There was a war in my previous life. When I met with airplanes, tanks and artillery, many businessmen ran madly with bags of gold and diamonds. They had to find a peaceful place. There were countless deaths, injuries and robberies on the road, and finally they died in a foreign land. No one buried their bodies.

But some businessmen, but the waist is very enough to live, without exception, their root is industry!

Even the enemy will want to win over you, give you a chance to commit to the enemy, but secretly look for the chance to save the world.

Industry is also the foundation of a country, because other businessmen can leave you at the most critical moment, but they can't. their whole family is here.

Qin Murong wants confidence.

No, to be exact, he has to be confident!

Because the enemy is a little stronger.

Because the purpose is a little more grand.


With a long sigh, he said, "get the money ready first, and wait for my hand to recover a little. Can't you let me do it now? It can't move. "

"That's it, that's it. Don't worry!"

Jia Fugui gave a smile, and then said: "in fact, your oral statement is the same..."

"Go away!"


Another half month.

The first of the 200 came back.

When I go, I am brave and valiant, and when I come back, I am strong and strong.

Everyone was tired. After handing over the goods and money, they simply fell to the ground, as if they couldn't get up any more.

They were all injured, some on their feet, some on their shoulders.

Neck is a black water, no sweat, like wrapped in a layer of oil.

But the same, they each muscle on each of the thin tendons, as if full of strength!

In particular, everyone's calf is more concise, like a stone egg, pasted on the leg, can clearly see all kinds of tendons, as if wrapped by mechanical steel!

Even the palm is much wider than before. A fist looks like a stone!

Even their faces have changed compared with before. They have almost no fat. Their faces look like knives and sharp edges, like a piece of dried bacon.

If some people who work hard at home see these guys, they will cry out in surprise and ask why they have become "steel and iron"!

This is a state of approaching perfection, though suffering is normal.

Qin Murong's arm is a little better. It doesn't need to be wrapped. It's like zongzi. It can move a little, but it can't be too bent. It's like a zombie holding it every day, but he doesn't have so much strength. So once he goes down, Xiaobai and Xiaolan hold it with one hand. It looks like It's weird.

Qin Murong insisted on seeing their situation.

Black tiger rushed up for the first time, knelt down on one knee and said: "see you, young master, I'm glad I didn't disgrace my life when I went to business this time..."

"Get up and talk. You are servants now, not soldiers. You must remember."

The black tiger was stunned for a moment, and then laughed awkwardly. He quickly got up, arched his hands and said, "eleven people went, and ten people came back. One of them had a bad disease on the way..."

"Is life in danger?"

"That's not true, but it's stable to stay in Chuang Tzu outside the city. I'll be back in a few days."

"Well It's better to get it back early. After all, the doctors outside can't match our city. "

"Yes, sir

Instead of punishment, he cared, which moved black tiger.

But Qin Murong said immediately, "but there are always mistakes in this matter. We should punish them."

“…… Yes, sir

Next to Jia Fugui, a man came forward and pleaded: "don't punish the leopard, young man! He was all because of me. At that time, I was greedy and didn't listen to the command. I went to fetch water nearby. As a result, the whole team was upset. I was so scared that I went to collect herbs. As a result, I accidentally turned into the mountain stream. If the leopard didn't find me, I would The little one is already cold by this time. "

Qin Murong's eyes twitched a few times, and he couldn't help saying, "are there really such unfortunate people?"


The man was also embarrassed.

Qin Murong said: "I don't care about the reason. If it's wrong, it's wrong. There must be some punishment, but it can be lighter, and the daily training amount will be increased by half."

"Thank you!" Black tiger is grateful.

Qin Murong looked at the hapless man, puzzled for a long time, and still said: "that you Don't follow the caravan any more. Your luck is really Unfortunately, go to the backyard Forget it. It's even more troublesome when there's an accident in the backyard. Just go to the bean shop across the street and be a clerk. Don't worry, the salary will be the same. "

The man gave thanks with a bitter face.

It's a good thing to live with the same salary, but there are unwritten rules for business. Everyone can actually mix some of their own goods and make some money for personal use by walking back and forth. Although it's not much, sometimes it can exceed the salary.So it's not enough to go into business.

Because of this, Qin Murong specially investigated his caravans and found that his 200 men were not mixed with private goods, which made him very satisfied.

Since the training of the caravan team is very effective, it's natural to continue, but it can't always be like this. First, it's easy to really wear out the body, and second, it's afraid that the body will adapt to the intensity.

If adapted, it will not be enhanced!

Whether it's life or fitness, or even love, adaptation is not a good thing.

So the people who come back have to go through about ten days of intensive training, which can be regarded as "rest", and then they are sent out to reduce the manpower, and at the same time, let them speed up.

In a team of ten, if one person is less, the workload will be multiplied.

One more day is like the last straw to kill a camel.

Only in this way can they surpass the limit again and again, can they show more powerful ability.

Of course, all of this is carried out step by step in the trial.

And Qin Murong came to the conclusion that People in this world are much stronger than those in previous lives!

I don't know whether it's gene or living environment.

This reminds Qin Murong of some photos of his previous life. Some people who lived long ago, as teenagers, shouldered a heavy load of 300 kg and walked dozens of kilometers, could do it! When you have a rest, you should take a wooden stick to support the load. If you lean on it a little, you will have a rest.

If you squat down, you can't stand up. If you put it down, you can't lift it up without two or three people around you.

In just a hundred years, race seems to have changed.

Qin Murong used to make fun of the saying that "the ancients were tough", but now he saw it with his own eyes, which is a little ashamed.


With the training of 200 people becoming more and more mature, Jia Fugui finally got rid of all his treasures, except for some land deeds and house deeds in Weicheng.

A lot of money piled up in the room looks like a treasure.

"Hey, Mr. Qin, this beautiful scenery how? Anyway, I can't see enough! "

"That's why you live here three days in a row?"

"Hey, hey..."

Jia Fugui doesn't feel embarrassed either. He smashes his mouth, as if hiding the smell of money through the air. He enjoys it very much.

"Here's the money, Mr. Qin. What should we do next?"

Qin Murong gives Xiaolan a wink. Xiaolan reluctantly returns to the inner room and takes out a box.

After putting it in front of Jia Fugui, he specially told him, "just look at the things in it. Don't spread it or mention it to others, otherwise Hum

Just a hum, didn't say exactly what to do.

Jia Fugui shakes symbolically twice, and then asks Qin Murong with his eyes.

Qin Murong said with a smile: "don't listen to the little girl's nonsense. Here are the sketches I've drawn in recent days. You'd better go outside to find the best Masons. After all, the masons in Weicheng are all scheduled for next year. After all the hands are in place, the house will be built in the carpenter's workshop. Didn't you collect a lot of land deeds there? It's just right. "


Regardless of the reason, Jia Fugui went directly to do it.

Just fooled away Jia Fugui, also don't know what kind of day is today, Cui Baihe came.

This time, instead of the old days, he was dressed in official uniform, which complemented his slightly bloated figure!

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