light that sank directly into the body of the white rat.

Even though he only stayed in the cave for a moment, an inexplicable mellow fragrance directly washed away the pungent smell of blood in the cave at this time.

At this moment, a golden light sprouted from the white mouse's body.

Du Yuan let out a light sigh.

The white rat actually transformed into a heroic unit. Under the influence of this life essence, this gave Du Yuan a surprise. Du Yuan once thought that if the first hero of the rat tribe under him would appear, it should be the spear. mouse.

But it was a white rat, and the spear rat turned into a pile of deformed giant rats with strong vitality, which was unexpected.

However, it is just right for the current white rat to advance into a hero, but people really didn't expect that the essence of life actually has this effect.

However, when Du Yuan carefully thought about the price tags that were put up to sell the essence of life, he suddenly felt that this seemed to be somewhat reasonable. Extremely expensive things always have unique effects.

And the effect of the life essence seems to be not only as simple as making the white mouse become a hero, the pure life source energy even washes the soul of this crazy white mouse, dispelling most of the negative effects caused by the two-color blood mushroom.

In fact, the White Rat has already had the possibility of becoming a hero. After all, a hero is a person who takes the lead and is an impossible person. As a person who takes the path of wisdom among the Rat People, he is the first priest among the Rat People under Du Yuan.

Whether it is wisdom, spirit, or merit, he is qualified.

But it was defeated by the disadvantages brought by the two-color blood mushroom. Those complex resentments brought about an increasingly extreme and crazy personality, and at the same time, it also blocked the white mouse from successfully stepping into the door of the hero until it was washed by the essence of life.

Du Yuan was wrong about the fact that the essence of life could help a clan to become a hero, but it was not surprising because he himself lacked understanding and knowledge of some rare and high-end divine materials.

Maybe your guess is not wrong, and it can have some such effect. After all, the family members whose bodies have been strengthened by the life essence and whose souls have been washed will become more extraordinary, and extraordinary people are more likely to become heroes.

Of course, if serious gods, especially those in the life system, knew that Du Yuan was wasting life essence like this, they would probably be tempted to beat him to death.

After all, the essence of life is the most popular and the most understood way of birth.

It is collected from the World Tree. Yes, it is the World Tree that can support the world and is a sacred object of the elves.

And this world tree is an existence that can make many powerful gods willing to bring their own gods to beat the crap out of them.

But Xiaochun is able to condense the essence of life just like World Tree. Although the two cannot be completely compared, to a certain extent, Xiaochun's uniqueness and preciousness can be seen.

As a newcomer, although Du Yuan values ​​Xiaochun, he still doesn't value Xiaochun enough. In other words, the two guys haven't realized this yet.

Du Yuan was above the altar, happily watching the steady flow of faith.

And Xiaochun was also lying on the stone pillar on the altar, receiving the faith value, swinging his body happily, happily.


In the following days, everything was slowly on track. After some simple preparations, Hao Yan was sent out by White Rat to lead a group of black slave rats to harass the lizard people at the edge of the forest.

But when Good Eyes led the slave rat and rushed down from the top of the mountain, there was no sign of the lizard man at the edge of the forest.

When the white rat learned the news, he did not hesitate to let a group of rat men stationed in the forest area in front of him.

With the entry of the ratmen, the ratman's cave mushroom farming industry finally got a breakthrough in the hands of Long Tail. After mixing wood, soil, silt fiber and some feces and carrion in a certain proportion, a kind of glowing moss was created. The base with the cave mushroom was born.

The light maintained by Du Yuan in those planting caves was also extinguished.

Soon, a new wave of rat people was born.

Under Bai Shu's plan, the excavation of caves and the transfer of materials in the mountains close to the forest also started at the same time.

White Rat planned to add a new gathering place near the forest at the entrance of the mountain range to prevent things like this time from happening and to prevent believers of heretical alien gods from invading the mountains.

At the same time, the newly promoted rat lord used this gathering place as a starting point to march into the vast forest in front of him.

As for the lizard people, they disappeared deep into the forest. Under Du Yuan's oracle, the rat people did not rush to chase these escaped lizard people, but relied on this land to start stable expansion and development. .

There shouldn't be any big problems for the time being, and Du Yuan can finally move his eyes away to do other things.

After leaving the family world, there has been no big news in the academy these days. Although there are constant small twists and turns, many students have recently begun to inquire about the people who belong to the same world as themselves, thanks to the Gu flower cultivation organized by the academy. College list, and started the joint vertical and horizontal cooperation.

Or the families anchored by the two parties are too close, and war and strategic changes have already begun.

That's the good thing about anchoring the world. Even if you can't beat it, as long as the altar hasn't been officially established, just run hard.

Many of the last batch of anchored students chose this way after learning about the extravagant work done by the academy. They spent a lot of effort to find a remote corner for the family members to settle down and develop secretly.

All kinds of messy little actions, as well as the confrontation, cooperation, and negotiations within and outside the family world, suddenly gave rise to a strange scene of vitality and competition among all things.

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