Cui Baihe gritted his teeth and said: "in this case, you must not think about the gold medal of death free. But if you are in danger in the future, you will give up the old man's skin bag, and I will protect you!"

Qin Murong blinked his eyes, then turned his mouth and said, "well, don't talk about it. It's not that I don't like you. I'm afraid of the trouble I'll encounter in the future. Even if you spare your life, you can't solve it. Well, even if the plow is successful, you can't take it away, neither can the two craftsmen, let alone tell others that it can only be produced in my workshop. Don't worry, I will certainly produce as much as possible, and then sell it to the whole world! "

Cui Baihe was completely stunned this time. It's not that Qin Murong doesn't look up to him. It's Qin Murong's idea that makes Cui Baihe some can't accept.


When things are developed, they make and sell them? No one else can do it?

What kind of trouble is this?

This is a plow! It's a big issue of national policy and people's livelihood, and it's the same treatment as salt and iron.

However, Cui Baihe took a look at the iron yuan plow, thought of the "crisis" Qin Murong was suffering now, and knew what he was complaining about, so he sighed and said, "well, it's up to you."

"That's good. I'll be waiting for your news. Go and have a try."


Cui Baihe is still angry.

Then he took two men, wrapped the plow tightly, called several yamen servants, and secretly went to the farmland outside the city.

As soon as they left, Qin Murong saw Jiang Furong holding a bigger package, walking out of his mind.

What makes Qin Murong care is her expression.

That kind of determination, that kind of spirit that can't find life Qin Murong only saw this kind of look in three kinds of people!

He called Xiaolan and asked, "do you know what happened to the second miss of the Jiang family recently? She passes by our door day by day, and you must have inquired about it, too? "

Xiao Lan sighed, looked left and right, and said in a low voice: "uncle, the old men in the mansion don't know about this, but it has been spread in the lower world for a long time, but no one dares to gossip The second lady suddenly fell in love with gambling. During this period, she sold her jewelry. It seemed that she had stolen something from the first lady's room. All the maids in the first lady's room hesitated. They didn't know whether they should tell the old ancestor about it. If they didn't, they would suffer a disaster if they didn't trace it down in the future... "

Sure enough!

Qin Murong sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, it's a gamble.

Then why gamble?

Because of the chaos in Weicheng, Jiang Furong's recent wind review is very poor, so she must be under great psychological pressure. When she encounters something that can make her escape from reality, she is afraid that she will catch it.

Gambling addiction, OK, not long enough, there is hope to save.

Of course, the reason Qin Murong wants to save her is not because of Jiang yingyue, but because she thinks the little girl is really interesting. From the time she came here to make faces with him, she felt funny, as if it added a little color to Qin Murong's gray life.

It's rare.

With a long sigh, Qin Murong said, "prepare the car. I'll go to the gambling stall to have a look."

Weicheng's biggest gambling stall, which should be called gambling building, is a place called "life and death Pavilion". No one even cares about the "wanfanglaicai" on the plaque.

The pavilion of life and death, separated from life and death, opens life and death, and pays for all the wealth.

Qin Murong's presence here is really not surprising, even normal.

If even Gao Liang, the most black sheep in Weicheng, doesn't come here, the pavilion of life and death will be worthy of the name. Even if he is now in battle with injuries, it's very understandable.

Qin Murong looked at the big sign and saw the noise inside. He couldn't help but said with a wry smile, "this little girl can pick a place, and she can handle this kind of scene?"

Fortunately, people in Weicheng don't like to gamble much, but there are many gambling stalls, so the best gambling house is not rich. Compared with the Jiang family, it is always a little worse, so there is still room for moderation.

After entering, Jiang Furong was not found on the first floor.

Two more stories, but still not.

On the third floor, I saw Jiang Furong sitting in front of a gambling table, concentrating on the dice cup.

When some people saw Qin Murong being carried up, they all cast doubts in their eyes.

After all, it seems that his ability is not enough to gamble on these three levels.

Qin Murong smiles at the people around him, confident and steady. Although others are confused, they all smile at the same time and ignore him.

Except for one person.

Red robe red crown, a bloated, from a distance, it looks like a blood cell.

Such a red childe brother came to Qin Murong, looked up and down, and said, "Hey, thousand Liang servant girl, how did you come here?"

Red fat man is the guy who once ran into Qin Murong and wanted to buy Xiaobai.Qin Murong said with a smile: "it turns out that you are a brother who likes to buy other servant girls. If we meet again, don't you have any plans to buy my servant girls?"

"Can't afford to buy, can't afford to buy, gold thousand Liang young master although can take, but only buy a servant girl is really not cost-effective."

"I think it's a good deal."

"Grandma Wang sells melons Well, you haven't said why you came here? "

Qin Murong said with a smile, "I want to take a man back."

"Who is it?"

"See that man?"

The red fat man looked in the direction of his fingers and said, "Oh, the fat sheep dressed as a man? It's no use. I'm gambling. I won't go back if I don't lose, but this girl is a little bit good. "


"If she doesn't borrow money, she'll go when she loses. She's clean."

Qin Murong said with a smile: "there is still save."

"Can you help me? It's hopeless. I've seen too many women like this. If a woman is addicted to gambling, she'll be a little bit bigger than a man. There are many things that we men can't do. Hehe, they will do the same. "

Qin Murong's brow picked.

It's not because the other side talks nonsense, but because the other side says That's right!

With a sigh, Qin Murong arched his hand and said, "thank you."

"Easy to say, easy to say!"

If you are familiar with the boss, you can't plead with her here After all, it's a temporary cure, not a permanent cure. "

Qin Murong is a little strange. How can this red fat man who has only seen him once treat himself so well? And it's really helpful.

Red fat man said with a smile: "don't look at me with this kind of eyes. I've known Jia fat man for a long time. I'll take care of his friends."

"Oh Qin Murong suddenly said with thanks, "that's really going to trouble you."

Farewell to red fat man, Qin Murong comes to Jiang Furong's side.

This guy was so absorbed that he didn't find Qin Murong's existence until now.

Only when the sieve Cup opened and the dice reported a number of "three, two, five" did she round her eyes and almost take a breath. Then she noticed that there were many people around her.

"Why? Brother in law Cough, Qin Murong? What are you doing here? "

Qin Murong said with a smile, "naturally I want to take you home."

"Why? I don't know you

Her first words had been exposed before, but she still wanted to disguise.

Qin Murong said with a bitter smile, "I'm afraid that no one here doesn't know that you are a daughter, and few people don't know that you are the second lady of the Qin family."

Jiang Furong was stunned for a moment, and then looked around. Sure enough, everyone's expression was very ambiguous. It was obvious that she already knew her identity.

Jiang Furong a burst of anger, but said: "no, I can't go, I want to lose before all win back!"

Qin Murong looked at the little money on the table and said with a smile, "but your chips don't seem to be much."

"Nothing! I wish I had won a few games in a row! "

Qin Murong said with a bitter smile: "listen to my advice, now go back with me."

"Ah?" Jiang Furong seemed to have heard one of the funniest jokes and said aloud, "who are you? Why should I go back with you? You know who you are! You are a door-to-door son-in-law, and I don't need you to take care of it! "

That's too much.

He didn't give Qin Murong any mercy.

Even the people around have begun to laugh, a pair of onlookers.

Qin Murong sighed and said, "there are three kinds of people. I don't care if I say something hurtful. They are drunk, revenge and gamblers."

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