The journey from the west to the city spread not only to the south, but also to the northwest countries.

They had been particularly scared when they heard about it, but now they heard that the three thousand sleeves were coming towards them, which was just like crazy.

The only thing they think of is to run away!

Yes, after all, there is no way to go west to the city, and it was conquered in one day. Is it possible for these small countries to resist? Isn't that being pushed flat? There's no way to even stop others from moving forward!

So some people ran away.

But some people didn't run.

They are not afraid of death, but they are lucky.

Some of their family and friends are living in Xijin City, and they have brought out some messages, which contain some favorable information for them.

And they have no way to escape.

Very simple, the family property is in the original country, there is no spare money.

And in the process of escaping from famine, if there is no money Don't expect outsiders to help you. If you have no money, no food, no place to sleep, you will be killed by freezing or starvation. There is no other possibility.

As for Qin Murong's red sleeve army, they have a good reputation for not killing ordinary people, which gives them some hope that they may survive.

So the tea came.

It's really like what they imagined, rushing all the way, not giving them a chance at all.

If you don't resist, you'll be fine. If you resist, you'll die.

In this case, it's easy for everyone to choose.

I directly thought of a good way, that is, to respond to changes with constancy, to put it bluntly, to stop moving.

Just stay at home honestly and give life or death to others.

And the red sleeve army really didn't kill them. They went all the way, and then they changed their owners. The chamber of Commerce of the Qin family immediately added that they let this place enter the city through the west, connecting with the whole mainland.

This is not only a business road, but also a way to survive.

Soon people in the northwest understood what commercial value was.

Exchange is everything.

Some areas are suitable for growing rice, many varieties, are overwhelming, but the lack of meat, meat people see crazy! But if we use good land to grow grass, it will be a special loss.

So there are places that are cold and not suitable for planting. They use natural grassland to carry out animal husbandry. If they only eat meat, it's really not enough for them to live. But as long as they take the meat and go to the farmers to exchange for a lot of food, then everyone has food and meat, and they can support each other.

All things, as long as it is a transaction, are generally based on this principle.

People in the northwest are not poor. They are isolated from the world. Fixed crops can only grow a fixed number of people. So as long as they develop to a certain level, they will become very difficult, or in a state of special balance with nature and integrate into it.

It's like there is only one tiger on a mountain, because if there are two tigers, one may starve to death.

And commercial exchange will break this balance, especially at the beginning, there will be huge benefits, that is, before the next "balance point" appears, the material differentiation generated during this period is the biggest and most profitable.

Of course, these interests will naturally be taken away by the Qin chamber of Commerce.

But it's not bullying people. After all, it's still that sentence. Each takes what he needs.

As a result, Qin Murong's aggression turned into military force and economic aggression. Fewer and fewer people resisted, because more and more people gained benefits. In addition to the earliest rulers in Northwest China who suffered, the people immediately realized the benefits.

Of course, there are also some rulers who, in order to maintain their ruling status, do not hesitate to let the people die. They do not care whether the people will live well or not, but know that if their country is defeated, they will not live well.

It's not unusual to sacrifice others for your own sake.

And the red sleeve army has no idea of being soft hearted at all. When it comes to this kind of country, it's extremely cruel killing!

After a war, some strange things will happen in the northwest.

For example, if the red sleeve army is about to go to a country, all the ministers of that country will go to the Lord and ask him what he thinks and whether he wants to gather the strength of the whole country to resist.

If the Lord really gave this order, then in the evening, taking advantage of the dark moon and high wind, a group of people would solve all the people in the Lord's house, and then open the door to offer the city!

Few people are so stupid, especially those who have been in high positions. If a guy who has been in high positions suddenly looks very stupid, then he must be deliberately pretending to be stupid, and may even have a great plan!

Being a person, especially being an ordinary person, never think that a guy with high power will be stupid by himself.People with such ideas are really stupid!

After the red sleeve army headed by leopard knew the situation here, they were a little confused. They looked at each other, then just nodded and began to take over the city. Everything was in accordance with the original plan, and they didn't give it any preferential treatment or right treatment because of its particularity.

"The young master said, let's not study so many things about human nature. He said that the more we know about that thing, the easier it will be to lose our sharpness. If the red tea has no sharpness and less elegance, we will not be red tea."

Leopard explained to his brothers in this way. In fact, he didn't understand it very well, but most of them repeated Qin Murong's words. He thought this should be enough.

All the way forward, tea do not know how far away, conquering the city, until they move forward in the direction of the Qin chamber of Commerce has some can not keep up.

From the very beginning, as long as the city was conquered, people from the Qin family's chamber of Commerce came in. Now it takes a few days for a caravan to come, and the number is limited, so the leopard began to hesitate.

"What's the matter? Don't you keep going? Why trim? Everyone is ready to take a breath and fight all the way to the horizon! "

Haizi and others are crying excitedly. They seem to be addicted.


For them, the war is more like a kind of tourism.

It's very interesting to experience the local conditions and customs and the folk scenery.

They always hope for "the next moment", always looking forward to what will surprise them again, or scenery.

But the leopard ordered them to stop.

The leopard sighed, looked at the borderless front, and said, "as you said, if the Qin chamber of commerce can't keep up, we're almost at the end, and we're going back."

"I feel If there are a few more countries, we can come to the end. I really want to go to the ends of the earth to have a look! "

"If we continue to fight now, it is not dangerous. The key is that it is not of great use. Without the support of the Qin family chamber of Commerce, we can not rule the place we have fought. This is the limit that the chamber of commerce can manage now. If we want to go on an expedition, we can only wait for the chamber of Commerce to continue to become stronger. When the time comes, the supplies will be more abundant and the quantity will be more We can continue to expand, but now, too many places are a kind of burden. "

"Oh So... "

They looked at each other, and one of them asked, "how can we expand the chamber of Commerce?"

"The young master said that the place we occupy will actually become a part of the chamber of Commerce. By then, the Qin family chamber of Commerce will be stronger and stronger. Of course, the young master also said that if we meet some talented people, we can also absorb them into the red sleeve army."


In a word, it surprised everyone.

They are the kind of people who are selected at different levels and finally stay. They are winners, but they are also temporary winners. When there are more excellent people, they will be pushed down.

Because the number of three thousand is fixed, Qin Murong said, the most powerful tea, as long as three thousand, other people can be placed in other legions.

But what's the point of other legions besides red sleeves?

After all, it can not escape a "ordinary" description.

Almost at the same time.

Qin Murong, who lives on an unknown island, squints at the sky and says with a smile, "red tea should go to the limit, right? It's time to turn back. Leopard is not a rash person, but he's also a guy with soft ears. If someone encourages him, I'm afraid he'll go forward for a long distance, but if he goes further, it's easy to cause casualties... "

Xiaobai said with a smile: "I don't think so. Leopard will listen to you most. If you don't let him go, he won't go."

"Is it?"

"Sure! Isn't that why you have trusted him all these years? "

Qin Murong laughs, shakes his head and says, "you little head melon seeds are very easy to use, but you just know how to think about me all the time. What do you do when you make me so clear? I'm afraid to see you. "

"How can it be? The young master is not afraid of Xiaobai."

Xiaobai, with a smile, nestled in his arms, and then suddenly whispered, "I seem to be Yes

"Ah? What do you have? "

"That is Yes

Qin Murong was stunned for a long time, and then reluctantly reacted. Then he stared at Xiaobai, then looked left and right, and quickly asked, "do others know?"

"Just Xiaolan knows..."

"Why don't you tell them?"

"I'm afraid Others are jealous. "

Qin Murong rubbed his brow and said, "jealous? There must be, but if you don't think about it, my eldest son is OK. What can you do for him? "

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