Qin Murong did not expect that.

This ghost land is actually in the North Xinjiang road.

On the west side, it crosses Beijiang road to the northwest border of Daliang. The letter says that there are 17 high mountains standing side by side, like a huge screen, which seems to block the whole world, but also more like the end of the world.

There is a folk name.

The wall of sighs.

This title, let Qin Murong some taboo.

People in this world don't know why they got this name, but in Qin Murong's previous life, this name represents the deepest hell!

Going to hell alone again?

Qin Murong gave a bitter smile and looked at the sky through the window.

"Wan'er, when you get to the hinterland of Northern Xinjiang, you can stay in the Viscount's house."

"It's not going to work."

"Why?" Qin Murong looked down at her.

Wan'er is tidying Qin Murong's clothes. She also looks up at him and says, "if you leave me, we all know that the young master is going to work hard. Don't talk about other people at that time. It's Xiaobai who drags you. Can you still go?"


"Wan'er said:" and I feel that the most complete place in the world is the young master's side, that is, in the dragon's den, and I have no fear at all

Qin Murong was stunned for a moment, then said with a bitter smile: "I don't know whether it's true or false."

On this day, he laughed many times.

It's very rare.

But it's the kind of bitter smile, the kind of crying and laughing.

Forced to turn a body, the face with a tingling twitch, is this simple action, the forehead will gush out fine sweat.

Wan'er quickly came to help him and changed a slightly more comfortable posture.

Qin Murong sighed, then looked at the roof, as if to see the sky through it.

"Do you believe it?"


"Heaven wants to take you away from me."

"It's good that young master can be noticed by heaven."

"Pure joking."

Qin Murong rolled his eyes, then stretched out his hand, grabbed it, and said, "and I decided Fight with heaven

"Can we win?"

Wan'er asked with concern.

Qin Murong said with a smile, "who knows? Those who win or lose always have to try."

"Well Is it worth it? "

"Worth it? Ha ha, there is nothing more meaningful than this in the world

The carriage went on, and all of a sudden, it was overcast. In a trance, it rained.

The rain drips and drips, enveloping the huge Beijiang road in a vast expanse.

But there is a dark cloud in the sky, showing a band of light, like a golden dragon, flying in the sky!

Qin Murong suddenly opened his eyes, and then slowly closed them.

A storm, did not bring any impact to the team.

But after the storm, it seems difficult to move forward.

Because of the mud.

After getting used to the wide and smooth roads in Northern Xinjiang and the primitive grassland and Gobi, there will be a mud pit from time to time. It looks as usual. The wheels run over it, but it directly sinks half of it, scaring the motorcade.

Qin Murong bumped like this, hung himself up, and then fell heavily on the bed, which took half his life.

Staring there, gasping, like a carp on the shore.

Xiaobai rushed in for the first time, kneaded Qin Murong's chest, and the tears came down.

Qin Murong slowed down a little and asked, "where's Wan'er? Is she all right over there? "

"No Young master, let's stop. I'm on my way on a rainy day I always feel insecure. "

Qin Murong was stunned for a moment, sighed and said: "also, what's my hurry..."

He ordered the motorcade to stop, make a circle and light a bonfire in the middle.

It's hard to make a fire in the rain.

There were no caves around, and they were desolate. They had to use a few people to prop up a piece of soft leather with a high pole to block the rain, and then they tried to make a bonfire.

The upper skin is washed by rain and naturally has a depression. It is like a small pot. Even if it is above the flame, the skin will not be burned. Instead, the water inside will be heated.

Xiaobai came out of the carriage and wanted to make a bowl of hot soup for Qin Murong. In this kind of ghost weather, even the best bedding was damp, Qin Murong couldn't stand it.

Just squatting beside the firelight, the old wine man came over and whispered, "Xiaobai, don't blame the young master for driving in rainy days. This is for everyone's good."


Xiaobai doesn't quite understand.

The old wine man said: "you see, the rain is not small. It's easy to drench thoroughly. Even if there is a campfire now, it's impossible to warm up more than 100 people. I've heard that when marching and fighting, if it's rainy, it's OK to have shelter. If it's not, we have to march in a hurry. Through activities, we can get warm air out of our bodies, and we won't get cold because we're caught in the rain. This is also a helpless move. ""Not even that!" Xiao Bai yelled out: "you guys are rough and fleshy one by one. What's cool? The young master is weak now. What can I do if he gets bumpy? Now that you know that the young master is worried about you, why don't you try your best to practice martial arts? At that time, the body will be strong, not to mention soaking in the rain, even if it's two days and two nights in the glacier, that's right! "

Listening to Xiaobai's almost savage speech, a group of people were extremely excited. Haizi came straight over and said with a smile: "grandma, I'll do it! I spent three whole days and nights in the glacier to avoid pursuit, but there was no problem at all? They are weak, they are counsellors

"Fart your mother's dog! Did you forget that I pulled you out? You are just like a dead dog. Several brothers rubbed your body for two days, and their hands were all peeled off, which saved you from the dead. Now we still advise? You ungrateful

Shout, that person rushed to come over, directly scuffle into a ball.

However, no matter what they do, no one is near the fire. They are also worried that they will make a mess of the campfire.

Xiaobai made the ginger soup and added two or three kinds of herbs. He brought it to Qin Murong while it was hot and fed it.

Qin Murong drank the soup, and his body was a little warm, but his bedding was still damp.

He thought for a moment and said, "that Come in and lie down

Xiaobai was stunned, his heart thumped up, and then he said very slightly: "Oh."

He took off his coat and got into the bed.

Qin Murong naturally hugs her in her arms, obviously as a warm baby.

Xiaobai also dare not move, even now the posture is not very comfortable.

Staring at the darkness with big eyes, I don't know what kind of mood it is.

It's been raining for a long time. People are used to how to make a fire and how to live.

The most important thing that the guards do every day is to pout their backs to the bonfire and keep burning there.

This is also because a guy suddenly had a sore. He took a look at the wine and said that he didn't pay attention to the humidity. He got rid of the sore with water and might not have children in the future.

This time, everyone is worried. Every day, they have to bake their whole body dry. Even if other places are wet, the crotch must be dry!

But this kind of thing is rather indecent and looks funny.

But in addition to a few heartless girl, who really can't think of it. This kind of thing is sacred and important.

Finally, the rain stopped.

After careful calculation, it rained for ten days!

If you want to come now, it's not as good as before. In case you encounter a cave or something, is it better than now?

In this rainy day, the most tired people are Qin Hua and Jiang Feiyu.

In order to keep the other, more important carriage dry, the two of them made great efforts and did not dare to relax at any time.

Finally, we can go, and we still feel that we are not used to it.

But ten days of rain has a great impact on the whole team, especially on the muddy ground.

The wheels only moved a few steps on the ground, and the thick mud pasted it up. It looked like a huge pancake.

If you don't clean it up right away, it won't work very soon.

It's even more difficult for the horse to pull. Every step is in the mud, deep and shallow. This makes the horse very afraid, and there is a risk of surprise at any time.

"What to do? There's no way to go

Wine old some sad, frowning with everyone to discuss.

But the flea jumped out directly and said with a smile, "this kind of thing is easy to do."

"Well?" The old wine man looked at the sharp mouthed monkey in front of him, and said with some displeasure, "you guy, you don't speak very well. What's going to happen this time?"

The flea said bitterly, "why do you always think so about me? In name, I am also the leader of the pro guard. Among us, I have an official position, OK


Wine is always trying to fight.

The flea said, "I'm in a hurry! As we all know, didn't we follow the caravan before? You all share a good place. I don't know whether it's a matter of appearance or stature. Anyway, the young master directly arranged me to go to the southern commercial road, which road Tut, it rains for ten days in a row, and you think the sky has collapsed. You know, if there are ten consecutive sunny days in a year, it's a wonderful year! It's like a sky leak. The rain lasts for half a month, then stops for one day, and then comes another half a month, so a month goes by like this! "

"Hum!" One of them said, "you said it's troublesome. Why don't you say it's good? The South Road is rainy, the road is hard to walk, the heaven and earth water curtain is difficult, for the caravan, it is really very troublesome, but the profit of the caravan is also the biggest, right? We go more than ten times a year, and you go twice a year. As a result, the money you make is five or six times as much as ours! The guy who came back from Nandao, who didn't get married? How many more? That little life is called moistening. Tut Tut, how do you mean to complain about it? "Flea said hastily: "I'm not complaining, I'm talking about this matter, take this road, let me think of a way!"

"Oh? Tell me about it. "

The old wine is still dubious.

The flea laughed and said, "the young master once said that in the face of a more difficult thing, you might as well look at it from a different angle and turn the shortcomings into advantages. This is the way to deal with things."


The old wine vendor pointed to the mud and said, "how can this defect become an advantage?"

"The flea said:" put aside the inherent thinking Yes, that's what I said. Old wine man, you can leave it to me. "

The old wine hesitated for a while, and finally nodded.

Dead horse, live horse doctor.

Then the fleas started. After busy work, we were asked to dismantle the car board here and bind the rope there. Soon, the wheel of the carriage was fixed as a "skateboard".

Now Qin Murong's carriage used to have two rows of wheels in front and back, which is a little smaller than the ordinary carriage wheels. Now it seems quite suitable to be so fixed.

The board touching the ground is made smooth by fleas with a knife, so it won't get too much mud when sliding.

The horse was released, and several people directly put the car on themselves and pulled it forward with manpower!

Especially for feet, you can't wear shoes, but you can't wear them naked. There may be sharp stones in the ground. If you cut your feet at that time, you will not be able to do the work. On the contrary, it will become other people's trouble.

So we need to wrap our feet tightly with cloth. The wrapping method is also made by fleas. It is firm and does not affect our activities, let alone bring much mud.

After all, the horses were completely liberated. It seemed that they had gone back to the good time of being a caravan. Although they were a little bit tired, they did change their life.

In this way, they went all the way from mud to dryness, from dryness to sand.

This is the only way to remove those boards. They are reserved and can't be thrown. In case they are used again.

Several carriages were cleaned up from top to bottom, and then the horses were allowed to bear the labor again, so a group of people continued to go on the road safely.

But after the rain, the road is dry, but there are problems.

That's supply.

Beijiang road is so desolate that there is not a village in the hundreds of miles. It's hard to find one, but I find that the food and drink in it are not enough for their own people. How can I sell it to them?

However, erhu stood up at the critical moment. As a child, this guy often went hunting with his father in the mountains. Until he joined the army, he learned his own hunting skills. Whether it's a mountain beast or a grassland beast, he always had a way to catch them.

This time, he took more than 20 people out and returned with a full load in a whole day. He made a big pot of rabbit meat, which made everyone have a rare meal.

It's still too sudden.

From Dazhu state to tell them about it, and then set out, there was no chance to prepare, and Qin Murong actually did not want to prepare, he did not want to wait.

The miracle doctor's affairs can only be put down for a while. Let someone send a letter to Jia Fugui and Xue Dazui, and let two people search for the miracle doctor's whereabouts by their own means.

The motorcade didn't know how long it had been on this deserted road.

How many months? Or half a year?

When they reached a fog, they stopped.

It's a piece of It's a strange forest.

The terrain is not very high, and the trees are even lower. Some trees are just as high as people, which is a relatively high bush.

And there's a thick layer of fog around here.

Standing by, it's like being in another world.

Is the fog poisonous? It's really a worrying thing. Several brave guys draw lots to go in. First they suck a little, and then they find that there is no problem. Then they increase the amount of breathing, but there is still no problem.

The rest of the people were relieved, and the motorcade slowly entered this wonderful forest.

It's easy to get lost here. They can't even be sure if they're lost.

The old wine man found Qin Murong and discussed with him, "it's reasonable to say that the distance we've been through is close to our destination, but it's a bit strange that a fog forest suddenly appears here. I haven't heard of such a thing before."

"Yes? I thought it was a famous place. It seems that I was wrong. "

"It's a place I haven't heard of before. I don't know if it's right..."

The old wine man hesitated and said, "it's mysterious everywhere here. Maybe there's still some danger. We should slow down."

"Not bad."

Qin Murong nodded and said, as if to this kind of thing some indifference.

The old wine talked and left the carriage.

There are still a lot of things that need him to do next!The motorcade is almost motionless in the forest. Only when the people in front come out of the road, can the motorcade behind keep up with it.

After all, we are going to arrive at our destination soon. No one will be in a hurry.

The scenery here is really good.

Not to mention the fog, there are also some small rivers and ponds, in which the fish are very special, and very delicious.

We have gradually adapted to this world full of fog.

The fog was so thick that it seemed that it would never disperse.

Suddenly one day, Xiaobai jumped into the carriage and ran to Qin Murong. His mouth opened several times, but he still couldn't say a word.

Qin Murong said with a smile, "what's the matter? Slow down, slow down


Xiaobai took a deep breath, then suddenly said aloud: "Sister Feng, he frowned!"


Qin Murong felt a thunder in his mind.

But he struggled to get up from the bed.

Xiaobai immediately said, "I'll carry you!"

With that, he turned over his hand and raised it, then put Qin Murong on his shoulder, and immediately rushed to another carriage.

Climb onto the car and come directly to the big box. Qin Hua timely opens the box and asks Qin Murong to look inside.

The wind is small, has become thin, like a skeleton wrapped in a skin bag.

Qin Murong took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice, "did you frown just now? What happened? "

Qin Hua blushed, then immediately pointed to Jiang Feiyu and said, "when I was wiping her body, she mumbled."

"What are you mumbling about?"

"She said..."

"You dare!"

As soon as Jiang Feiyu's face turns red, he wants to work hard.

"Say it

Qin Murong roared.

This makes the big white wolf stand up immediately and stare at Jiang Feiyu.

It seems that this guy really has a good relationship with the wind. For such a long time, it is the one who has been with her for the longest time. If it is there, there will always be hot air in the car.

Qin Hua and Jiang Feiyu like this guy very much, but they can bring them some vitality.

Jiang Feiyu turned his head and glared at the big white wolf. He patted him on the head and said: "you white eyed wolf! I'm so kind to you on weekdays. I dare to show my teeth when it comes to the critical moment! "

Big white wolf was hit by a spirit, some wronged and lie down.

Qin Hua wanted to laugh, but he knew that it was not the time to laugh, so he quickly said: "at that time, he was wiping Sister Feng's body, and then flying fish said, the wind is small, and he doesn't walk at all. Why are there so many cocoons on the sole of his feet? I explained to her that even if he doesn't move, his feet will peel layer by layer, and the skin can't fall off, so it's gone They will form cocoons. If they don't move, they will have more cocoons than they usually do, because the dead skin will be worn off by shoes and socks when they walk. "

"Get to the point!" Qin Murong was a little angry.

Qin Hua immediately said, "that's it. At this moment, I saw Sister Feng frowning, as if I don't seem to like it. "

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