Qin Murong's statement scared everyone.

Naturally, they began to avoid the moths and insects.

How many of those insects fly up at night? If you just grab it, you can grab two!

All over the world, like sand.

So everyone stayed in the tent.

Looking at the crowd dancing outside through the gauze curtain, I always feel that it is not very real.

Qin Murong was very calm. He said that when they were used up, they would have to be buried or burned, because there was a lot of moth dust on them, and there were some bodies squeezed by the same kind hanging on them.

Moths to the fire.

It's always a crazy thing to look at.

People always think that there should be nothing more crazy and stupid than this in the world.

It is impossible for human beings to do such a thing.

Feng Xiaoxiao, in particular, agrees with this view.

Moths to the fire, only moths can do it, human beings can't do it.

Qin Murong just laughed.

Ask him if he has paid attention to the people around him and what happened to them.

Feng Xiaoxiao thinks about it and finds that except Qin Murong, she never seems to care about anyone and naturally doesn't want to know them.

Xiaolan said the same thing.

Of course, she felt that she was stronger. After all, when she was in Weicheng, she knew many neighborhoods, and everyone had their own stories. She often heard some of them, especially the gossip in the market, which seemed to reveal all the secrets.

Qin Murong asked about one of them.

A man called one eyed Zhang.

No one knows the specific name of Zhang. It's just that he is blind, so he has such a nickname.

One eye Zhang's characteristic is very frugal, also very stingy.

At that time, most of the families in Weicheng were relatively poor, which could not be compared with the status of the richest town in the world.

He is stingy, but he doesn't take advantage of others, so even if people complain about him, they don't really hate him.

And this person's temper is particularly good, looks up to the joke, can endure the evil spirit.

Popularity has always been good.

Qin Murong asked Xiaolan if she knew why she was blind.

Xiao Lan thought for a moment, only said it should be born.

Qin Murong told her a story about one eyed Zhang.

When he was a child, his family was very poor.

If you can't eat and are hungry, you have to go out and look for food everywhere.

Once he saw a dog eating a bowl of noodles. He was so hungry that he went to grab dog food to eat.

Dogs, of course, protect food.

One man and one dog beat for a long time, but one eye was defeated.

Afterwards, he was thinking about how to beat the dog and get food from it?

But on second thought, he felt as if he were stupid.

If you can deal with the dog, what kind of dog food will you eat? Why don't you just eat the dog!

So he got some rodenticide and put it in the bowl of the dog secretly. After the dog ate it, he died in pain.

He stole the dog overnight, cooked a pot, and had a rare meal.

As a result, he drank the toxin into the soup, blinding one eye.

He didn't feel like he was losing money.

On the contrary, I'm glad I didn't die.

With one eye for several days of food and clothing, he thought it was a profit.

Just as his life became a little better, he found how much he had suffered from the "trade".

Over time, he didn't regret anything, that is, he had a very indifferent view of people and things, which was also the reason why he had a good temper.

Hearing this story, Xiao Lan was a little confused.

She never thought that one eyed Zhang had such a past.

Qin Murong laughed, rubbed her hair and said, "people around us, no matter who they are, actually have some stories. Only when we understand them carefully can we know. Just like the world around us, you can see, hear, smell and even feel it, but if you don't understand it with your heart, we are just a kind of ordinary creatures isolated from the outside world. "

"Like these terrible insects?"

"Yes, just like these worms."

Qin Murong is saying.

In the distance came a sad cry.

Several people ran out of the forest.

But the clothes have broken and the skin has started to rot.

If not for their upright running, it's hard to see that it's human!

These are the people who stayed in the forest.

I don't know what terrible things happened to them.They were wailing and shouting.

Then they fell to the ground.

Although I left the forest.

But the body doesn't stop rotting.

Little by little, it turns into a pool of thick water.

Then it is absorbed by the land full of weeds.

The grass is squashed.

Stand up again with a gust of wind.

Completely covered up the crime there.

As if nothing had happened.

As if those people didn't exist.

Even the people who have been shocked and stupefied at the scene have some doubts about whether the mirror image just seen actually occurs or only exists in their own dreams.

People are dead.

It's gone.

There is no scream, except for those moths, there is only endless wind, which will never stop.

The next morning, Qin Murong asked someone to put down the curtain completely and cover it with a layer of water stained cloth. Although the air permeability was poor, the fog in the morning would not penetrate.

Other people try to imitate Qin Murong.

And this way, saved their lives!

There are still many people, especially those who don't know Qin Murong's identity and are just ordinary members of Baixiao. Naturally, they will not imitate Qin Murong's practice without any reason.

Even though his previous orders saved many lives.

However, when the morning fog appeared, it was too late for them to regret.

First, several people developed symptoms of coughing.

Then he coughed up blood.

Some people have higher accomplishments and use their skills to survive.

Some people die in a severe cough!

Wait for the sun to rise.

The morning mist gradually dissipated by the sun.

Qin Murong still did not leave the carriage immediately.

But when it was almost noon, I opened the car curtain and walked out slowly as if nothing had happened.

Then he said, "bury those who are dead and those who are not corrupt. Dig a hole as deep as possible. At the bottom, burn it first and then bury it."

The others didn't understand, but they did.

Through these two things, even the guy who once doubted Qin Murong became more and more forward-looking.

Listen to him, help!

The vast majority of people will not ask questions. Anyway, they can do whatever they want. It is important to keep their lives.

The wind is the only exception.

She asked suspiciously, "why? I can understand the morning fog. It's miasma, which is equivalent to poison gas. If there is no barrier to filter, it will erode the lungs with the breath, so it will cough up blood and eventually die. But why bury the body deep? How about a fire? "

After that, he said, "it's the great disaster of Qin! It has existed since ancient times. Why? In fact, it's very simple, that is, the corpses after the disaster are not properly handled, and the corpses will breed viruses and bacteria. Even if they are far away, they will also pollute the water source, and they will be transmitted to the water hundreds or even thousands of miles around through the groundwater. Moreover, this disease is often viral, which means that they are highly infectious! So we have to burn them first and then bury them to stop the spread of those viruses, but the viruses in the forest I don't know what kind it belongs to, so even if it's burned, it should be burned in the pit as much as possible, so that the distance of smoke will be very short, and it won't affect us

He thought for a moment and added: "besides, the water we drink later must be boiled, river water and so on. We can't drink it casually."

"You haven't drunk river water all the time. It's boiled."

"Haha, that's what I said. My habit is really important. You'll know later."

Feng sighed and looked at the forest in front of him. He couldn't help saying, "this forest is really terrible. If you hadn't analyzed so many things through those mushrooms and clues, we would have been here But it's also strange. Why did Baixiao people give us the order to come here? Kill the demons? Or Want to kill us all here? "

"Well, you've got the point!"

Qin Murong said quietly.

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