All the way north, every passing a city, there will be people from Qin's caravan to send enough supplies.

Because the training cost along the way is actually a lot.

Half the way, half the baggage has been eaten.

Even those footmen feel incredible, their appetite is increasing day by day, they will be scared by their eating!

The advantages of the Qin caravans are reflected. On the one hand, they are really rich. On the other hand, they are all over all regions. There is no gap at all.

Every time he goes to a city, Qin Murong will take a two-day rest. During the two days, it is also a time to let the footmen rest. Even the horses need a proper rest to digest the results of this period of exercise.

It's hard to get the rest time. All people want to do is sleep.

The Qin caravan has provided enough space for more than 20000 people to live in, and even guaranteed that everyone could take a hot bath.

But when they rush into the room, the first and only thing they do is sleep.

Lying there casually, there was a purr in an instant, and there was no scene in the middle.

Qin Murong is also tired from the journey. In fact, he is a coach Even if the carriage is the softest now, even more comfortable than your Majesty's, it will be tired when it is rickety.

After being supplied with medicine from all over the world, Qin Murong fell asleep in the tall building.

So gradually northward, a few days a city, a city is a few days.

One month passed, two months passed, but they still did not reach their destination.

In fact, Qin Murong didn't even know how far the city of Daliang was from northern Xinjiang. Before he arrived, he couldn't help looking for a leopard and asked, "how long will it take to get there? It's a lot farther than I thought. "

The leopard said quickly, "I don't know if I've been here in the future. In fact, I'm almost there. According to the present speed, I can get to Beiyu city in another month."

Qin Murong's eyes twitched twice.

Said: "good guy, this trip to northern Xinjiang, it took a quarter of time, and if it goes on like this, it will be hot."

"The leopard said:" in fact, if the horse is fast, we can arrive in seven days, but we... "

"You mean I'm delayed?"

"No, no!"

The leopard said quickly.

He knew that these days Qin Murong's temper became more and more big, it should be because of the journey, let him feel bored.

Moreover, the more northward it goes, the more desolate it is. There is no beautiful scenery, and the road becomes rugged. Frankly speaking, it is uncomfortable to ride in a carriage.

He quickly lowered his head. If he was not careful and was beaten by Qin Murong, it would be too bad.

Seeing that the leopard was "not on the road", Qin Murong said, "OK, let's go down. By the way, let the cavalry practice harder. We are going to the place soon. We need them to do it."

"Here it is

The leopard retreated, could not help wiping a cold sweat, and then walked while muttering: "it seems that the weather is a little hot, but where can I get ice?"

Thinking of "cooling" Qin Murong, it's sad for the leopard.

Another day, the cavalry who trained scouts came back. During the meal, a man joked that there was a forest twenty miles east, and there was a big house in the forest. He rode around and passed in front of the house, but the other side didn't find himself.

He was bragging about his scouting methods, but he was listened to by the intentional leopard.

In an instant, the leopard rushed over and held the cavalry in one hand, just like carrying a chicken.

"What's the matter? Is there a forest or a house near here? What forest is it? What kind of house is it? "

The cavalry was frightened, and his face turned blue. He cried in a trembling voice, "I said, I said, don't Don't hit me in the face

It seems that the matter of being beaten has been confirmed.

The leopard frowned and said, "who said to beat you? Cut the crap and say it

"Twenty miles to the East, the forest is very big. I don't know what kind of tree it is. Anyway, the whole forest is a kind of tree. It looks very beautiful and the house is very big."

"The same trees? Is there no clutter? "


The leopard's eyes lit up immediately and yelled: "the order will go down, the army will get up immediately, change the route and head east! The destination is the forest You lead the way

The cavalry scout was thrown on the ground and his butt was numb.

He got up quickly, got on his horse and led the way.

He didn't dare to procrastinate. As soon as the leopard's order went down, the whole army could move in a uniform manner within a quarter of an hour. If he didn't lead the way, he was afraid that he would be beaten again.

Sure enough, they rode the horse and raised their whip. The speed was really a little fast. The journey of 20 Li was very short.And the people in the manor were scared out of their wits when they saw this scene!

A servant immediately ran to the master's house.

At this time, two people, one old and one young, were sitting in the courtyard, and the genuine tea was still in sight.

The servant came in a panic, which made the old man embarrassed. He frowned and asked, "what's so flustered?"

The servant immediately said in a loud voice: "tell the master, big The big deal is not good! There was a group of soldiers and horses running towards here, all of them were fierce, especially the cavalry who took the lead! I'm scared to death

Startled, the old man subconsciously reached out to protect the young man, and asked in a trembling voice, "how many people are there?"

"Thousands! It's more than ten thousand! There must be a lot of black lacquer. "

"This What can we do? What's going on? Why are there soldiers here? Why? "

The old man was a little flustered.

The young man was calm. He took a cup of tea and said, "don't panic. Let's first ask what's going on. This is the hinterland of the state of Daliang. Suddenly there are cavalry Enemy or friend I'm not sure

"Gong What the young master said is that I'm going to ask someone to explore. "

As a result, without waiting to send people, another servant ran in and said in a loud voice, "we are out of the woods, coming straight at us. They are surrounded by a carriage, which is very luxurious!"

"Now who cares if the carriage is luxurious? Really, how can you... "

The old man was angry and wanted to scold him, but he was stopped by the young man behind him.

The young man touched his chin and said, "luxury carriage? Well Military protection? Ha ha, it's a little interesting. "

He stood up and said with a smile, "I'll go to the back and have a rest first. You're good to entertain the distinguished guests outside. I think They didn't come for me. "


The old man looked flustered and didn't know what to do.

Since the young man spoke, he could only sigh helplessly, and then led the servants to the gate of the manor.

Cavalry in the front, separated word by word, instantly surrounded the whole manor.

Behind them were the soldiers, chariots and horses. They all stopped in a slightly open place in the forest, and took out their own weapons. They looked like they were going to fight soon.

The old man couldn't help shivering. He muttered in his heart that those who come are not good, and those who are good don't come. Then he walked out of the main door with a smile on his face and said with a smile: "I don't know Is that the adult who came to the little old man's manor? Please don't blame me for my impoliteness if I haven't met you far away. "

Qin Murong's carriage came slowly. Qin Murong frowned. Instead of saying to the old man, he asked the leopard, "what are you doing? If you don't take a good route, why don't you run into the woods? Why? Is there another manor here? "

Just about to get angry, Qin Murong saw the vast manor and the woods outside.

When I first entered the forest, I just thought it was ordinary.

But looking out from the gate of the manor, I found that these woods were planted according to a certain orientation. It's not that it's a kind of array, but that it's in line with aesthetics and can make people feel like a green path.

"It's nice here."

Qin Murong's anger came down slowly, and then took a deep breath. He immediately gave a smile and said, "what tree is this? There is also a delicate smell, which smells very comfortable. "

The leopard's heart immediately released, secretly wiped the sweat on his forehead, and then immediately rushed to the gate of the manor, squinted and said to the manor owner, "don't you hear me? My son wants to know what kind of trees are planted here. "

"Why?" Qin Murong frowned and said, "I said leopard, what's your attitude? He is obviously a good man. How can you be as fierce as a bandit? Is that what I usually teach you? "

The leopard quickly turned around to make amends and smile, then secretly turned his head, a face of threat, and even patted a waist knife, meaning unknown.

The old man was frightened and said, "this is This is green fragrant bamboo... "

Qin Murong was stunned for a moment and said curiously, "bamboo? It's not like that. There are no knots on the stem, and the leaves are broad. What's the relationship with bamboo? "

He was curious to touch the bamboos, but he was in the carriage and had to be carried in a wheelchair to get down.

The leopard immediately became nervous and glared at Qin Murong's armor.

The other side reacted, rushed to the side, and a knife flashed out. A green fragrant bamboo directly broke from the root. The tall and thick bamboo fell down abruptly. The man directly put up his hands to fight against it. He carried the whole bamboo which was afraid to weigh a thousand kilograms. Then he walked back to Qin Murong and put the bamboo in front of him.

Qin Murong glared at him and said, "it's a pity that such a good thing can be cut off if it's cut off."

But even though he said that, the movement of his hand didn't change. He felt it curiously, then his eyes lit up and said, "it's really beautiful! Smooth surface, green frost, is not it bamboo? I'll look inside! "The soldier's armour cut the bamboo into two sections. One section was three feet long and the other was one foot wide. It was handed to Qin Murong respectfully.

Qin Murong took it with a smile. It's very heavy, but it's not as heavy as he imagined, because it's really empty in the middle!

Just like bamboo!

Qin Murong's eyes were bright again, and he said with a smile: "tall and straight as a front, swaying not loose, open-minded as a valley, water waves not startled! Sure enough, it's bamboo. Good bamboo

Qin Murong's happy, leopard see in the eyes, excited said: "childe, since childe like, cut all these bamboo, with it."


Qin Murong rolled his eyes and said, "it's hard for us to carry the grain and grass, but we still have some bamboo with us? What's more, people are growing up here. You are going to be cut down in your life. How can the dead have the living? Now this section is in my hands. It's wood. It's a tree born here. How can wood compare to the beauty of trees? I really don't know anything about elegance. "

"Yes, sir, the lesson is..." The leopard thought for a moment, and then said, "it's better to transplant this bamboo forest to the courtyard of Daliang city or the village of Qin family, so that the young master can appreciate it all the time."

"Well?" Qin Murong was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile, "this is a good way. I really like these bamboo, but No way. The most important thing in life is not to win people's love. Even if it's given by the other party, it's either under duress or with a big profit plan. You can't take it. "


The leopard sighed helplessly. To tell the truth, he just wanted to turn his head and threaten the old man.

Qin Murong bowed his hand to the old man and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, father-in-law. I have some rude people under my command. Please don't blame me for any offence. I'll teach them a lesson later. But it doesn't look like bamboo, but actually it is. It's really a rare species. "

When the old man saw that they were cutting bamboo, he was distressed at first, but suddenly he was shocked when he saw the power of each other.

Why didn't he know that Daliang still had such an army?

Now we can only treat each other as martial arts experts. After all, it's normal for such a rich family to have several experts to protect them.

However, when Qin Murong inquired about the situation of the bamboo, he immediately came to the spirit and said, "it's like wood, not wood, not bamboo. It's fragrant in spring and proud in winter. It's a very rare species. My father found one when he was young. After decades of hard work, he had this bamboo forest. My father loved it very much, and the little old man loved it too much. "

Qin Murong said with admiration: "for decades, thousands of plants have grown out of one plant. It's interesting for your family. The hard work alone is enough to make people admire you."

"Young master, I admire you! Ha ha, ha ha

The old man seemed very happy, but the leopard was not so happy. He looked around, then came up to him and whispered, "is this the place to talk? The water in the forest is heavy. If you catch a cold... "

He also stretched out his fist, squeezed it hard and made a click.

The old man quickly said, "Oh, look what happened to me? How can you let your guests talk at the door? Please come in and have a cup of hot tea to warm yourself up! "

It's not summer yet. In the evening, it's still a bit cool.

The manor is as simple and elegant as imagined, with birds singing and flowers fragrance. In particular, there is an artificial waterscape in the middle of the manor. There are some plants in the water. The leaves are very big and lush, and there are various kinds of fish swimming under it. It will give people an excellent feeling with the bright stones under the pool.

Coincidentally, as soon as Qin Murong was pushed into the courtyard, it began to rain.

Qin Murong did not dare to arrange meals for him in the room.

It rained from evening till midnight.

Qin Murong's cabin is on the edge of the pond. The foundation is supported by wooden columns to isolate the water vapor from the ground. Therefore, even if he lives near the water, the room will not be too wet. In addition, there is a small fire platform in the middle of the room, in which there is always charcoal fire burning, keeping the room dry and warm.

The breeze is gentle and warm.

Outside, the rain beat on the wide leaves in the pool, and there was a sound of popping. There were metal carvings on the four corners of the house, and the rain jingled, and there were debris, and the rain ticked

All kinds of sounds blend into a natural scenery.

It's not noisy, it's peaceful.

Another servant came out from the backyard and placed a water proof cover on the stone platform beside the pond. Inside, he lit a candle light. The candle light diffused. With the misty rain, it created an immortal atmosphere.

Qin Murong watched the beautiful scenery for a while. He was covered with a thick blanket, and his exposed arm was also gently held by Xiao Lan, slowly kneading to activate blood circulation.

After a while, Qin Murong fell asleep.

The fatigue of the journey dissipates in the symphony of the rain and the warm wind

I wake up the next morning.It's very bright.

There was a morning mist floating on the pond.

When the rain stops, a little cold air comes in from the outside. When you take a breath, you will feel that the seven orifices are smooth and refreshing.

But Qin Murong didn't want to get up. He shrunk down and put his chin into the blanket. He was still ready to sleep.

It was not the morning air that called him up, but the birds that came from nowhere.

In a daze, Qin Murong couldn't help feeling: "this family, I'm afraid it's a few generations of scholarly, the elegant taste of life, is 100%, such a life, even his majesty can't enjoy."

After another hour's sleep, Qin Murong slowly opened his eyes, grinned and said softly, "I'm a little hungry."

This sentence makes the leopard who has been guarding outside the window all night happy.

He reached out and patted the leg of his trousers, which was wet by the dew. Then he rushed to the main room of the host's house. Before he went in, he yelled, "my son is hungry. Prepare some wine and vegetables quickly!"

Xiaobai and Xiaolan are also very happy. During this period of time, their childe's appetite is getting worse and worse, and his face is getting worse and worse.

Even if there is a hotbed to warm the car, it's tiring after all. He After all, I was injured!

That damned leopard, usually like a door god pillar, always feel in the way, but now it has finally done a good thing.

Xiaobai thinks about it, then reaches out his hand and rubs Qin Murong's calf slowly.

If you don't move for too long, your muscles will atrophy.

They don't have to go out to take care of the food, because it comes naturally.

The old man didn't come. Instead, some beautiful maidservants came. They soon arranged the food and wine on the table. Just looking at the color, it was very attractive.

Qin Murong got together, and no matter whether it was suitable or not, he ate it.

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