Qin Murong said with a bitter smile: "monster? It's my cruise ship, and I don't like people to call it a monster. It's something that can change the pattern of the whole world. It shouldn't have such a mean name. "

Qi Wanshi frowned and said, "change the world? Is this the world? "

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm still used to using the name of the world, but it's OK to say the world."

"How to change it?"

"The sea Have you seen it? "

"This I've heard about it, but it's too far away, and there's no point in going. "

Qi Wanshi is a little guilty.

Qin Murong said with a smile: "what's in the sea and how many resources it can bring, it seems that you also don't know."

"This Is that important? "

Qin Murong thought for a moment and said, "there are always periods in this world. I divide it into fighting period and exploring period."

"Oh? What does that mean? "

"You see, if the land is constant and the country is stable, the population will increase sharply. When the population of a country is saturated, the land is not enough to nourish the people, or there is no redundancy to resist natural and man-made disasters, then once some accidents happen, it will lead to irreversible disputes. Once there was a snow disaster in the northern Qin Dynasty, the people were starving to death. Did they still sit and wait to die instead of invading south? Today's world is in a period of dispute. Generally speaking, its territory is bordered on each other. After years of development, the country is already full of holes, so sometimes war is needed to relieve such pressure. "

Qi Wanshi nodded: "although one-sided, there are traces to follow. It's not complete nonsense. What about the exploration period? "

Qin Murong said with a smile: "when Daliang was newly established and expanded, but it did not border with other countries, did it ever fight with other countries?"

"This Not really

"Because there is a vast land for people to explore, the so-called exploration period can also be understood as The contest between human and nature! How can we conquer every piece of land, every forest and every river that we see, which is the most concerned problem of people? It's almost nonexistent. "

"It seems to be the same. It sounds complicated."

Qin Murong spread out his hand and said, "I'll make it simple. In a word, it's resources! When resources are not enough, there will be disputes. When resources are enough, there will be exploration. That's all. "

Qi Wanshi thought carefully, then said: "this idea is very novel, but you put forward it now, is it related to your ship?"

"Hey, hey, you've got the point!"

Qin Murong, with a smile, said: "we all think that the resources have been settled, so there are so many disputes. But if a large area of undeveloped resources suddenly appears in the world, there is no need to rob each other. As long as we go, there will be countless resources to give back. In this case, do you think people should fight, or should they try their best to occupy more resources Resources? "

Qi Wanshi was silent for a while and said: "naturally, it is the latter, but it is also possible to fight with each other first, and the winner has the right to explore resources!"

"You are right again!"

Qin Murong said with a smile: "no wonder you have been in the position of Prime Minister for so many years. Just from the analysis of this matter, you are far more than ordinary people! Yes, from the exploration period to the dispute period, there will be a transition, which can be called the trial period. From the period of dispute to the period of exploration, there is also an excess, which can be called the period of hunger and thirst. As long as the resources of the sea are accepted and recognized by all, then all countries near the sea will have three choices in front of them. The first is to explore as much as possible first, to find out how many resources there are, and to get from new resources as much as possible. The second is to fight first, defeat the nearby enemies first, and then occupy more possibilities to explore resources! There is also a third kind, that is, to explore and to fight at the same time. At this time, all countries will maintain a sense of uncertainty about resources and a desire to possess them. When these emotions come together, they can be called "hunger and thirst."


Qi Wanshi nodded his head frequently and exclaimed: "this analysis is really refreshing!"

As Qi Wanshi gradually talked with them in the court hall, although he subtracted a lot of unimportant parts, Qin Murong's theory was not bad at all.

This is not only refreshing, but also admirable!

An old minister sighed directly: "if you concentrate on learning, you will become a master! I don't know if I will live forever! "

His Majesty was also surprised, but he said, "this boy? Hum, can he calm down and engage in specialized research? I'm afraid it's very difficult. He used and said these words this time. Next time you ask him again, I'm afraid he forgot all about them. He put them behind him and treated them as dross. Well, he didn't do such a thing once! "

When all the officials heard this, four big words came out of their heads.

"Quite to the point!"

It seems that your Majesty's understanding of Qin Murong is really deep!

Is this a deep responsibility of love?

Qi Wanshi also had a bitter smile after listening, but he couldn't pick up the stubble, so he could only continue to tell.……

Qin Murong said with a smile: "so next, when you know how much resources the ocean will bring to mankind, you will understand that the world is about to enter the" hunger and thirst period "and then the" exploration period "! And my purpose as a big ship is to prepare for the "hunger and thirst period."

"It Can we fight? "

"What do you say?"

“…… Yes, as long as it's a boat, I'm afraid it's as long as your big boat goes by, it's all sunk. "

"This is just one of them," Qin Murong said with a smile. "The key is that the small sampans of other countries, even the biggest flower boat on the river, and even the Dragon Boat specially used by his majesty, can't withstand the gentle slap of the waves of one foot high."

"This That's true. Viscount Qin's boat is really strong. "

Qin Murong said with a smile: "in fact, this technology is more suitable for the country. Do you believe that I can easily build a weapon to easily destroy the strongest wall in the world? Defeat the best army in the world in an instant? "

Qi Wanshi thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "it's not too trusting."

Then he asked, "since you are confident that you can do it, why don't you do it? On the contrary, I want to be a big ship? "

Qin Murong sighed and said: "because those weapons are only good for Daliang, but they are not good for the whole world and all human beings. What weapons bring is greed and strife. "

He sighed again, and then said, "seven people are in the room, unarmed. Suddenly one of them stands with a long knife The other six people dare not fart too loud! If two people hold knives, then There must be one person who will splash blood on the spot, or even more. Qi Xiang, do you believe that? "

Qi Wanshi thought about it seriously for a while, and then said, "of course I believe! Oh, there are a lot of knives that can't be seen just above the court hall. How can I not believe my personal experience? "

Qin Murong said with a smile: "so weapons or something, even if I was so miserable by Gongsun's wife, even I want to make some cannons directly, pull them directly to the court of the northern Qin Dynasty, and blast them to the ground. No mouse can survive!"

He said with gnashing teeth, and then let out his way: "but no, because of personal hatred and become a sinner, because of a cavity of anger and ignore the world, even if this kind of thing is despicable like me, it seems that it can't be done."

Qi Wanshi squinted and asked, "cannon What is it? How can Wang Ting be razed to the ground? Make it clear

Qin Murong explained: "cannon is a kind of firearm. It's much easier to make than my giant ship! That kind of thing, three feet long, ten horses can pull, and then placed ten miles away from the target, one shot, can destroy a hundred meters around! I made a hundred or ten doors, lined up, not half an hour, the northern Qin court is gone! If it stands at the head of the city? Oh, even if millions of cavalry troops come to the city, it's just a matter of a few rounds of artillery fire. It's easy, scorched earth everywhere, and even the corpse collection can be avoided. Do you believe it? "

"That's the building! You made it

That's what Qi Wanshi called at that time.

And now, on the court, your majesty is also shouting like this!

Then, knowing that he was in a bad mood, he asked: "Qi Xiang, how credible do you think the words of viscount Qin are?"

Qi Wanshi sighed and said, "my Lord, I look at his conduct, know his character, and know what he said. I think that what Viscount Qin said is 100% true."

"Really? Do you think it's really possible? "

Your majesty is anxious.

Qi Wanshi sighed and said, "my Lord, I've seen a huge ship. It's made of refined iron. It's huge, but it can float on the river like land. What's more amazing is that it has only a few masts, but it has no sails or oars at all, but its speed is more than ten times faster than the fastest ship in Daliang

"Well Is that a boat? It's a monster

"Yes, viscount Qin, who can create such monsters, is afraid to be a kind of fire breathing beast."

"So Can he really make it? "


Qi Wanshi said definitely.

"Then why didn't he make it?"?! I don't know how many soldiers die in the battlefield at the border every year? Don't know how many son Lang throw his head and blood, just for he can live that kind of extravagant life? This son, this son His heart should be punished! It's going too far! "

There was a bitter smile.

He said: "Your Majesty, I thought so at that time. I even wanted to send him to your Majesty on the spot and let your majesty punish him."

"So it should be!"


Qi Wanshi sighed and said: "when he said the reason, Weichen recognized it."


"Zijue Qin said that at the beginning of the event, the state of Daliang could use the advantage of firearms to conquer and defeat all the four countries. It was also possible to sweep the four countries and pacify the world, but After that? One day, the enemy will take possession of this firearm. At that time, the muzzle of the firearm will turn to us. How many people will be spared under the fire? Today's war is cruel, but it's steel swords, crossbows and arrows after all. If millions of people put them there without fire and just use knives to cut, the enemy will have no resistance at all. Maybe it will take a long time to cut until the hand is soft! But once the firearms boom, let alone millions, is billions, in a few months can be overturned, then It is the disaster of mankind and the disaster of the world! For this reason, even though Viscount Qin has unique skills in his body, he does not need to use his knife and axe to increase his neck! "Qi Wanshi sighed and said: "for this, although Wei Chen is older than Viscount Qin for several rounds, he admires him from the bottom of his heart!"

A few winks, your majesty.

Suddenly, he turned his lips and said, "this boy, for his own lofty, does he ignore the state of Daliang? This guy is a businessman with too much temperament. He doesn't have the concept of a country Well

He sighed, but said nothing more.

Since then, everyone has been silent about the "firearm" issue. They dare not mention it again easily, as if they had never heard of it or happened.

However, Qin Murong's words left a little imprint in their hearts.

Let them realize for the first time that there is a concept of "all mankind" above the country!

The ship, your majesty wants to see it.

This is the final conclusion.

As for the flood of fertile land, no one cares.

This time, the wind direction on chaotang changed again, because Qi Xiang had completely stood on Qin Murong's side.

And Qin Murong has a kind of energy, which is not used because of his own moral concepts, but everyone will think, if one day, someone forces him to be anxious and angered, will he still stick to his faith?

If he really used it, no matter who it was, it would be a disaster!

Qin Murong, the creator of the terracotta warriors, is still practicing his sword in the courtyard.

"Young master, it's almost new year. Let's have a word."

Xue came in with a big mouth and said.

Qin Murong was stunned for a moment, then looked up at the sky.

It's very cold now.

But I was still wearing thin clothes, and I didn't realize the temperature change outside, so He thought it was autumn.

After thinking about it for a while, he said with a bitter smile: "how time flies It's not easy. It's not easy

Then he stretched his muscles and bones for a while, and a few clatters came from his back. With a smile, he said, "thank you What do you want to hear from the Qin chamber of Commerce? "

Xue said with a big smile: "naturally, I will give you some rewards."

"Yes, I've been working hard for a year. It's going to be a good year. So let's do it. Check the harvest this year, take 20% out of the net profit, and distribute it according to their own standard."

Xue Dazui was stunned and asked: "20%? It's a little too much, isn't it? "

Qin Murong said with a smile: "now that we are doing the road construction, we have already spent a lot of money, and the net profit should not be much. What's more, what do you think I can do with so much money? Are you happy to hide in the warehouse and watch the pictures? "


Xue said with a wry smile: "yes, you are really rich now, but you don't spend much."

Does Qin Murong spend a lot?

If you let your majesty hear this sentence, I'm afraid it's a bang on Xue's unreliable mouth!

Qin Murong said with a smile, "that's right, so let's go ahead and make everyone happy and those workers at ease."

"I see. What you think is really long-term."

"Go ahead."

Qin Murong took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

As soon as the breath dispersed, there was a chill around him, which made him shiver.

"It's cold that day, but Xiaoxiao's skill is so evil that it's easy to say anything when the energy is there. If the energy is dispersed, I'm still the weak guy Tut Tut, evil. "

With that, Qin Murong rushed back to the house.

Xiaobai ironed the towel, wiped off Qin Murong's sweat, and then covered it with a quilt. He complained: "young master, it's not the way to practice martial arts again. You are not good at all. If you are suffering from the cold, how can I explain to the young lady at that time?"

Qin Murong was stunned for a moment and asked: "the girl yingyue hasn't come back yet?"

"Yes, this time, the third young master's goods are under the pressure of Dongli. He can't solve it by himself. The eldest lady had some business contacts with Dongli people before, so she wanted to dredge up."

Qin Murong frowned and said, "Xiaoyu is the name of our Qin family's chamber of Commerce. How can he be detained? Jiang yingyue is also a matter that can't be solved by the chamber of Commerce of the Qin family. Why does she have to join in the fun? "

Xiaobai said with a flat mouth: "I think she is bored and runs out to relax."

"Go Xiaolan walks over slowly, sets the tea for Qin Murong, gives Xiaobai a white look, and says, "if you don't want to be beaten by the eldest lady, you'll chew your tongue here."

"I'm right!"

"Ah..." Xiaolan said: "in the past, the eldest lady was not obedient to others. She was tough and strong-minded. Now she is pressed to death by the young master. She always wants to do something to save her face. Moreover, in the chamber of Commerce of the Qin family, few people can compare with the eldest lady in terms of ability. Moreover, the eldest lady treated you well before. Now I'm afraid I'm going to hurt the eldest lady's heart. "Xiaobai didn't agree and said, "hum, what! The place was given to her. Even the bedding she was used to was moved here. What happened? Isn't it all day long? Cui Laodu has sent someone to ask me several times, asking if the eldest lady is pregnant, which makes me embarrassed to death! If you want me to say that there has been no movement for such a long time, it is clear that her heart is not with you! "


Xiaolan is also speechless, secretly took a look at Qin Murong, whispered to Xiaobai: "how can this be said in front of the childe?"

Qin Murong rolled his eyes and said, "well, really, do you really think I'm dead? One insisted, the other on the surface, but in the end, they all said it? Really... "

Qin Murong was also troubled.

To be honest, Jiang yingyue is not to blame for this.

People have also hinted that sometimes they would even ask Qin Murong for a drink. Once they drink, they would drink very late, and then they would just pretend to be drunk and lie down on the bed. Naturally, the meaning can't be more obvious.

As for the reason why nothing happened, it was Qin Murong.

There was a wound in his heart.

It's heavy!

For this reason, he lost his life in his previous life, and let him treat women There is a very tangled view.

If we say trust, we really can't trust him. The past life and Gongsun's all prove his idea.

But if you don't trust, Xiaobai Xiaolan and fengxiao try to change his mind again and again.

And the most important thing is that Jiang yingyue is really like the woman in her previous life.

So Qin Murong told her It's very complicated, but I can't move anyway.

Whether it's good or bad.

The only thing he can do is drag.

Keep dragging, even to the end of time.

If you don't get rid of the knot, there will be no result.

The reason why Xiaobai and Xiaolan said these things openly and secretly is mainly because Jiang yingyue hasn't done anything yet, and they have no chance.

After all, there's no reason for her to move.

Qin Murong understood and understood all these things, but he really understood what he wanted to do no way!

Now we can only drink up the tea, then pour it on the bed, cover our head with the quilt and go to sleep.

Make two small wenches force stamped foot, curl mouth to lie on the small bed in the room.

That seems to mean that if you hide, we'll be lazy.

Maybe, this thing will drag on like this.

Ten days later, with only 13 days to go before the new year, the courtyard of the Qin family was peaceful and prosperous. However, a rider rushed through the main gate. He was injured and tired. He did not stop. He threw a token to the guard of the gate and came straight to the courtyard.

Before the man arrived and the horse stopped, he cried out, "something's wrong! There's something wrong with the mistress

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