In the central and southern part of Daliang, but beside the ancient river, jade is produced.

The little girl in exchange for family, day and night in the ancient river looking for looks like a good stone.

Some are useless stones, some are really good jade, but they will be robbed or cheated by others. What can be brought out is very low-grade jade.

I will be cheated by some unscrupulous businessmen before.

Now the Qin family's chamber of commerce is better than before, but the little girl's stone is limited after all. She can only barely support her family and has to work hard.

Now I fainted because I was tired.

Qin Murong followed her home and saw that there was no family to live in, one old and one young.

This made Qin Murong hurt his heart!

He tried his best to change the world so that there would not be such a lonely state in Daliang, but There is a limit to human power, and the place where human power can't catch is hell.

But it's strange that there are no males in such a family. It's strange that there are no males in the family, but there is no support from Lizheng ancestral hall.

After further inquiry, we know that this pair of loneliness is not the loneliness of a family, but the loneliness of a village!

In a village with hundreds of people, there were only two people left in an instant, and the nearby villages swept the snow in front of their doors, which caused such a problem.

A village just disappeared?

The little girl didn't know how to describe the facts very well. It took a lot of effort for Qin Murong to come up with some ideas.

At first, a few people in the village entered the forest, and then they never came back. The villagers naturally went to find them, but everyone was timid for fear of being swallowed by the "black forest". So Li Zheng made a very stupid decision, that is, the whole village should go together!

And then They didn't come back either.

The widows and orphans in the village waited for three days. Instead of waiting for their relatives, they were waiting for a group of bandits. They didn't rob them, they just killed and set fire to them!

The old woman and the little girl came back overnight because they were injured when they were collecting ore. when they came back, they found that the whole village was gone, leaving only a piece of scorched earth, and even no corpse.

The old woman didn't want to take revenge. Now she just wants to bring up the little girl.

But she also knew clearly that with her own body and age, she would die before she could stand on her own.

So every day let the little girl go to the ancient river road, desperately to pick up, desperately to learn, desperately to recognize.

She hopes that the little girl will learn these as soon as possible, and even expect to learn to achieve success in the next day

When Qin Murong heard this, he thought of himself.

In his previous life, when he was drifting on the sea, his mother also pulled his arm hard and taught him to paddle with his arm to make the basin float faster. Finally, she pushed the basin hard to make Qin Murong float farther

Such as the eagle cub training, forcing chicks over the cliff.

It's a kind of What a great love?!

Qin Murong didn't leave them much money.

At that time, she broke a few pieces of silver, but taught the little girl how to recognize the jade. There are also several tricks that can hide the stone in full view of the public, so that no one can find it, or even search her body after training.

After teaching for several days, Qin Murong left here.

Instead of going south, he turned and came to the "black forest" in the mouth of the common people!

A clan gate.

Whether these guys are restricted by poison or oppressed by more powerful forces.

Between life and death, when the two enemies in front of them have a choice, they choose the weak people. Instead of choosing the powerful oppressors, they use resistance to get the antidote or freedom.

This This is the original sin!

Not to mention how much blood they had on their hands!

The killing continues.

Qin Murong is hidden in the snow.

Snow is better than water.

Water is transparent and people can see it.

Snow is different, covering all, nothing to see, close at hand, but not aware.

What's more, it can move in the snow!

They have great strength and Kung Fu. It's not impossible for them to move forward in the snow. They just squeeze the snow in front of them behind them, just like swimming in the snow.

What Qin Murong did at this time was to find a place and quietly feel the rhythm around him.

When someone comes near, the snow will change, it will be squeezed, or suddenly the snow on the body will become lighter.

So as long as you roughly judge the position of the other side, the beam knife will pass in an instant!

The extremely sharp knife cuts through the snow without leaving any trace, but the people in it are different. They cut it by blocking the waist. Those with high blood spurt are caused by cutting off their heads and spurting blood from their necks.

All he had to do was cut a few knives, and the people in the snow were in a mess.

Some people grope in the snow and suddenly touch a hand. They grasp it excitedly and drag it to their arms. They are ready to wait for the other party to come near and chop it to death. As a result But only one hand.Broken hands, only near the palms and forearms.

Holding it in your hand, it's cold, as if it's cooler than the snow around.

As a result, their hearts became cold. Once the idea of panic rose, they could not resist, and their whole body and mind were in a mess.

When there is another sound or activity nearby, they often don't think about who the other party is. They just cut it and stab it, then they can hear the other party scream.

As for whether Qin Murong or not, it doesn't seem to matter much.

Some people are a little calm, shouting in the snow, trying to let their companions know their own position, don't hurt themselves, and don't hurt others.

Of course, all his companions would avoid him.

But Qin Murong won't!

He groped for his voice, and all the way, he directly slashed with the big beam knife, silently cutting everything, until he killed the shouting man!

After all the "smart" shouting guys have lost their voice, they finally understand that it's just as stupid to shout, so All of them covered their mouths and didn't dare to make any noise.

The previous experience makes them dare not move.

So Silent and motionless, they are like stones in the snow, waiting for something calmly.

What are you waiting for?

Waiting for Qin Murong to fall into the trap? Or waiting to die?

In Qin Murong's view, it can only be the latter.

Because of the existence of Daliang Dao!

This thing is against the sky.

In this kind of snow where you can't use your Kung Fu, Daliang Dao is really easy to use. It's just a burst of crazy hacking, and it can easily change your position. It's the bottom of the potential, making it impossible for people to defend.

Sometimes Qin Murong has no one to come to him for a long time. He even takes the initiative to scream, attracting people to "swim" to him. Then he takes the opportunity to go down and wait for something to happen around him, which is another mess!

As he said, he's really a bit invincible here.

And on the snow, people gradually find the problem.

The advantage of the number of people in the snow is really gone.

Some people are smart and can't spend so much.

But the patriarch was not willing to urge them to go down and die again and again, just like He is Qin Murong's ally, two people make a set, kill their own men!


A man suddenly climbed out of the snow, half of his body came out, but he was stuck there. He knew what was going on, and began to climb on the snow with both hands, and then After climbing out, he found that his lower body had disappeared!

The place you climb is a road of blood!

The ice cold of the snow and the obstruction of his sight made him not realize that he was half dead.

At this time, he reacted and cried out with all his strength

That voice rips heart crack lung, let a person listen, send out a chill from the bottom of the heart!

Then the sound gets lower and lower, and finally disappears.

And that man It's really cool. It's really cool.

"He He's the devil! He is the devil

A man can't stand it any more, so he shouts out loud.

Other people are climbing out of the snow.

Some people succeed, but many fail.

Especially in the selfless climbing dominated by this kind of fear, it is inevitable to hurt the companions around.

On the way to escape, no matter who you meet, it's always right to slash in horror!

Some of them didn't cut, but they met Qin Murong. Of course, before they saw Qin Murong, they were cut off by Daliang Dao!

The Lord finally understood and yelled, "come up! If you keep him on the snow, I don't believe that he can stay under the snow all his life

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