Cang Yun and Bai He stood there for at least half an hour. He didn't realize how long it took him. When he woke up, Qin Murong had already continued to give porridge there.

With a long sigh, cangyun Baihe gave the seal back to Qin Murong.

Qin Murong smile, said: "is very hot?"

"A little bit."

Qin Murong took back the seal and said nothing with a smile.

Cang Yun and Bai he were not happy. He said in a deep voice, "you knew I would give it back to you, didn't you?"

Qin Murong said with a smile: "this kind of thing, how to say? Originally, it's not easy to master. Power is attractive, but it can also eat people. I don't think you will give it back to me, but I firmly believe that a smart person will not put too valuable things on himself, especially when he can't bear it. This seal, except for me, is like a three-year-old walking on the downtown market with gold, no matter who you put it on. "

The white crane sighed.

To be honest, he was silent for so long, most of which was psychological struggle.

It's so tempting, there's nothing more tempting than this!

But it's too dangerous.

It's a danger I can't afford.

At last reason conquers desire.

But in fact, knowing that the seal was put back in Qin Murong's arms, he was still regretting it.

Either way, he will regret it.

So I began to complain about Qin Murong.

If he didn't take it out, he would not be so painful, so it was Qin Murong's fault!

Qin Murong gave a smile, as if he knew what he was thinking, and said, "now you can write a letter, such as directly Well, build a city in the south of the forest, specify the scale of the city, or write as large and complete as possible, and then I will seal the letter. Even if the transaction is completed, I will send it to you... "

Speaking of this, Qin Murong was stunned for a moment, as if he thought of something, and added: "Oh, yes, in order to celebrate that our letters were sent out by special personnel, it must be in the hands of the Qin chamber of Commerce soon.

Cang Yun and Bai he couldn't help getting tangled. He walked around the house every day, looking nervous.

Qin Murong is a little busy these days.

The children were rescued.

Thirty seven.

Eight of them He was dead, so there were eight more small tombs in this small valley. Qin Murong set up a monument for them, but did not write their name.

Feng Xiaoxiao looked behind and couldn't help saying, "I heard that if there are no words on the tombstone, the soul will be taken away at will, and then be reincarnated at will. There will be no good result."

Qin Murong gave a wry smile and said, "if there is a God's hell, I believe that these children's coming to life is an experience in itself. It's a robbery. Maybe they are some big people who need to go through all kinds of calamities, go through all kinds of joys and sorrows in the world, and finally achieve the right result. Therefore, it's just a disaster, that's all, so there's no need to engrave it Words, just Let's do it. "

Feng Xiaoxiao looks at Qin Murong's Xiaosuo's back. When he talks, he never looks back.


Finally, Feng Xiaoxiao puts down such a sentence and turns back to her room. For these children, she doesn't want to take care of anything. It's not that she is too lazy to take care of them. It's not that if she takes care of them, she will feel sorry for her childhood. It's just that She didn't feel qualified to take care of it.

Qin Murong asked people to help treat the injured children. Then he arranged temporary accommodation for them and provided them with food every day.

When the children recover a little, they are ready to teach them some skills.

Save people, save to the end.

Sometimes things in the world are so unreasonable.

It's a good thing that you save it, but if you don't have the mind to control it, don't save it!

It is more difficult to do good than to do bad. No matter what world or era, people will say this, because it is the truth.

A moment of good will is not bad, it's just cheap.

If they were rescued, they would only be given some food one by one. With their experience and the ruthlessness of life and death, there is a great possibility that they will not become good people, but will become cancer and do all kinds of evil things.

Or small things, or big things.

It is wrong to let these children go.

If you do a good thing and don't continue to do it, it becomes a bad thing. It's very unreasonable!

It's just hard to teach them some skills.

One by one, they were numb and dull, and there was no vitality in their eyes, just like a fool.

Sometimes Qin Murong called a few times, the other side did not respond, just stood there, did not know what he was thinking.One by one numb people angry and distressed.

After all They have never experienced any good things or happiness in their life.

Life for them, no good things happen, just a burden.

When "living" is just a burden in our hearts, we can not expect them to cherish their own lives, let alone the lives of others.

After all, all the goodness and integrity come from empathy!

Qin Murong took a deep breath and yelled, "grass, come here."

Xiaocao, the child who reaches out his hand and grabs Qin Murong's trouser legs and changes his life, runs to Qin Murong's side in a hurry and gives him a very strange etiquette.

Xiaocao knows that Qin Murong is a man of great power. Even the most powerful person in the valley is respectful to him. For Qin Murong, his own life is a matter of a word from the other party, either life or death, just by his mood.

Qin Murong frowned, and then said: "they are a little dull now. It's up to you. Since you held out your hand at the beginning and got this life for yourself and them, you need to be responsible to the end. Now that you are in charge, you will be in charge to the end and die! I'll give you three days. After three days, they should at least be able to salute and reply. Don't be like this. Do you understand? "

Xiaocao blinked. This boy, who is less than seven years old, even has a full understanding of life, but suddenly falls from the sky with a huge responsibility, which makes him feel at a loss.

Qin Murong left this sentence and left.

In fact, he doesn't have so much patience to deal with such a child. What kind of love does he really need? He is a very tough guy. He can melt the ice in other people's hearts with his warm heart

Qin Murong has no such thing!

After arranging these children, Qin Murong ran around the valley like a homeless man.

Since everyone knew that cangyun Baihe had been looking for him, but still let him break the rules of the valley, they felt that this guy was absolutely a dangerous person. Everyone tried every means to avoid him, for fear that he might accidentally run into unnecessary trouble.

Qin Murong is a troublemaker. There used to be such a rumor, but now it's confirmed.

In three days, he usually goes to the forging room after half a turn.

At this time, the old iron man was studying Qin Murong's craftsmanship. Some places were OK, but some places were still not. The key point was that his grasp of the heat was always a little poor.

It's not that he can't do it right. On the contrary, he has a good grasp of the temperature!

Sometimes to do a thing, it doesn't need to be so perfect, too perfect Yes, the next step is very troublesome.

For example, his perfect temperature control and metal proportion adjustment lead to the metal folding without so many steps, and even as long as the metal is directly made into the shape of a sword, what he needs is only the final heat treatment process, and does not need to use casting technology.

In fact, Qin Murong is very embarrassed to see this. Old tie is like a guy with a crooked skill tree, but he taught him the common way, which is not quite matched with his ability.

However, Qin Murong still didn't tell him why the metal would be quenched and cracked after folding for many times. He still didn't want to tell him about the concept of metal fatigue. In particular, he didn't want to tell him that his skill has surpassed Qin Murong himself in many places.

Qin Murong was there not for forging, but for making small things with his own tools all day long.

Moreover, these things are quite waste. Old iron man is always needed to smelt some good metals for him. Old iron man is also very angry.

In particular, Qin Murong saw that after cutting a few knives, he threw a very good piece of metal directly, only muttering in a low voice: "cutting too much."

The corner of the old iron man's eye twitched violently, and he wanted to pick up the metal block. If Qin Murong wanted it later, he would use it again to make a new one for him.

As a result, Qin Murong seemed to know what he thought, and said without raising his head: "you can use these scraps on the sword yourself. The metal you give me must be newly melted, and it can't be made a second time."

"Ah? Oh... "

The old iron man had a sad face. He didn't know what Qin Murong was going to do. He could only sigh and continue smelting metal for Qin Murong.

In two or three days, Qin Murong wasted hundreds of Jin of metal pieces It doesn't sound like a lot, but the iron old man's furnace is not big. Two apprentices work day and night to make it, and they can make seven or eight Jin in a day. These hundreds of Jin have been accumulated for a long time. Now he is robbed by Qin Murong. He really can't stand it.

But fortunately, the scrap can be used to smelt and make swords. In fact, it's not too bad except to spend more time.

What is Qin Murong doing?Pieces of metal are cut into various small parts, some of which look rectangular, but the middle is empty, only one on the surface.

Some of them are long tube, some are very long, some are very short. They all have problems and have been abandoned by him. After one half meter long iron pipe was damaged, Qin Murong was also very sad. After all, there is only one half meter diameter iron block, and there is no saw blade that can cut it at will. He can only cut it completely, leaving two or three pieces, which are quite waste The roots failed, too.

No way, he can only make some short iron pipes.

There are also some crooked things, even things as big as nails, which are very small things.

The old iron man watched for a long time, but he didn't understand what Qin Murong was doing. What he was doing was nothing, but he was still so serious. He didn't understand. He simply didn't think about it, so he went to study his own things.

Until the third day, Qin Murong finally succeeded. He raised his head and laughed for several times, which made everyone think that he had made something extraordinary. As a result, he ran over and saw that it was just a crescent shaped strip with a circular gap on it. That's all.

A group of people immediately left with a look of disappointment.

Of course, they don't understand Qin Murong's excitement.

In three days, although only one part was made, it was also a kind of Great progress!

Once only touched things, at most nothing in the hands of loading and unloading play things, suddenly one day let oneself just rely on memory to make out a, that It's impossible!

Fortunately, Qin Murong also understood the principle, so he thought of the most simplified structure in his mind, and then used the method of hand carving to realize it It doesn't seem impossible.

Or that sentence, anyway, idle is also idle, when passing the time.

Three days passed quickly, Qin Murong came to the children's room again.

This time, as soon as he came in, all the children stood there to greet him.

Then he asked Qin Murong in unison.

Although the voice is harsh, and some people are out of touch at all, it is a great progress compared with three days ago.

Qin Murong nodded, and then everyone gave them a knife, which was only the size of a little finger. They also divided a piece of wood, about the size of a palm.

Qin Murong asked them to sit down and look at themselves, then said: "now you are alive, but it doesn't mean you can live well in the future. If a person wants to survive in this world, he must have his own skills. To put it bluntly, he must have the ability to settle down! From today on, I will teach you this skill. If you change to another kind of teaching, you will be told that it's up to you how much you can learn this skill. Whether you can eat with it in the future depends entirely on your own fortune. But I'm not the same. I just want each of you to meet my requirements. If you can't meet my requirements I'm a very simple person. When I finish the task assigned by me, I'll have food. If I finish well, I'll have big fish and big meat, if I don't finish well, I'll have steamed bread and pickled vegetables. If I don't finish at all, I'm sorry, I won't have food. "

Qin Murong looked at the children and knew that they had heard clearly. He nodded, took out his knife and carved it on the wood. Then he put the egg wood on the table and said, "I'll come back in two days. You can use the wood to carve it. If it's broken, you can change it. Don't worry about the wood It's just as like as two peas, which is as good as possible, and the more it looks like the better, is that clear?

A group of children stammered and hawed that they understood, but in fact, few people really understood.

And Qin Murong just looked at the grass, the grass understand, they can understand.

Qin Murong knew this child from the fact that Xiaocao could grasp his trouser legs, feed porridge to those children with physical pain, and show that kind of expression at the dead children The future is not ordinary!

He is the kind of person who can be a leader. Qin Murong doesn't mind inspiring his talent.

Grass found Qin Murong looking at himself, some guilty, but still biting his teeth and nodded.

Qin Murong also nodded, relieved, turned and left.

After going out cold, Qin Murong went directly to the doctor in the valley and sat down in front of him. Then he said, "in the next few days, those children's fingers or other places should be injured. It's hard for the little kids who start to use knives to cut themselves. Can you look at them? If someone is injured, help them to treat them. Don't let them hurt too much. "

Doctor Tanaka was confused.

I'm not so familiar with you, you know? Why did you come up with a request? Besides, who yelled that the children should be responsible for themselves? Why did you change your mind in a few days?

"Well Sir, although the valley is not very busy, the old man always has a lot of things to do. There is also healing, and people come back from outside the valley every day, more or less with some injuries, so... "Qin Murong said, "tell me, what do you want?"

"This Isn't that good? "

Doctor Gu has a bitter face.

Qin Murong said, "the guy with the second seat, who is called Baihe, has taken the lead in trading with me. With him taking the lead, what are you afraid of?"

"Well, this That's what I said

The doctor gritted his teeth, and then said, "well, that's right. I've heard that the Baron was severely injured several times and nearly died..."

"Don't be so euphemistic. At the beginning, your people were here..."

He gesticulated his shoulder and said, "it almost killed me. Maybe that guy said it after he came back? It must be said that I must be dead. If I'm hurt like that, it's impossible, but I'm still alive. So you're curious about how I survived, aren't you? "

The doctor said with a wry smile: "the long cherished wish of my life is to improve my skills, treat the sick and save others. Ha ha, I'm not convinced that I live in this place where I kill people for a living, but I still want to see how clever the external means are."

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