Jia Fugui felt guilty when he heard these two names.

As soon as he left, Jiang Wufu's men came.

It was the same person who sent the letter last time. This time, it was obviously more secret. After giving a note to Qin Murong quietly, he left directly.

Qin Murong's attitude towards this way Actually, I'm still a little dissatisfied.

Can't you sneak in at night?

I opened the note and looked at it. There were only a few words on it.

"It's not the moon religion."

Didn't Mingyue teach it?

Qin Murong didn't know why Jiang Wufu was so sure.

To tell you the truth, the first thing Qin Murong thought of was Mingyue sect!

These lunatics have an indescribable relationship with themselves. The key is They destroy their plan on the Phoenix Festival, and their people find the clue of their trouble in Dongli. If they are from Mingyue sect, they will want to kill such a nuisance.

So do you want to believe Jiang Wufu? Qin Murong was a little uncertain.

In the end, I had no choice but to smile bitterly and let it go for the time being.

Because just as he was thinking, another big thing happened!

The bell and Drum Tower in the city of Daliang rings twelve times at a sudden quarter past five o'clock!

The twelve bells and drums in the inner city represent only one thing.

The frontier is defeated!

Qin Murong missed half a beat in his heart.

Go to the window and watch the night outside.

Although there are no lanterns in this world, new year is coming, and every household has put up lanterns. Some are lit, while others are not. It reflects the whole red area of Daliang City, as if Blood light!


After the twelve rings of bells and drums, all the officials in Daliang city must rush to the main hall of the palace to decide the countermeasures.

It's like an army gathering.

Other ministers put on their clothes, shoes and socks and ran to the palace.

Qin Murong is different.

He took off his official robe and changed into a light silver armor. He wore a phoenix tail Luo Xiang crown on his head. He stepped on cloud swallowing golden beast seal boots. He wore a jade belt of wind 28 spirits on his waist. He wore hand armor with both hands and held the sword eastward!

Two hundred soldiers are fully armed.

The rest of the people, including Qin Murong's family members, took all of them. Needless to say, even Jiang Wufu was dragged out of her home in the outer city, and Jiang Xiaoyu joined the team with her family.

So this group of people, with the different eyes of all people, went straight to the palace gate.

The officials fled in panic. It seems that It's like a rebellion!

The guards at the gate of the palace were nervous.

One of them ran to Qin Murong's body and asked in a cold sweat, "Lord Qin, what are you doing?"

Qin Murong said in a deep voice: "protect yourself and protect the palace by the way. After all, if there is chaos, it should be the safest place."

"Chaos? What do you want to do... "

Qin Murong sighed and said: "if I say that today's risk is great, there may be raids by thieves, and the whole city of Daliang will be in danger. As a guard, you are naturally the first to bear the brunt. Someone in Dongli wants to make trouble. Don't you know that? Isn't it true that no one is preaching in private? "

The Guard officer was startled. He approached Qin Murong and said in a low voice, "is the news reliable? My lord

"I don't know. This is my guess. If not, it's the best. If there is Where there are many people, there is safety! "

"Yes More people should be safer... "

The Guard officer hesitated.

Qin Murong took advantage of the heat to fight the railway: "you can apply now in case there is any change here, so you need to send more people. At that time, thousands of people will gather here, even if the thieves make trouble Hey, I'm afraid I can't run here, right? "

The Guard officer's eyes brightened, but darkened again, and said, "good is good, but it's the duty to guard the palace gate..."

"You are stupid!" Qin Murong rolled his eyes and scolded him directly. He said, "if there are thieves coming, they will not attack us. On the other hand, we are safe. We have preserved our strength. If the thieves really break into the palace, we can go to the camp to rescue us. We are numerous and powerful. Maybe we can get some credit!"

"Well? I'm not sure

This is really a good way. The Guard officers immediately went to do it.

Sure enough, when they reported the incident to the higher authorities, they didn't blame Qin Murong for bringing soldiers' armour. Instead, they really increased the deployment and brought in 3000 forbidden guards, which probably occupied half of the forbidden guards in the imperial palace.

The Guard officer was very happy, and Qin Murong was also very happy. He was smiling and didn't look like a good man.

A group of officials have a lingering fear and want to be far away from Qin Murong.

Two hundred soldiers look fierce. It's a matter of momentum.

At the beginning of the court meeting, the Guard officer thought for a moment, and even let 200 soldiers enter the palace gate to set up defense at the palace gate.Qin Murong gently laughed, nodded to the Guard officer, and said, "you will surely be promising in the future, if you get through this disaster."

Such decisiveness is really rare.

Generally, in this situation, people's first choice is never to make mistakes. They simply don't care about anything, which is better than anything.

And this guy obviously has the guts.

Before Baiguan entered, his majesty heard about Qin Murong.

He could not help getting angry and muttering: "this smelly boy, I went to see him personally when he was seriously ill, but he didn't come to see me when he got well. What does he mean?"

The eunuch was embarrassed and did not dare to speak.

After scolding for a while, his majesty suddenly sighed and said, "this boy is very sorry for his life. As a result, someone really poisoned him. Now there is something happening in the north. I'm afraid there will be chaos in Daliang city Ah, the bug doesn't know whether he is alive or dead. Why doesn't he have any letter? "

When all the officials entered the palace and the eunuch presented the war report, we all knew what had happened in Northern Xinjiang.

Three hundred thousand soldiers and horses of the Northern Qi Dynasty suddenly made a surprise attack, one hundred thousand attracted the attention of the northern border city, and the other two hundred thousand went straight into the hinterland from the secret Road, beating the northern border all over!

The most important town is Beiyu city.

Although it is a small city, it is the only way for Daliang's inland and Northern Xinjiang!

So this is where the food and grass are supplied.

Now the food and grass are cut off, and there is no way out. The city of Northern Xinjiang has become a dead city, and it's only a matter of time before the people inside are trapped. The only thing we can do now is to break through the encirclement, but we have failed to break through the encirclement for three times in a row. In this third time, we only sent a messenger to bring this information back.

After reading the war report, everyone was silent, and no one dared to speak.

This matter Big one!

Now what?

In fact, we all know and understand what we can do, so there is no need to say at all.

Sure enough, your majesty took a deep breath and said, "I've sent someone to dispatch the garrison of Beicheng and unite with the guard of Weicheng. The total amount is 150000. I'll set out in the starry night and rush to Beiyu city in the north. I'm sure to take back Beiyu city and open a gap in the north so that the people and horses in Northern Xinjiang can withdraw."

After a moment of silence, he said, "I was going to fight in person..."

"Your Majesty, you must not

Without waiting for half of the speech, Qi Wanshi, the prime minister, jumped out directly, knelt down on the ground and prayed loudly.

Immediately, civil and military officials fell to their knees.

His majesty twitched his eyes and said, "I said that I had planned to go in person, but now the state of Daliang is undergoing post disaster reconstruction and the new year is drawing near. I must personally preside over the sacrifice to reassure the people. So I sent the Taiwei to go this time, hoping to win the victory."

Taiwei took a step forward, arched his hand and said, "I will live up to your Majesty's entrustment."

The old man in his sixties was shaking his hands, his body and his voice.

Everywhere he expressed his feelings at this time Excited!

As a Taiwei, he ranks among the three generals. He is on an equal footing with the prime minister. He is the first military officer in the world!

But before that, there was the red sleeve army, and now there is Dazhu, the hero of the world, and he becomes More and more transparent, as if the most unimportant person on the court is him.

Xiao Zhan, the word goes back to the north.

The family's high hopes for him have been fulfilled by others, as if He is nothing but a Taiwei.

Of course, in Qin Murong's opinion, what he thought in his heart was too low self-esteem.

Xiao Zhan is very strong. He is strong in training and fighting. The whole state of Daliang, even the state of Dazhu, has been defeated twice. This time, I'm afraid it's three times. However, Xiao Zhan has never been defeated in his whole life!

Of course, he didn't fight too many happy battles in his life, most of them were defensive.

Guard here, guard there.

He is the first defending general since the founding of the people's Republic of China.

I'm afraid it's going to be written in history books.

He was equally distinguished and respected, but he didn't like it.

Today, India leads 150000 soldiers to fight in the north, and even more to save Dazhu This kind of thing, no wonder he is not excited.

Respectfully and ceremonially, he received his Majesty's military order and immediately turned to the two barracks.

As for the other officials, they talked with his majesty about more detailed matters.

For example, when troops are mobilized from all over the country, where they can be transferred, how many they can be transferred, where they can't be transferred, and how to appease them All kinds of details are put together for the most important conclusion.

How many people, how much money, how long and to what end can Daliang fight this northern war!

It's all about talking about perfection.

From midnight, we talked about the light.

Worried that the civil and military officials would come back home and come back, they were a little tired, so they directly arranged a place in the palace for all the officials to have a rest there.It's just a simple blanket, and there are some maids in waiting on it. Washing and gargling are all problems.

After a half day's rest, there was another court meeting in the afternoon.

At the end of the evening, they still didn't let Baiguan go home.

All officials don't want to go home. Everyone has some ideas and wants to let his majesty know all of them. This is also a kind of achievement.

If we don't show it now, when will we wait? Now that the country is in trouble, it is time for them to give full play to their intelligence!

Qin Murong didn't say anything from the beginning to the end. He just asked Jia Fugui to bring enough food for 200 soldiers. The palace didn't prepare so much for them. These guys, one person's appetite is equal to five or six ordinary people. That's one can eat. They are all big stomach King level.

At first, some officials who were tired and had no appetite saw these guys eating, so they also had an appetite. They could only eat a small bowl, but now they absolutely want a big bowl.

So three days passed.

Cui Lao is also among the officials. He would chat with Qin Murong in his spare time.

Qin Murong asked at this time: "now whether it is the edge of Daliang city or Weicheng city guards, should have rushed to the front line?"

"Well," Mr. Cui nodded and said, "three days is enough time for these guys to prepare for the front line. At this time, I'm afraid they have already driven out for hundreds of miles."

"So fast?"

"These two legions were originally meant to deal with emergencies. Whether they were guarding the city of Daliang or sending troops temporarily, they were always ready. Now that such a big thing has happened, plus your Majesty's orders, is there any reason why the Taiwei is not happy to lead the troops?"

"Well So it is

Qin Murong nodded and agreed with this view.

Then he sighed, "well, it's really fast."

"What do you mean?"

"Mr. Cui, no matter what happens after that, you must be by my side, understand?"

"What? What's going to happen? "

Cui Lao a face of nervous, don't know Qin Murong's meaning.

Qin Murong looked around and said, "don't worry about the others. Just remember that you must be by my side."

Cui laoleng for a long time, then nodded, said: "don't worry, even if it is to cause disaster, I have been with you, OK?"

Qin Murong nodded, a little relieved.

Just when the court meeting was going on, your Majesty was talking about defending the Southern Jin Dynasty. A guard came out of the door and said nervously, "Your Majesty, the southern gate is on fire!"

They rushed out of the palace and looked to the south. Sure enough, half of the sky was red with the fire!

"This What should we do? What's going on? Is it not that the new year's Day candle has gone away? "

Some officials immediately became nervous and analyzed the reasons by the way.

This kind of thing is most prone to disaster. Every year, every family places lanterns and burns them at least once.

Your majesty has no way to ban the lantern tradition, but to make the patrol camp more vigilant.

But today, just looking at the fire, it is a little big.

Qin Murong's eyelids picked, ran directly out of the official team, and hid among the 200 soldiers.

Cui Lao ran faster than him. He turned to see his majesty and ran with Qin Murong.

His majesty frowned and said in a deep voice, "what's the matter?"

No one can give him a clear answer.

It's very far from the south gate. No one knows what's going on there.

After a while, another Guard officer reported: "the water dragon teams in each square have passed. Although the fire is big, it should be put out soon. Your majesty doesn't need to worry."

Less than a quarter of an hour later, another one rushed over and yelled, "Your Majesty, some thieves have mixed into the crowd and infected the water dragon team. They are setting fire wantonly! The patrol camp has been set out, but there are too many thieves, and A steady stream of them

An officer rushed directly over and said to the point, "Your Majesty, the south gate is broken!"

His Majesty's eyes twitched violently, but he still stood on the high platform in front of the hall, squinting at the fire in the south.

The officials were in a bit of a mess, and they all looked around in a panic.

Some of them, who had experienced the disaster for decades, were squatting on the ground with their heads covered. They were almost frantically muttering: "here we are again. How come again? If the ghost does not die, it really does

The military officers went directly to the guard and robbed their weapons. One by one, they came to his majesty and looked at the gate with their swords. They looked loyal and righteous.

Of course, Qin Murong is not loyal.

In the middle of the 200 soldiers' armour, he kept reaching out and patting his chest and said, "I wish I had run, but I didn't expect it to come! What the hell is to be done? "

Looking at a small soldier nearby, he asked with a sad face: "little, what can you do? Can you protect me? I'm afraid there are a lot of people coming here. There are thousands of people in the patrol camp, but they are all solved by the thieves. The number of thieves is much more than I expected! "The wind snorted a little, and then took off her armor, revealing her short dress and a long sword in her hand. She rubbed the feather on her hat, and then said, "the palace is so big, it's no problem to save you, but there are so many people here, I'm afraid it's impossible to save all of them."

"Ah? Xiaobai, Xiaolan, my daughter-in-law and sister-in-law, plus... "

"Well, well, you can only save two at most, but you can't get in the way."

"Then..." Qin Murong, full of cold sweat, quickly asked: "if you want to save, how can you do it?"

Feng Xiaoxiao really thought about it seriously and asked, "do you really want to save everyone?"


"Well, I see."

He said he understood, but did not say the specific method.

In the face of Qin Murong's puzzled eyes, Feng Xiaoxiao just takes out a piece of cloth from her arms and carefully twines it around her two wrists.

Then he squatted on the ground, landing on his toes and breathing deeply.

Qin Murong did not understand what she was doing, but had to smile bitterly.

Then I watched the direction of the Palace door nervously.

All the way to the palace gate, the hall is the farthest away, but there is no barrier in the middle. You can see it at a glance.

At this time, there were a lot of guards around the palace gate. Although his majesty didn't speak, the necessary means of defense were used.

The huge gate of the palace was closed, a few people could not lift the crossbars inserted in the bolt, and a dozen people carried two long logs, one with a copper nail on the top of the door, the other with a groove on the ground.

Qin Murong remembered that he had looked at the palace gate seriously.

The wood, at least three feet thick, was a very strong wood, and it was inlaid with copper nails in a certain direction. The copper nails were smooth and strong.

As long as the door is closed, there is no way to open it by ordinary means.

The gate was closed, the guards were guarding, the defense facilities were complete, and even the bowmen had stood in a row on the palace wall.

Such a layout makes all civil and military officials feel relieved.

A feeling of being deeply protected is reassuring.

Now they are no longer worried about their own safety, but about their family outside.

If these thieves run to their own houses to burn, kill and rob, what should they do?

One by one, I was anxious to scratch my heart and liver.

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