Wine old listen to is deafening, a long time to react, found that his forehead has a sweat.

He put out his hand and wiped it. Then he gave a wry smile and said, "so Young master, if you are alive, you have to pursue something. Only in this way can you not become a quiet person waiting for death? "

Qin Murong said, "this I don't know

"I don't know?"

"Everyone has his own way of life, and it's his own business. No one can control it, and no one is qualified to decide except himself. Some people choose to live in vain, some choose to muddle along, some choose to be calm and inaction, and some even choose to end their lives This is their right. We can't interfere. "

"Why Can't interfere? "

"Ha ha..." Qin Murong said with a bitter smile: "because the only people who can do this kind of thing are gods, and we are only human beings."


The wine boss thinks something is wrong, but he can't say it again, but he just thinks it's wrong.

"You can let Lin Wushuang go on decadent, and then look for life and death."

Qin Murong stood up and said, "we can't force them to change, we can't order them to live according to our wishes, but It is possible to interfere with their judgment through the side effect. "


Jiulao suddenly felt that Qin Murong was a little mean.

Qin Murong said with a smile: "take Lin Wushuang as an example. We can't really stop him or control him. Tie him up so he can't be short-sighted? This kind of thing is actually cruel. We are using our own will to decide the will of others, doing what only gods can do. We overestimate ourselves. So we can only guide, first know what he is thinking, and then give him hope. "

Wine old Leng for a long time, then sighed and said: "childe, someone said, you should stand at the top of the world?"

"No, no one."

Qin Murong gently smile, and then said: "after you don't say, I never thought so."

"That's it, that's it. I'm old and talkative."

Wine old embarrassed smile, back to one side.

Qin Murong touched his nose and asked some questions about the world.

He seems to think less about the world.

There will always be three kinds of business in the world.

The business of killing people, the business of skin and meat, and the dart of insurance or goods!

The prosperity of these three businesses represents the pattern of the world.

Except for the first one, the other two are legal in most parts of the world, so If you count it up, the state of Daliang can't escape the definition of a person in the world.

When you think about it, the world is not as simple as Qin Murong thought.

If the rivers and lakes are large enough to reach a certain level, they actually have an impact on a country.

Qin Murong turned his lips. After careful calculation, he was a man with Kung Fu. He didn't need to be afraid of the world.

And there's one thing in the world that's annoying.

That is, everything you think about is very easy to happen, and the people in it are very easy to appear.

After living here for a few days, a bodyguard suddenly reported that he saw a man on the horizon, riding a horse, slowly coming in this direction.

The man was very strange. He was wearing black armor and a strange mask. He immediately had a big gun and a sword on his waist.

And what the guards care about most is that the man's horse is very tall. It looks much bigger than the ordinary horse. It's very handsome.

In this way, it proves that these pro guards are trying to get their horses.

Qin Murong grinned bitterly and said, "it's been so many years. You can be regarded as an old man outside. How come you haven't shaved off your ruffian Qi one by one? At least We are also businessmen. If you want it, you can find a way to buy it. Nothing in the world has no value. Whether you can get it or not depends on how much you can pay. "

"We all know the truth, but young master It seems unlikely. "


"Just now, the old wine man also went to see it. He said that the horse and the thing seemed to be called a cloud swallowing beast. It was originally a legend of a different species, not money at all. He also said that for some people in the Jianghu, a horse around him might be as important as life."

"What do you want to do?"

One of the guards licked his lips and said, "why don't you Just grab it! "

Qin Murong frowned and said, "what horse is it? I've hooked up all your bad thoughts. I have to go and have a look! "

He's really curious.

Now these pro guards, who have been nurtured by him all the year round, are really honest. Let alone robbing other people's things, even if they go to the village, even if they rush to the enemy country, they will not touch the common people.With such a high quality, but with evil intention, there must be something they can't refuse.

Qin Murong put on his plain clothes and looked like an ordinary boy. He only led Xiaobai to the end of the new road. He was seeing a man and a horse walking in this direction.

It's very slow.

Horse step by step, not like a very leisurely look, but as if very hard, every step to the ground to step out of a hole.

Of course, Qin Murong did not notice these details, but was also attracted by the horse!

Cloud swallowing beast?

Its full name is "dragon handcuffed Xiaoshan cloud swallowing beast". As soon as it looks up, it seems to be able to tear off a piece of cloud in the sky and swallow it again!

Qin Murong's eyelids pick pick, next to the white also can't help saying: "this is bigger than our big white wolf, really frightening!"

"What do you know? Girls don't understand men's romance

"Ah? What kind of romance? "

"It's a sense of conquest, eh How to say, the more vicious and powerful things you seem to be, if you can completely possess them and obey them, then you will be very happy. "

Xiaobai thought for a while, then said: "you men really strange, that kind of thing should not go to pain?"

"Well! Or you women don't know anything

Qin Murong turned his lips and felt guilty.

Xiaobai said It seems more reasonable.

Immediately people obviously saw Qin Murong and they, turned around to stare at one eye, and then slowly came to them.

Qin Murong was stunned for a moment, but he still raised his hand.

It's like a very casual movement.

At the same time, in the dense forest behind him, there were countless people crawling down, holding back that they didn't rush out to "escort" at the first time.

Qin Murong laughed and stood there waiting.

When one person and one horse come near, it's even more frightening to find that horse looking closer!

One eye is bigger than Qin Murong's fist.

He grinned and said, "what a handsome horse! It's supposed to be stable, isn't it? "

"Not bad."

Immediately the voice of people talking is very good, full of magnetism, but can not tell the age.

You said it was said by people in their twenties. That's right. It's not wrong to say it's 30 or 40 years old.

Qin Murong joked: "do you sell horses?"

"It's a little expensive to sell."

"Sell it?" Qin Murong was a little surprised, and then quickly asked: "expensive? How expensive is it? How much is it? "

Immediately the person says softly: "use this day to come down to change OK."

Qin Murong was stunned for a moment, subconsciously looked at his simple clothes, then said with a wry smile: "you can really be a joke..."

Immediately: "if you say this to others, it's a joke, but if you say it to you, it's not."

The corner of Qin Murong's eye twitched for a moment, and he stepped back secretly. He said in a deep voice, "do you know me?"

Immediately the person says with a smile: "once had the predestined relationship."

"Have I seen you?"

"Maybe I've seen it. Maybe I haven't seen it. It's hard for the baron to remember at a glance."

At the same time, Qin Murong began to feel numb.

Boy, what's going on in the world?

Why do so many people know themselves?

In this world, there are no photos and no Internet. Even those who are well-known can't tell who is who as long as they don't see them with their own eyes, or even if they see them with their own eyes. Even if they are officials of Daliang, they can't recognize them when they wear casual clothes and walk in the city of Daliang.

What's more, Qin Murong is a little prince who can't get out of the gate?

But since his debut, all of them have known him!

Looking back, Qin Murong coughed twice.

Immediately, the man said with a smile: "there is someone in the forest with a crossbow in his hand. As long as the Lord gives an order and flies the crossbow through his heart, I will die instantly, but Sir, do you believe that it only takes a moment for the crossbow to go through, but in this time, I will take Sir's life? "

Qin Murong's eyes twitched a few times, then spread out his hand and said, "it seems that I was careless this time But why do you all know me? Is there someone who has made me a very high-definition portrait, and each of you has written it down, so that everyone can know me? The key is that I've lost weight recently, and my appearance has changed a lot. "

Immediately people said with a smile: "Sir's temperament, not to mention wearing a simple clothes, is to wear everything, even if it is only to give people a back, I will not admit it."

Qin Murong scratched his head and said, "that's right I don't know whether I should be happy or depressed, but it seems that you have come to me specially? "

"Don't you think Sir Alex is very alarmed?" he said immediately

Qin Murong said: "why panic? If you're here to kill me, when I was close to you just now, at the moment when I spoke to you, you'd have the highest success rate. If you didn't do it then, you wouldn't do it now. "Immediately, the man nodded and said, "everyone says that Sir Alex is different. It's amazing to see him now."

Qin Murong sighed and said, "well Can you tell me who you are? Why are you here? What's the matter with me? "

Immediately, the man pointed to his mask and said with a smile, "if I can express my identity, I don't need to wear this mask."

"Not a hobby?"

"Well It's a hobby, too. "

Immediately people Leng for a while, and then said with a wry smile.

Then he said: "as for looking for the Baron, I really want to buy the world with him. As long as he makes a price, everything is easy to discuss. The world thinks that the Baron is a noble Viscount, but I think he is still a businessman."

Qin Murong said with a bitter smile: "so you are going to trade this horse for this The so-called world? "

"If Sir Alex likes it."

"This..." Qin Murong was a little helpless and said, "are you What do you think? It's too Strange, isn't it? The world? Is the world what I have? Why don't I know? Even the officials can't say such a thing, can they? "

The man immediately said with a smile: "so it seems that the Baron has suffered a loss in this business, but in fact, he is still making a lot of money. The so-called world only needs a promise from the baron. If the Baron can answer the whole promise, it's not just the horse. Just put forward what he wants."

"What if I want your life?"

Immediately, the man didn't answer immediately. Instead, he kowtowed his horse's belly and stepped back slowly. Then he spread out his hands and said, "Sir, you can order the crossbowman in the mountain to kill him. But if you kill him, I will take it as if he agrees with the deal."


Qin Murong quickly reached out to stop it and said with a bitter smile, "I didn't expect that my promise was still very valuable What kind of commitment is it? I have to listen to the price

Immediately the man said with a smile, "just promise that no matter what happens in this world, the Baron will not participate. Everything depends on his own ability. How about that?"


Qin Murong was stunned for a moment, then touched his chin and said, "which country are you from? North Qin? Western Zhou Dynasty? No, it shouldn't be the Western Zhou Dynasty. Is it the Eastern Zhou Dynasty? "

Immediately people did not answer, but asked Qin Murong a question: "Sir, you say that the world is in chaos now, not because of the differences of borders and races? The difference of interests? If we integrate the whole world into one, there will be less chaos in this world. A short war can bring long-term peace. I think it's a good deal. "

"I think It's quite naive. "

"Naive?" Immediately, the man was not angry, but said with some satisfaction: "others will say that this idea is too crazy, only the Baron, just say that it is childish. My Lord is really not an ordinary man

Qin Murong said with a bitter smile: "it's OK, it's not so magical."

Looking at the man immediately, Qin Murong's idea became a little complicated.

To be honest, it's quite strange and weird.

A man suddenly comes up to you and says he wants to rule the world

It's not crazy, it's weird.

The confidence of the other party's speech is a kind of firm belief, never doubting his own.

Qin Murong sighed and said, "is my commitment that important? And I may not keep my promise. I promise you. When something really happens, I'll stand up again. Anyway, I have to tear my face. It's all the same. "

Immediately the man laughed and said, "I still trust Sir Alex in this point. He is very committed. As long as he agrees personally, there will be no problem."

Qin Murong touched his nose and said, "OK I'll tell you the truth, I won't agree to it. "

"Sure enough..." Immediately, the man sighed and said, "the world is in chaos, so the Baron will always be involved."

Qin Murong said, "yes, so What are you going to do? Don't you just go for nothing? "

"In fact, I have been hesitating."

"What are you hesitating about?"

"I don't think Sir Alex is the kind of person who has no ambition. He is actually using another way to control the world. Although I don't know what the purpose of Sir Alex is, I believe that what he thinks is the same as what I think. It's all about change and the pursuit of peace. So I want to see if you can do it, I'm still able to do it. "

"It's strange..."

Qin Murong said.

"It's not surprising. It's like a match, or You and I are the only people who think so in the world. How can I be willing to destroy you? "

Qin Murong said, "can't it be that you have no way at all? Or can't bear the consequences? ""Consequences?"

Immediately, the man laughed and suddenly moved his hand. He felt that the strong wind flashed and a white light flew to the forest. There was a loud noise. A huge stone in the forest was directly smashed into powder!

After that, the crossbows and arrows poured in like rain.

Immediately, the man slowly inserted the long gun into the leather bag, gently pulled out the long sword from his waist, and raised his hand fiercely, a piece of huamang!

The sound of Ding Ding continued, and all the crossbows and arrows scattered around him, shooting at the land behind the cloud swallowing beast.

At the end of the wave, he put his sword into the sheath.

Then he turned his head and looked at Qin Murong and said, "even if you are in the camp, I'm sure you can kill you and escape for thousands of miles. Now you are welcome, so there is no possibility of failure."

Qin Murong's eyes twitched violently.

Then he said, "it's more proof that you're a freak, obviously If I don't promise, I will become your enemy. "

"There is an enemy What's wrong? Besides, is that a strange idea? I don't think so, and It can't be more strange than unifying the world, can it? "

"Well..." Qin Murong nodded and said, "that's what I said."

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