"You Is that a little too much? "

Childe is a little angry.

I've taken a fancy to all these things. I've even drawn a picture of a beautiful future life in my mind. Now I say that I don't want to sell them. Isn't that a pitfall?

Then he suddenly realized.

Qin Murong doesn't want to sell goods, it's showing off to him!

Show off your wealth!

In this matter of showing off his wealth, the young man realized that he had not lost anyone, but today he suddenly felt a sense of frustration, which made him very angry.

Children from rich families, especially those who are very rich, like to get up wherever they fall.

And it rarely happens, I lose you somewhere, but I think about where I win you again, so we are even!

Meet a person richer than me, but I look more handsome than him! If the other side is more handsome than me, then I am taller than him. If the other side is taller than him, then I save food than the other side!

High power, I live longer than you! I'm still young. When you die, I'll be a handful of loess. I can still dance on Loess!

In this way, how fair and beautiful the world is?

But these dignitaries are not the same. They don't know how to be flexible at all. They are idiots. They always make trouble for themselves. So their troubles come from themselves, not out of thin air.

Now, for example, he rushed back to his carriage and came out with a long sword.

Qin Murong asked curiously, "what are you doing? Just because I don't sell your things, you're going to work hard for me? You swore just now

"No, it's not!"

He quickly shook his head, put the sword in his hand and said, "this is the famous sword that my father gave me earlier. It's called Haoyue matchless! Ranked sixth in the list of magic weapons, ordinary weapons will be broken when touched. It's very easy to use. Is it a treasure

Qin Murong curled his mouth and said, "baby, no baby It's a comparison. If you compare it with the ordinary farmer's kitchen knife, you are definitely a magic weapon blade, but if you really put it together with the magic weapon blade It may be no different from the kitchen knife of the farmer. I don't like the kind of things that will change the baby's degree as long as I change the environment a little. I prefer the kind of things that are top-notch no matter how they change or where they are placed! So your sword Maybe it's a baby in you, but it's not in me, so I don't like it very much. "

"What did you say? This You've seen too little, haven't you

The childe elder brother said very displeased, even with some sarcasm.

Qin Murong shrugged helplessly and said, "it's meaningless if I don't explain it to you. If I really compare with you, I'm afraid I'll be told that it's my intention to compare with you. I don't want to compare with you."

The more he said that, the more angry and anxious he was.

He cried out, "Bi! It has to be compared! If you don't think it's good, take out a better one! Hum, don't have nothing at all, but you are not ashamed to say something to my sword. I hate this kind of person most in my life! It's invincible to say, but nothing to do! "

Qin Murong sighed, as if he had been told his anger. He pulled out the sword from his waist and put it flat in front of his eyes. He said: "if you think your sword is good, you can cut it up with one sword Not me! It's the knife. Let's make a deal Do you have a foreman? Don't cut me off by accident

Gongzi Ge was thinking about whether he wanted to chop or not. After all, long sword is bad for long sword. Now, Qin Murong's fear that he would make a mistake has shifted his focus.

"How can I make a mistake?" He said: "I was three years old and practiced martial arts when I was four years old. I almost went to sleep with my sword in my arms at night. How could I make a mistake?"

"Well Well, trust you for the time being. "

Qin Murong is still worried.

Brother Gongzi draws out his long sword and cuts it directly

Ding a crisp ring, the sword should be broken, especially crisp, and even Childe didn't use much energy!

In fact, this kind of thing It's often rolling. It's very hard to break a piece of glass. If the glass is more than ten centimeters thick, it can be broken!

But in front of the diamond, it seems too fragile, almost no effort, directly across the past, click a sound, the glass is finished!

As in front of this world's No. 6 Haoyue unparalleled, clearly has a very high hardness and strength, but still in the first time completely broken.

Childe brother looked at the broken sword in his hand and the sword tip on the ground.

Up to now, he has no sense of reality. He doesn't feel that his sword is really broken.

It's been a while.

On the contrary, Qin Murong said, "I'll tell you, you are the so-called sword. I'm afraid you've been cheated. What's the matchless moon? Since it is unparalleled, it must be the top, the world's first, but ranked sixth in the world, it is very strange! How can it be worthy of the name of matchless? Is it hard to say that everything is unique? Unparalleled means that under the end of the day, there is no one who can match it, let alone surpass it? It's not right to be ranked sixth. It's a sword. I really don't think so. "Childe looked up at Qin Murong.

He found himself disgraced!

If you admit that this sword is really a sword, then He completely lost, but if he was cheated, a little disgrace, but it is not a loss! I still have the chance to show off my wealth.

So he trembled and said, "yes Yes, it seems that It seems that I was really cheated. Otherwise, how could the sixth sword be broken so easily? Even if I lose, there will be a slight gap. Originally, I didn't use any strength... "

He didn't know what kind of realm the Daliang Dao in Qin Murong's hand was. After all, few people had seen it, and the Daliang Dao was not on the weapons list.

So it can only be that this sword is a fake, the undoubted one.

Childe brother does not admit defeat, brain crazy activity, and then jump foot said: "you wait!"

He ran back to his carriage and rummaged.

And then he just froze there.

Before, he thought that he was very rich. There was no one more rich than him in the whole South County. All his things were incomparable to ordinary people.

But now, when he looked around, he found that what he had was Cheap!

Even at the critical moment, there is no good thing to hold.

Next to the hand whispered: "young master, there are hour hourglass!"

As soon as his eyes brightened, he smashed his fist and said, "yes! I still have this baby

Then he took out an hourglass from the carriage and put it in front of Qin Murong with exquisite craftsmanship. He said in a loud voice: "this hourglass is a national treasure of the Western Zhou Dynasty!"

Qin Murong blinked his eyes and said, "it's just an hourglass. What's good about it?"

"This hourglass is not that hourglass! Just like your telescope, it's very different from those on the market! "

"Oh? What's the difference? Isn't it for timing? "

"Er..." Childe brother was stunned for a moment, and then said: "this, that road has no other function, just for timing But! It's different! The reason why it is called hourglass is that every time it turns over, when the gravel runs out, it is a good hour! Whether it's cloudy or rainy, or it's left and right swinging on the carriage, it'll be extremely accurate! "

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