The tribe princess was frightened and said in a trembling voice: "how many people are there in our tribe? It's only sixty or seventy thousand Is it all right? "

"It's OK to come all the way, but it's better to have only labor force. After all, it's not a short distance from Nanjin to Daliang. Besides, it's better for young people to make money outside and old people and children to spend money at home."

"This That's true

"Besides," Jia Fugui said, "your tribe and other friendly tribes can send people to come here. More is better."

"But what on earth? It can't be... "

Tribal Princess subconsciously looked to the side, whispered: "is to be a soldier, you want to rebel?"

Jia Fugui rolled his eyes and said, "please, who is our childe? Rebellion? If he really wants to be in power, now he is the emperor of the northern Qin Dynasty! Do you need to wear bitter desert alone and walk thousands of miles with two people and one wolf? Don't you know your reputation? It's loyalty to save your friends in the northern expedition. The battle of Wangting is a long way away. That's loyalty. Now the childe is the pronoun of loyalty and the symbol of the backbone of Daliang! You said he was rebellious? Are you kidding? "

"So it is."

The tribal Princess giggled and asked, "what are you going to do? There are so many people in the state of Daliang who have to find money from the Southern Jin Dynasty to pay them back. Aren't there many people in the state of Daliang? "

"It's true that people in the state of Daliang lack some ability to endure hardships. Even if I'm from Daliang, I can't deny it. As for what to do Hehe, of course Build the road

"Building roads?"

"Yes, build a road, build a road From ancient times, the first way to open


Is it easy to build roads or to build canals?

Qin Murong is not very clear.

One is digging, digging all the time.

One is opening up, constantly opening up.

When you see mountains, you move mountains. When you see water, you cut off water.

They are the biggest projects to fight against nature!

Well done, I'm afraid I can see clearly even in the universe.

What a big project?

But he knows one thing.

People in this world It's so tough!

Xiaobai is a weak girl. It's as simple as catching a chicken in her hand to put a hundred or even several hundred jin thing in her hand.

Not to mention those in their prime?

This is the natural advantage of the world. Qin Murong has no reason not to use it.

So it takes many years to do it. He thinks that he can do it in a very short time by spending some money.

In fact It's really possible!

The key is that it is not as difficult to build this road as expected.

The difficulty of that road is nothing more than two mountains.

There are also paths in the mountains. It's much easier to turn the path into a road than to remove the whole mountain.

But there are also difficulties.

It's the road Qin Murong asked for. It's really wide. It's unimaginable!

Twenty carriages can go side by side. In the imagination of ordinary people, this is a fable.

But Qin Murong has such confidence.

The next few days are the third thing Jia Fugui needs to do.

A notice suddenly appeared in all the places where there were people in Daliang.

It's also very simple. As long as the Qin family's chamber of commerce is interested in recruiting workers, especially the idle people in the village, they can come to participate. As long as they can contribute, there are no other requirements.

As soon as the notice was sent out, Jia Fugui hid and went straight to a place where no one could find him. He squatted in it for at least ten days!

Because for the first time, the imperial court knew that several officials went to his majesty to complain without waiting for the meeting.

Your majesty has no choice but to ask the eunuch and Qin Murong to be accountable.

Qin Murong, on the other hand, is innocent and says that he doesn't know anything about it. For such a long time, Jia Fugui has been dealing with everything. It's also his idea and has nothing to do with him.

It's reasonable to sell people.

And it's well founded.

So the eunuch began to look for Jia Fugui, but he didn't find it.

Make your majesty endure anger until the great court meeting, and then slap the table and scold.

But also feel helpless.

Everyone is talking about what the Qin chamber of commerce is going to do.

But in fact, we all know about this. After all, the notice says well that it's about road construction.

But road construction Can't we move the foundation of our country?

Especially those local officials who have farming tasks every year. Now a large part of them are recruited by the Qin chamber of Commerce. Who will plant the fields?

Although the notice says idle people, but Under high pay, not idleness has become idleness!

Local officials complain, but they can't keep people. When they report to the cabinet, the prime minister begins to complain. Qi Wanshi has been the Prime Minister for so many years and has never seen anything like this There's no way for Qin Murong to deal with it, right?So I can only kick this pot to your majesty.

What else can your majesty do? Get angry first!

Let all civil and military officials know their anger. This momentum should be done well and the attitude should be correct.

Then, what should we do!

Sure enough, Qin Murong is a relief.

"Why? Why didn't Viscount Qin come today? "

Your majesty knows it.

Sure enough, the eunuch quickly said, "zijue Qin is still taking care of his health during this period of time. He has already taken leave, and his majesty has also criticized him."

"Oh! I've forgotten. It's true. "

After thinking about it for a while, he asked, "as for the Qin family chamber of Commerce, he How did you respond? "

The eunuch said, "zijue Qin said that he didn't work in the chamber of Commerce during this period. Everything was handled by Jia Fugui, and he didn't interfere after he came back, so it was Jia Fugui's idea."

"Well! It's clean! Hum, if he didn't instruct, did Jia Fugui eat bear heart and leopard gall? What about Jia Fugui

"Run away!"

The eunuch looked bitter and said, "when the old slave was looking for him, he had already run away. He didn't know where to hide, as if he knew that the old slave would look for him."

"Run?! "Hiding?" Your majesty said angrily, "why don't you send down the arrest document? I don't believe it. Can he really go to the ends of the earth? "

The eunuch turned to look at Qi Wanshi with a bitter face.

Qi Wanshi said helplessly: "I would like to inform your majesty that the arrest document Even though Jia Fugui's trip was not good for the country, he didn't violate the law. He talked about business and there was nothing wrong with it. So There's no reason to take it. "


His majesty "suddenly" asked the eunuch: "since he ran away and hid, doesn't Viscount Qin express anything?"

The eunuch hesitated for a moment, then took out a piece of paper from his arms and said, "Viscount Qin asked me to send you a letter."


The eunuch quickly spread out the letter and read it word by word.

"I really don't know about it!"

"Deceiving you, this is deceiving you!" Your majesty said angrily.

The eunuch gave a dry smile, and when he finished venting, he continued to read: "but Jia Fugui, who is deeply related to the business, the people and the country, will never do anything against it. Today, he issued this notice. There must be deep meaning in his act. "

"What do you mean?" His majesty cut in again: "He Jia Fugui didn't build roads long ago, and he didn't build roads late. I granted you the northern Xinjiang road. He will build roads. What's the meaning? Do you know? "

The eunuch was embarrassed and said, "Your Majesty, this Viscount Qin is not here. This is the old slave reading the letter... "

"Oh So Then you go on! "

His majesty also blushed with embarrassment and waved his hand to show that his anger was hard to calm.

The eunuch coughed twice and continued to read in a loud voice: "but Wei Chen thought about it and thought that it really had a deep meaning. As for the deep meaning, it was very important to deal with merchants during this period. If Wei Chen came together, I'm afraid it would be three or two days before I could make it clear, I would like to ask your majesty to give it to Wei Chen It's crossed out here and changed to Jia Fugui. "

The eunuch raised his head and explained.

His Majesty's eyes twitched and said, "well, there is a reason to revise the letter to me?"

Gas to the extreme, was gas smile, shaking his head for a long time, then said: "continue to read it!"

"Here it is The eunuch quickly continued to read: "I ask your majesty to give Jia Fugui an opportunity. It's only half a year. Half a year, the weather in Daliang will change. Another half a year, the farmers will have people to plough, the merchants will come and go, and another half a year, the State Treasury will be rich! One and a half years in total, Daliang will usher in the rule of the world! Thirdly, Weichen also wants to cooperate with those who want to Keke, the ministers who want to refute Weichen make a bet. If it's a year and a half and the state of Daliang is not as good as it is now, Weichen is willing to give up his wealth, resign his official position and become an idle farmer. If the big beam is prosperous in a year and a half, I don't want to ask you to gamble. I just want to ask you to look up in the new year, to see the lights of all families and the smiling faces of all people! "

When the eunuch finished reading it, his Majesty gave a deep smile, then squinted at the ministers and asked, "ministers, do you dare to gamble with Prince Qin?"

As soon as he said this, the following officials immediately understood.

With Your majesty has read this letter for a long time!

Yes, the eunuch brought the letter from Qin Murong. How could he not show it to his majesty first?

As a result, the two men made a good play on the high platform, making it difficult for the officials to ride the tiger.

After a year and a half, whatever it is They all have to tighten their belts and work without sleep.

Personnel transfer, mass migration, all kinds of things are enough for them to have a headache.

All the officials dare to be angry and speechless. They feel that they have been cheated, and that they have been cheated by their majesty.

Of course, Qin Murong was the initiator.

Can't this guy stop?How long have you been back? I thought he could always stop for a while, but now it's better. What's the situation? The world is in chaos!

Now, in all directions, countless people are moving towards the direction of Daliang city.

They are all afraid that Daliang city will be overwhelmed.

And once Qin Murong didn't make arrangements, once there was a civil commotion, it would be a big deal!

In general, if the number of population migration exceeds 1000, we need to be vigilant. If it exceeds 10000, we need to be accountable.

Which migration in the year of disaster was not a public order problem along the road? And still guard against them and let them riot.

Which time is not the army first in disaster relief? The second is food and grass relief?

There has never been such a large-scale migration in Daliang.

Who's not nervous?

This time, it is rare for civil and military officials to unite.

After fighting openly and secretly for so many years, Qin Murong became a "good friend" because he was alone.

The military directly dispatched troops to stand ready, and the sub barracks controlled the main access to Daliang city. In case of danger, they could divide countless troops to suppress it.

The civil servants, on the other hand, made laws quickly, adjusted grain reserves, appeased local officials and divided regions.

All kinds of things are very busy anyway.

Many people even cancel the rest of the mu, anyway, is to work hard.

Sure enough, that sentence was confirmed. The above sentence broke the leg at the bottom.

Only when they all feel ready Something unexpected happened to them.

In the north of Daliang City, ten miles ahead of the gate, a series of shacks were suddenly built!

It stretches for more than ten miles, layer upon layer, just like a huge low city!

And these are all done by the Qin chamber of Commerce.

Many officials ran to the wall and looked forward. It was a sea of shacks.

So There was some embarrassment on their faces.

Because in this way, what you do with your own thread All of a sudden, they become "useless"!

In short, it's nothing!

"Can't he tell me in advance? Can't you tell me? "

An official ran to Qi Wanshi and complained, saying the same thing over and over again.

Qi Wanshi rubbed his brows and his face was very blue. After a while, he said in a deep voice, "how can he tell me? Didn't he say that all this was Jia Fugui's decision, and he didn't know it. If he told him, wouldn't he smoke his own mouth? "

"But who in the world doesn't know it's his plan?"

"To know is to know. No matter what we know is true, it's also a guess. No matter how false he is, it's also a fact!"

"Well This is also But can't he tell me?! Let Jia Fugui ask someone to let him know. What are we doing for so many days? These bastards

Qi Wanshi's eyes twitched twice and said in a deep voice: "check! Jia Fugui, check it for me from beginning to end! I don't believe it. This guy is as clean as a piece of white paper. He must not make mistakes, even if he spits everywhere, accidentally bumps into people when he walks, his seven aunts and eight aunts, and some relative accidentally commits crimes Whenever there is a little thing, find a reason to catch him back! Go to the sea and catch the documents. Even if he hides in the East and leaves, I will catch him back! "



Jia Fugui sneezed heavily, then rubbed his nose and eyes, muttering: "I said How come your right eyelid always jumps recently! Hello, which is tiaochei and which is tiaochei? Left eye, right eye? I remember it was disaster with the left eye and wealth with the right eye. "

Xue Dazui thought for a moment and said, "I remember the opposite."

"Yes Is it? Maybe I remember wrong... "

Jia Fugui went to the wall and looked out through the bigger window. After a while, he relaxed and said, "this is really not a place where people live. I'm going to be suffocated. It's too pitiful! How long do you think I have to hide? "

Xue Dazui said with a smile: "in fact, you can go out immediately, but I heard that now all the civil and military officials are trying every means to find you. They also heard that they are from your relatives By the way, you have a distant relative named Jia Ting? "

"No impression."

"The youngest son of your distant uncle, with a married woman He was arrested for his indiscreet behavior. He had lost a lot of money, which was to suppress the situation and take the woman home to raise her. However, he was found by the officials, saying that you had no sense and suspected that you had ordered her, so he wanted to take you back for questioning. "


Jia Fugui was shocked and yelled: "what does it have to do with me that he steals? What do you mean I tell you? Am I free or ill? What do you want me to do? "

Xue said with a big smile: "what's the name of the sentence? Oh, by the way, to add to the crime! Anyway, we leave things clean. The civil and military people can't go to trouble with you. They are angry and will come to you. When the time comes It's impossible to die, but it's necessary to peel off the skin. ""Why? Why? If they are angry, they have to vent their anger on me? Isn't that unreasonable? "

"It's a reasonable place up there?"

"This That's what I said, but But it's not fair, it's not fair! "

"Unfair? You've made so many shantytowns, why didn't you breathe with them before? It's said that they have been trying to solve the problem of the tide of the people without sleep these days. They are in a mess. If you had told them about the shantytowns before, wouldn't they have to work so hard? Now, on the contrary, it turns their tiredness into a useless matter of wasting people and money. Good things turn into bad things, and practical things turn into wrong things. Do you think they will try their best to trouble you? "

Jia Fugui was stunned, then said bitterly, "what? Do you want to tell the above about this kind of thing? This kind of thing Isn't it common to think of it? Why don't we find someone to come and arrange their accommodation? Are they a little too contemptuous of my professionalism in this arrangement? "

"You tell them that. Anyway, you'd better be honest and hide here, and don't let others come. I'm ok. I can sneak in. The rest of your men have been monitored. As long as they dare to go here, they will be followed by thousands of bad people."

"Ah? Are there so many captors in Daliang city? "

"Not from all over the world? Even those from Weicheng have been transferred. "

"Just to catch me And then relieve the Qi? "

"Yes, the anger of these big men must be vented."

"That..." Jia Fugui said with a sad face: "big mouth, our relationship has always been the best. At the beginning, I found that you are the identity of Mingyue sect. I didn't make a report to you! You must not betray me this time! "

"Oh, I forgot about it."

Xue Dazui was stunned for a while, and then patted his forehead in chagrin.

He turned and walked out.

"You wait! What do you mean? What do you want? What forgot? What are you going to do? "

Jia Fugui became nervous and immediately went up to catch him, but Jia Fugui was a fat rich man. In terms of speed, how could he be Xue Dazui's opponent? Xue Dazui has martial arts skills.

So in the twinkling of an eye, Xue Dazui went out of the secret room and disappeared.

Jia Fugui looks at the direction of the door stupidly, and always feels that he has no bottom in his heart.

Finally, I could only sigh and go back.

But just at this moment, a man in the distance yelled: "there! The thief is there! Get him

Jia Fugui was stunned. He turned his head and almost peed his pants.

Just look outside the forest, there are thousands of people rushing out like the tide! One by one, with a crazy face and a rope net in hand, for fear of falling behind.

Jia Fugui's eyes twitched a few times, then cried and said, "right eyelid, sure enough, it's a disaster Big mouth, you betray me, you have to die! "

Then he sat down on the ground again with a bitter face and said, "as for it, as for it?"

Jia Fugui was arrested.

Xue Da Zui told the secret.

As the saying goes, when Qi Wanshi sent someone to find Xue Dazui, this guy immediately recruited him.

Several hands of torture were useless, which made the officials more depressed.

But we are still happy to catch Jia Fugui.

First, he was put into a room, ready to use this cruel means to deal with him, but found that this guy did not seem too afraid, so he changed the way, eat pepper.

But also found that Jia Fugui can eat spicy, sweating, also charged them for steamed bread!

Qi Wanshi was watching in the next room. An official nearby could not help saying, "Qi Xiang, this product is a hob meat. It's not painful. We can't help it!"

Qi Wanshi sighed and said, "can we really use punishment on him? If it's good or bad, I'm afraid Qin Murong will make trouble. "

"This is also..."

"A big dog depends on its owner. That's why it's right to put it anywhere."

As Qi Wanshi was talking, someone ran in and said, "Mr. Xiang, someone Someone is looking for Jia Fugui. "


"A manager of the Qin family chamber of Commerce."

"What?" Qi Wanshi was stunned for a few seconds before he said in a cold voice: "well, now the whole dynamics of the court hall are under the control of the Qin chamber of Commerce? It's only here that people are caught, and then people are found. The news is a little too fast, and the location is a little too accurate. "

Subordinates said: "that this matter..."

"Let them see. What else can we do? There may be something important

Sure enough, after a while, a guard led a man in. It was obviously like a shopkeeper, with a hunchback and a bow. Everyone was smiling and looked very personal.

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