The wind small worry of saw Qin Murong one eye.

I looked at the pursuer again.

She went there just now, killed several people and robbed the legs of the horse, but also suffered some minor injuries, so she couldn't kill them all.

So now they have the smell of blood. The Yinshan wolf should run there.

But There's a fire on their side, too!

Beasts are afraid of fire, which comes from their nature and represents their awe of nature.

When human beings regard the flame as the symbol of their civilization for the first time, it means that the awe of nature gradually dissipates, and without awe, it will eventually become hostility.

Yinshan wolf, the follower of nature, seems to represent nature now, and wants to judge the resister of nature.

Every time they call, the little heart of the wind sinks.

Now Qin Murong Don't move!

So it is obviously impossible to escape behind his back. It seems impossible to deal with the wolves behind his back. The only thing we can do is to guard him here.

She put her arms around him, sword in her hands.

Listening to the sound around, I couldn't help praying.

It was the first time in her life that she prayed.

She had never prayed for anything even in the face of death for countless times, even in the next second, because she knew that there were no gods and Buddhas in the sky, and even if there were, she would not believe them.

But now, she's praying.

Pray that Qin Murong can get through this difficulty.

In the distance, there came the scream of the pursuers and the howl of the horses, but the wolf seemed very silent, completely like a calm killing machine.

Soon, the noise is over. Now the pursuers are fleeing in other directions, taking advantage of the speed of the horses to avoid the attack of the wolves. But it also means that many of them will stay there forever and become food for the wolves.

After a while, rows of green light spots in the night, after all, surrounded by small wind.

Feng Xiaoxiao sighed helplessly, stood up from the ground, waved his double swords, and said in a cold voice: "sure enough, no one can protect you in front of life and death."

The first wolf rushed up.

It should be a trial.

Steady and fast.

With a wave of the one handed sword, Feng Xiaoxiao With a cry, the wolf fell to the ground, blood gushing from his neck.

It gasps hard, the frequency is slower and slower, and finally it quiets down and becomes dead.

The death of a wolf is not the end, but the beginning of the attack!

Their hunting experience tells them that if one can't do it, they will go to a group!

Wolves are more difficult than men.

Small wind has the most intuitive feeling.

People are like this. If someone dies miserably around them, even if they are masters, they will have a moment of hesitation and fear. They will subconsciously choose to escape. Only after fighting with their own heart, they will surpass themselves and start to attack.

But wolves are different.

They are pure.

Wait and see is wait and see, threat is threat, attack Attack!

I never thought about life and death.

Come up, that's all!

Even if the throat is cut, as long as they have a breath, as long as they haven't been lifted too far, they will open their mouths and bite the target for the first time.

Bite, even if it is dead, they will not let go, how also want to tear off a piece of meat.

Feng Xiaogong is high, but There is no dead end to the attack of wolves.

There are always places she can't guard against, and she kills most people. Wild animals are always different from people.

Injuries are inevitable.

In a flash of Kung Fu, the front is already full of wolf corpses, but the rest of the wolves are still attacking.

Until a moment, the number of wolves has been reduced to half, only a few dozen, wolves suddenly retreat, and scattered.

There was no retreat, just a way out.

A white wolf.

Absolutely beautiful.

And huge!

It is more than twice as big as the other wolves. There is no hair of other colors all over its body. Its vigorous body can be seen under the thick white hair.

It walked out slowly and came on the stage like a king. With a deep roar, all the wolves stepped back again.

The next moment.

Or the next moment, white wolf suddenly rushed up, like a white lightning, the moment to the wind little side.

Feng Xiaoxiao's double swords were waved, but his movements were affected because of too many injuries. His speed was less than 30% of what he used to be, but it was fast enough. At least it was wrong for a wolf.


This is not an ordinary wolf.

In a flash, the wolf and the man separated.

Wind small shoulder immediately burst out a tent of blood.And the White Wolf turned around, the bright red color on his mouth compared with the white hair, so abrupt and eye-catching.

The wind faltered and nearly fell.

She bit her teeth, stabbed a sword in the sand, pulled out the ribbon to bind her arm, but she looked at the White Wolf for a moment.

Feng Xiaoxiao knows that the situation she is facing now is a near death.

Unfortunately, he did not build a safe sky for Qin Murong before he died.

But just at this time, when the white wolf was about to continue to attack, Feng Xiao was stunned.

She turned and looked behind the white wolf.

White Wolf noticed her eyes. He didn't know whether it was because of curiosity or doubt. He also turned his head and looked back


It saw a pair of eyes more like beasts than beasts!

Qin Murong wakes up from his stupor. The high fever makes his mind unclear.

The body doesn't seem to be its own, but the soul It doesn't seem to be his own.

That only belongs to the nature, without any modification of the hidden things, completely revealed.

So he got up slowly and took a step forward.

The White Wolf didn't know why. He lowered his head and stepped back.

The tail, which had been cocked up, drooped down and stuck tightly to the hind legs to keep up.

Qin Murong took another step forward.

White Wolf continues to retreat.

Qin Murong narrowed his eyes and aimed at it from above, "eh?" He let out a cry.

Then go on, white wolf no longer retreat.

Let him stretch out his hand, support it on the head, and then also gently rubbed.

"Dog, monkey."

White Wolf's limbs trembled madly, and his body was lower. Finally, he fell on the ground directly.

The rest of the wolves saw that their wolf king was defeated, so they immediately scattered and ran away without stopping for a moment.

The wind is blinking.

To tell the truth, when Qin Murong just woke up, she also saw each other's eyes, and at that moment, she was afraid!

In her life, she only saw that kind of look in one person's eyes, that is, the leader of the organization, who will not come back once in a few years!

And this kind of eyes appear on a weak person, it seems a little strange.

But she didn't want to think that much.

White wolf king was subdued, and now unable to resist, now the most important thing is to quickly take advantage of it can not react, from behind to kill it!

But just quietly leaning over, Qin Murong suddenly turned over and his whole body was lying on the white wolf. At this time, the white wolf was more like a less flat but absolutely soft and warm mattress, which was spread on the ground by Qin Murong.

Feng xiaoleng was stunned for a moment. Then he put away his sword and sighed. He went to pick up the clothes on the ground and covered Qin Murong's body. He found that he was asleep and his breathing was gradually stable. It was obvious that the fever had gradually subsided, and his heart relaxed.

He turned his head and looked at the body of the wolf on the ground, and said happily: "it seems that the next food That's enough. "

Half a night, plus a day, moonlight downwind small has been busy.

The skin of the wolf was stripped off and spread out in the sand. The meat was cut into small pieces and tied up with the cut leather. She chose the fat and thin meat. This kind of meat can stand corruption better than the whole lean meat. It's a pity that she can only choose to give up the rest.

When Qin Murong wakes up, Feng Xiaoxiao is drying the leather at a distance of 100 meters, but he knows it for the first time.

Because of Qin Murong's scream.

Quickly ran past a look, found Qin Murong is hiding in the corner of the stone wall, trembling pointed to lie in front of the big white wolf.

"You Where did you get that? This It's too big! I'm afraid it weighs hundreds of Jin. It's much bigger than a tiger! "

The wind small canthus twitched for a while, thought for a long time then said: "Oh, on the road suddenly met, caught."

"You You're so powerful! Can such a big wolf be caught? How wonderful

Qin Murong looked adored, then quietly leaned over and asked in a low voice: "that May I touch it? "

Wind small novel way: "yesterday you all embrace a night, now still afraid of what touch?"

"That's true Oh, when I wake up, I feel warm and soft, and I can move! Then I saw it. I was scared to death! But Why is this guy so big? My God, bigger than the polar wolf, good guy, good guy, it's really scary

Then he reached out and rubbed it, only to find that the White Wolf didn't resist at all, so he rubbed harder.

White Wolf is a pitiful look, just lying there, let Shi Wei feel, there is a kind of no matter how you move me, anyway, I just don't move I'm in a good mood.Qin Murong thought for a moment, and then said: "such a big guy must eat a lot, but we only have one leg..."

"We can eat wolf meat," Feng said

"Ah? You Are you going to eat it? "

Feng Xiao rolled his eyes, pointed to the front and said, "we can eat the meat there, as long as we roast it."

"Oh Oh, and wolf meat... "

At this point, Qin Murong was stunned. He stood up and walked forward for a few steps. Suddenly, he felt greasy under his feet. On the ground, the sand like floating soil was trampled open, and inside was the blood that had become black, some of which were not solidified and sticky.

He quickly raised his head, looked at Feng Xiaoxiao had put on the red clothes, then sighed and said: "you Injured again? "

"It's nothing. It's just a small injury."

"Will you change your clothes for a minor injury?"


"Well, forget it. Anyway, I can't do anything now. Let's Go and make a fire, and get rid of all the meat, or it's still trouble. "

"Yes You can wait here. "

Wind small left, not a moment back, but pulling a horse's body!

And then go, and then come back, again and again, take back more and more things.

After a while, it piled up into a hill.

Saddle reins or something, with hay burning, make the campfire bigger, directly open fire barbecue, as long as the outside is scorched, it doesn't matter whether it's raw or not.

And big white wolf, at this time, showed its role.

Since it is big, it should be used as a horse!

When the meat is done, the skin is done, and the skin is used as a package to bind the meat directly on the back of the big white wolf.

He even changed it into a "wolf saddle" with flattery.

Big white wolf is very aggrieved, but also helpless.

Fear, from the, and then eat other people's things, what dignity is not dignity, life and death in front of small things!

With the load, they can bring more things. The only thing they lack is that Qin Murong can't climb up to the big white wolf. The load of more than 100 Jin can keep them going for many days. As for how Qin Murong walks, Feng Xiaoxiao wants to carry him, but Qin Murong insists on walking by himself.

Chest injury, good almost, after all, is not above the limbs, does not affect activity, as long as no weight-bearing words, nothing.

As for not let the wind back A wounded person, she can bear, Qin Murong can not bear!

Besides, after the battle, Qin Murong felt that he should take some exercise.

To tell you the truth, Qin Murong's idea of physical exercise disappeared all of a sudden since he was surrounded by fengxiao and 200 soldiers.

Now he has nothing. Even if Feng Xiaoxiao is around, he thinks that he should help others, at least It's good not to be a burden.

Walking in the desert is one of the best ways to exercise.


Two talents have been moving forward for a day, and new problems have come.

Food is enough, but what about water?

Feng Xiaoxiao has nothing to do with it.

Qin Murong had seen the clip of how to survive in the desert on TV, so every time he walked, he would lie on the ground and dig a hole to see if there was wet sand in it.

At the end of the day, the results were not very good.

Looking up at the horizon, and further forward, is the kind of complete desert.

There's nothing but sand.

In any desert, the area of this kind of place is not very large.

But it is also the most deadly!

Numerous sand dunes stand in the forest. Although the wind changes, there are no stones larger than the thumb in the whole area, let alone quicksand and so on.

It happened before, big white wolf walked behind, suddenly did not go, how did not go, looking at the front full of fear.

Wind small unknown, but Qin Murong but carefully forward to explore, this just found in front of the place actually has a quicksand.

It's a very small piece, about three feet in diameter and wide. It's all ordinary sand on the left and right. But only there, with Qin Murong's power, can all go down with one sword without the hilt!

If people fall in, the vitality is really small.

Fortunately, it wasn't a large area of quicksand, so they walked around easily.

The huge sand dunes in front of us are very troublesome.

There will be less quicksand, but the probability of survival is lower.

Even the wolf, which only lives in the desert, will not easily get close to here.

Feng Xiaoxiao also had a sad look. She turned her head and asked, "what should I do? We Go back? "

Qin Murong shook his head and said: "although the pursuers did not come on the surface, they may not be able to intercept."Looking around, he continued: "after all, there are tens of thousands of cavalry in the king's army. They will definitely send troops at the exit of the bitter desert. It's impossible for us to go out."

The wind sighed a little, said: "that can only go forward?"

"Yes, we have to go on."

Qin Murong gently smile, smile of some pain.

Because he lied.

In fact, it doesn't matter what the pursuers are or where they come in and are guarded.

Most importantly

They don't have any means of navigation. They don't even have a magnet. Qin Murong knows that he must be lost!

Endless desert, where is the front? Where is the back?

It's the same before and after.

When did it change direction? Is it a straight line?

Deserts, dense forests and oceans are all so serious that even if you see a cactus or a tree walking in a straight line, you will be hit, and then simply bypass such a thing

It's off course!

It's already lost!

Even if there is no such thing, we have to walk in a straight line, because human legs are not of the same length. Naturally, there will be an arc between the legs.

If the area is large enough, people walk around enough time, then a person will walk into a circle!

So Qin Murong didn't know whether he was going far away from the Royal Court of the Northern Qi Dynasty or close to the Royal Court of the Northern Qi Dynasty.

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