At the same time, others were released.

They didn't react much better than the older girls.

Or mania, or cry, or atrophy, there is no stop shaking, as got hysteria.

Another one hit the wall with his head, as if to kill himself.

The reaction surprised everyone present.

There are only a few people, but they show a scene of hell!

Of course, they also don't understand why they have such exaggerated reactions.

Yeah, why?

People in previous lives almost know how painful it is to shut down such things.

And Qin Murong's punishment is not just confinement.

Three feet high, people can't stand up in it.

You can only sit there.

A foot and a half wide, even sitting, this leg is not straight, can only curl up there.

One or two hours is good, five or six hours is good, but it takes a long time

Almost everyone has experienced that where they can't stand up, they just want to stand up, straighten their body and raise their head, but they can't do it. No matter how they move or change their position at the hole, they can't straighten their body.

The feeling of scratching the heart and liver will make people crazy!

And if you keep this posture for a long time, in fact, the blood circulation is not smooth, and every part of your body is not comfortable. Sometimes when you feel numb, you want to straighten your legs. But this alone is extremely difficult. Only when you let your upper body run down and your legs stretch up, can you straighten your legs. That kind of comfortable feeling can also make people cry excitedly.

But after that?

The legs are straight, but the body is curled up at a foot and a half, the whole trunk is bent, and the chin is going to pierce into the chest. It will suffocate itself for a long time. Do you want to turn back? That's hard!

If you don't turn back in time, you will suffocate yourself. It's normal to cry out when you are inconvenient and anxious.

It's going to break people down.

But it's not all.

A small amount of food and water will be eaten soon after entering. In two days, it will be excreted.

Such a small and closed space, even take off the pants have become a very difficult thing, even extravagant.

So their excrement can only stick on themselves, which can make them feel the change process of those filth from warm to cold.

What's more, it's the smell.

The space is too small and the air holes are too small. It would have been muggy because of the body temperature, plus those things

It's a disaster.

But it's still not the most important thing.

And the darkness!

There is no sound, no light, a person is there, as if the world is only one person.

Can not feel the passage of time, or even feel the rhythm of life.

Isolated from the world, gradually driving people crazy!

Fortunately, Qin Murong reduced his punishment for one day. If he wanted them to stay in it for three days, they would be crazy.


Finally pacify the big girl, also let Xiaolan lead her to wash clean, change clothes back.

After a few days, she is still like a bird in shock, there is a little wind and grass will not help shaking.

And for this kind of punishment called "confinement" by Qin Murong, it has become a nightmare in her life, I'm afraid it will never be eliminated.

The most devastating time was when she once heard someone say the word "confinement" and accidentally peed her pants.

After all, she is the virgin of Huanghua. It is obviously unbearable that she is so shameful.

Because of this, she almost fought with several gossipers.

When Qin Murong knew about it, he didn't fight or scold. He just stopped the motorcade, made a few small caves, stuffed the sarcastic guys in and shut them up for four days.

Originally, he called for fighting and killing, but if he didn't kill the girl who was going to die, he forgave them all at once.

Because she thought that confinement was more terrible than death!

Four days later, four people were released, naturally very miserable, and one of them was completely crazy, how can not cure that, Qin Murong was thrown to the wilderness.

It's not that he's cruel.

The key is to transform a killer organization into a well-trained army. The most important two points are the cultivation of loyalty and the experience of cohesion.

Seeing other people suffer, Qin Murong will not be distressed by the number of such a guy who speaks sarcastically.

However, after this incident, we finally understand the horror of "confinement".

If they want to make trouble again, they always have to think about whether they have such a strong heart to resist that kind of suffering.

The effect of this kind of punishment was also reflected very quickly. Although the training was hard along the way, everyone held on and made the whole journey more stable.On the way, a lot of people gathered with him, including soldiers from other towns, people from the imperial court, and people from the Qin family chamber of Commerce.

They saw that Qin Murong was rescued safely, and they followed the team honestly.

As a result, the team is getting bigger and bigger.

When we got to daozijue city in Northern Xinjiang, Qin Murong's motorcade was followed by There are more than two million people!

Qin Murong turned his head and looked at the crowd behind him, a little embarrassed.

"This It's really helpless. "

Xue Dazui whispered to one side: "young master, how spectacular it is. How helpless is it?"

Qin Murong rolled his eyes and said: "with my wealth, plus the means of training, and the Great Northern Xinjiang road as the foundation, you say With these two million people, can I bring down the whole world? "

"Young master?"

Xue Dazui's eyes suddenly lit up and said, "my subordinates will take the lead and go through fire and water."

Qin Murong rolled his eyes and said, "when it comes to fighting, you're so excited. There's something wrong with you. You're sick and need to be treated."

"Well Don't you have such a mind? "

"Of course not. How can it be so easy? Look at the rivers. They are calm on the surface. How many fish and shrimps and undercurrents are there? It looks warm and peaceful, nourishes all sides, but suddenly a flood destroys the sky and the earth! The world is also called Jiangshan, when you call it in vain? Invisible in the river, invisible in the mountains! So it's impossible to win the world. "

"Well, if you don't have this intention, how can you worry?"

"Why don't you worry? I don't want to fight in the world, but if outsiders see this scene, will they believe it?"

"This..." Xue thought for a while and said, "what should I do? Are they going to be demobilized? Few of these people are soldiers of the imperial court, most of them are escorts of the Qin family's chamber of Commerce, and there are also some people who have abandoned the secret and turned to the open. If they are scattered, they will not find a livelihood for a while, which will cause unnecessary fights. "

Qin Murong was stunned for a moment and said, "among them, your Majesty's soldiers are still few?"

"Of course, there are few. No matter how much your majesty attaches importance to you, you can't send out the soldiers who are guarding the world."

"Well So it is

Qin Murong rubbed his brow and said, "in other words, I should arrange these people?"

"I'm afraid so."

"That's a real hassle."

Qin Murong sighed and went directly into the city.

As for the more than two million people, it's not very easy to arrange them. They can only be stationed about thirty or forty miles away from the city, with simple camp and adequate food supply.

It's a pity that it's winter, and the supply of quilts is always not enough.


Qin Murong sat on the main seat of the hall of the city master's mansion and said with his mouth curled to imitate Buddhism.


Jia Fugui had come from other places and said with a bitter face: "that What the young master said is really a good way, but for the construction of the Viscount City, we use all the wood around us, and the fuel is constantly burning in every workshop, so It's kind of hard to hold up a big bonfire. "

Qin Murong curled his mouth and said, "go and find a way for yourself!"

He looked around and said in a cold voice: "I will worry about this kind of trivial matter even now, right? I once heard a story about a very powerful man who was tired to death because of his hard work. I don't want to be like him

"Who is it?"

Xiaobai asked curiously.

"ZHUGE Liang."

"Who is that?"

"Oh, this involves a very long story, called the romance of the Three Kingdoms..."

Before Qin Murong finished, Xiaobai was dragged away.

Xiao Lan came over and said, "young master, you are spoiling her too much. Now she has no side. If you spoil her like this again, it's a bit of suspicion of favoring one over the other. It's very troublesome."

"Yes? Why don't I feel... "

"On weekdays, if someone talks such nonsense to you, you'll be kicked away. It's Xiaobai. Are you patient enough to explain to her?"


Qin Murong coughed awkwardly twice, then stood up and said, "what's the matter today? If not, I'll go back first. A group of people are waiting for me to eat. "

"Young master, I have a performance!"

Xue big mouth arched out, standing in the middle of the hall.

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