With that, Qin Murong adjusted his figure, turned his head, and aimed his earth cannon at the nearby mountain peak.

Then take a deep breath, squint your eyes and calculate all kinds of data in your mind.

At the same time, he said: "to tell you the truth, I really don't want to do this, because the natural disaster is a devastating blow here, because I don't know what kind of natural disaster it will lead to, whether it's cloud gathering and lightning strike, wind making and rain, or a stone falling from the sky I don't know what the result will be. I don't even know if this kind of disaster will affect me. I'm worried that I will be solved by the natural disaster if I'm not careful, so Let me ask again, do you really want me to do this? Do we really want to gamble? "

If Qin Murong didn't say it, the patriarch still felt guilty.

Now, as soon as he said that, the patriarch's mind was settled. He laughed twice and said, "naturally, I want to gamble. Young master, you'd better show your magic skills quickly. Don't delay here!"

He can be 100% sure that Qin Murong does not have that kind of magic.

Qin Murong sighed and said, "or Lord, think about it again? "

Naturally, the suzerain didn't know that Qin Murong was procrastinating so that he could calculate more precisely.

But Langsheng said: "if you regret it, you can give up resistance now and comfort Xiaojin's spirit with your life!"

"Ah Again, suzerain, you've said it twice. Can you tell the truth a little bit? "


The patriarch snorted heavily and said harshly, "is it all right? If you can't, I'll do it! "

Qin Murong said: "well, don't regret it. You should know that the most impossible thing in the world is regret medicine. What I said, what I said from the mouth of a man who can do miracles, you should believe it."

Then, no longer waiting for the patriarch to speak, Qin Murong suddenly pulled the trigger.

Yes, he has finished the calculation. There is no need to delay.

And the use of this sentence to adjust breathing, and even adjust the heartbeat, can't let the heartbeat, blood circulation, breathing, and even a drop of sweat, affect the accuracy of a gun!


The shell was fired.

It's shooting into the air.

The huge explosive force forms an air wave, which spreads out and rushes to the ground at the same time. Then it bounces around, rippling and rapidly goes to the surrounding mountains.

The shells in the air, after flying to a certain height, due to the change of air pressure and temperature, exploded at a very high place in the air. It bloomed like fireworks, and countless pieces flew around, causing huge waves and shaking the whole sky.

Great momentum!

The Lord and others were startled.

"This What kind of Kung Fu is this? "

For the first time, the patriarch stepped back two steps, staring at the sky with his eyes straight, his face full of horror.

He really never thought that there was such a magic thing, such a shocking thing in the world.

Qin Murong said that he used to solve a nine grade master's problem with clay cannons. He didn't believe it before, but now he believes it.

This is the moment.

"Suzerain, you put all your attention in the air like this. If we attack suddenly, you will suffer greatly. You will not die, but you will be hurt."

Qin Murong's words flied over and got into the Lord's ear, but it was like thunder, which made him turn his eyes to Qin Murong and others.

Qin Murong didn't do it.

But with a smile on his face standing in place looking at him.

Looking around, he said with a sneer, "the two masters are embarrassed? What about divine punishment? Why not? The thunder and heavy rain are small. Although it looks shocking, it doesn't seem to work

Qin Murong gently smile, looking at each other obviously relaxed expression, said: "don't worry, let the bullet fly for a while."

"What do you mean? What bullet? "

"Oh, it's nothing. I just want to say it suddenly. I feel very cool As for the natural disaster I have brought the news to God, but I always have to give it some time, and when God receives it, there will always be a little reaction time. It will come, don't worry, and Oh, by the way, I'm going to make some preparations now. I hope you don't disturb me. "

With that, Qin Murong took out the beam knife from his waist and began to dig the pit desperately on the ground.

The black bluestone ground, which will not change for a thousand years, was dug out of a big pit three or two times, which made the patriarch look silly.

He stared at the black knife in Qin Murong's hand and asked in a startled voice: "what kind of knife is this? Why is it so sharp? "

Qin Murong said with a smile: "it's just an ordinary long knife. Compared with the mountain cannon, it's just an ordinary thing."

"Is that normal? It's not that I've never seen a blade that can leave a mark on the black bluestone, but I can dig out a hole directly But for the first time

Qin Murong said with a smile: "I can only say The patriarch is a little bit ignorant. The world is very big, and the world is also very big. ""Hum!"

The patriarch snorted angrily and said no more words, but the greed in his eyes did not decrease at all.

After Qin Murong lost the gambling game, he was ready to kill people to get revenge, and he could still win the treasure. It was perfect.

As time goes by, Qin Murong has dug out a big pit for three people to hide in. Then he actually jumped in with Xiaobai Xiaolan. He piled up the excavated stones on one side. This is not the end. He dug out a distance under the slope, and Xiaobai Xiaolan was struggling to help him carry the excavated stones.

The patriarch sneered: "young master, you don't want to dig a tunnel to escape in front of me, do you? Ha ha ha ha

At this point, he couldn't help laughing.

Qin Murong said: "no, even if there is such an idea, it is impossible to realize it. In that case, don't I look down on you too much? I'm just afraid that natural disasters will affect me, so it's human nature to create a shelter. I hope you understand. "

"Well! Make a mystery

Qin Murong said: "don't worry, wait a little longer, it should be soon."

"I'm afraid you've been procrastinating like this. My patience is limited..."

But the voice just fell, the sky suddenly a roar sounded.

Boom, come from all directions, dull, but clear!


The patriarch was stunned and looked around, but he didn't find any abnormality, including no change in the sky, no sudden black clouds, no brewing thunder and lightning.

But the voice is so real that it can't be fake.

He immediately thought of the possibility that the sound was the echo of the explosion? It's just weird. It's a lot late?

But Qin Murong laughed.

He said with a sigh of relief: "sure enough, I said that the judgment is right, the calculation is right. God, it's still towards me."

Then at the next moment, the patriarch finally found out the difference.

The difference comes from the surrounding mountains.

The peak covered with thick snow has changed a lot.

The roaring sound is more and more, and the top of the mountain seems to move, as if something is collapsing

He squinted and looked at it carefully, but still didn't react.

On the contrary, Liu Xiaochuan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly exclaimed: "no! It's snow river! Snow river is coming! God, it's snow river

Snow river.

Avalanche is the name of the world.

The snow forms a river and flows down from high, like a river breaking its banks and scouring everything nearby.

And here It's a depression. It's a basin.

There are avalanches in the surrounding mountains, the target It can only be here!

At this time, the patriarch also reacted. First he was confused, then he yelled: "run! Find the exit and run

He is really a man of great Kung Fu. This voice can make the whole valley hear clearly, so everyone got out of their own room and ran up to the top.

They are not inexperienced in how to avoid snow river.

Qin Murong narrowed his eyes and laughed.

This is what he called a natural disaster.

In fact, as early as entering the valley, he found that the surrounding mountains were extremely high and covered with snow, which was the kind of terrain where avalanches might occur.

Because of the heavy snow, the original snow layer is soft and easy to slide. Once the weight changes, it will lead to the fracture of the lower snow layer, leading to a large number of landslides, and then chain reaction, leading to avalanches.

On the other hand, he intentionally kicks trees and fights in the snow. On the surface, he is playing with Liu Xiaochuan with childlike innocence, but in fact, he is using various levels of shouts to test and judge how powerful it is to induce avalanches.

To put it bluntly, we need to find the "resonance point" of these mountains.

It's not that the louder the sound, the easier it is to produce avalanches. It's that the sound is released, and the vibration wavelength is generated. Then, the various echoes generated by the terrain collide with each other, and the vibration amplitude reaches the resonance effect. That's the source of avalanches.

It's like using sound to deal with a glass. People always have two kinds of illusions. The first is that sound can't shatter the glass. What shatters it is the air blown out. The second is that the higher the sound, the more sharp it is, the more likely the glass will break.

But in fact, it's not the vibration caused by sound that breaks the wine glass or glass, but it's not that the higher the vibration frequency is, the better it is. As long as the resonance frequency of the wine glass is met, the higher the resonance frequency is, the lower the resonance frequency is.

Qin Murong's previous calculation is to calculate the explosion point of sound, the time of echo generated by hitting the rock wall, and whether the frequency of the disturbed sound wave can reach the resonance of avalanche when different echoes collide at multiple positions!

It's all too precise.

Qin Murong can only judge a general.

That's why he used the earth cannon. Even if it didn't produce resonance effect, the fragments of the earth cannon would fly to those mountains, and it was easy to induce avalanches by the huge impact.There are so many mountains. As long as there is an avalanche on one mountain, he will win the bet.

But I didn't expect This time his gambling luck was so good, it really made him hit the resonance frequency!

So The huge avalanche formed by all the peaks at the same time, from the top to the bottom, became more and more intense. In the roar, in an instant, it buried all the huge Valley!

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