Feng Xiaoxiao suddenly said: "since the iron chain research doesn't understand, just go to the inside of this monster to have a look. We can't get in. We're afraid of poisoning. Aren't you ok?"

Qin Murong couldn't stand the irony of Feng Xiaoxiao. He knew that what he was saying was ironic, but he nodded and began to dig the cave.

Xiaolan was so scared that she quickly said, "what are you doing? You don't know what his temperament is? What's the matter with you today? You always let him

Feng Xiaoxiao said, "I just can't stand him being indifferent to everything, but he is always indecisive to the people around him..."

At this point, the wind is small or not to continue to say.

Qin Murong over there didn't hear it. He was excited and kept digging.

While digging, it absorbs the poisonous gas emitted from it.

If the poison gas is too big, he will simply eat the stone.

Because of the absorption of poisonous fire, he didn't use any stones before, but now he can absorb a little. Although the effect is very subtle, it's better than nothing.

Dig all the way, go further and further.

Soon there was no sound from the two women, and he heard nothing.

He never thought that one day he would work hard for a little clean time just like an ordinary married man.

No wonder there was a very successful car advertisement in the past, focusing on air circulation and sound insulation.

The content of the advertisement is that the car owner drives home, but does not go upstairs at the first time. Instead, he sits in the car, turns on the speaker very loud, smokes a cigarette, closes his eyes, raises his head, breathes out smoke heavily, and is intoxicated.

Don't know why hit the majority of male compatriots pain, unexpectedly suddenly sold a lot!

Before Qin Murong did not understand.

But now he understands.

I feel lonely when I am quiet.

Around them they talk, but also feel quack noise.

It's contradictory!

Anyway When you start to work, you can always escape from this state.

Because of this escape psychology, he is not tired of digging, and the speed is faster and faster. Practice makes perfect.

While digging, while eating, the stomach is like a bottomless hole, no matter how much you eat, there is no problem.

I don't know how far or how much I have dug, but I finally come across another hole, which can just let the air flow into the cave along the passage to replenish the oxygen for the two women.

Save them to chat too much, the oxygen all chat up!

Qin Murong thought maliciously.

As a result, in front of an empty, came a happy, straight fit fell down, head knock on a raised corner, nearly fainted.

Slide, roll, impact, like a ball on a pinball table.

It took a while to stop and shoot on the ground.

He sobbed and covered his face, struggling to sit up from the ground, tears in his eyes, unspeakable depression.

Looking around, I found that there was a huge void.

Yes, he finally got inside the remains of the sea monster!

So he saw the bone.

If he didn't know that it was a sea monster, he would think that there was a huge white jade in front of him, and he couldn't see the edge at all.

He touched it with his hand and was surprised to find that there was no toxin on it.

And the texture of the bone is extremely tough.

He broke it two times, but he didn't break it off for the first time.

At last, he got angry and went straight to his mouth to bite off a piece.

Even if this thing is broken, there is still a part connected at the root, which needs to be torn down.

At the end of the separation, it is thin and sharp. With a wave, it can cut the stone!

It's very light in my hand.

Good toughness, light weight, whether it is impact or cutting force, it is difficult to destroy it.

This is the best weapon making material he has ever seen in his life!

More likely, it's armor.

If you use it to make a suit of armor, I'm afraid you can stand in the crowd and let people chop it. You can't die when you chop a stick of incense.

It's against the sky!

It's a pity that he can't take such a big thing away.

So I can't help heartache.

Sigh, find the edge of the bone, open up a small channel, and then go inside, you should be able to see the internal organs.

In the words of internal organs There should be more toxins than flesh.

Common poisons, such as poisonous snake and fish, are stored in one place. If the whole body is poisonous, the liver is the most powerful.

To put it simply, it's hard to be visceral.

Even if it is an ordinary fish, just take out a fish gall, it may be toxic. If you eat it without heating, you will get food poisoning.Sure enough, when he cut the last barrier, a fishy smell came to his face.

Let his whole body turn green and purple instantly!

He quickly sat down on his knees and continued to refine these toxins with the power of the elixir field.

What's more, these poisons were not as fierce as the fire. He was used to them in three breath.

After climbing in, you will find that there is a huge space here!

The internal organs are complete and connected by various meridians, just like the legendary city of the sky. Countless islands are connected by various slender bridges and suspended in the vast air.

It's amazing!

Qin Murong looked around, found the location of the heart and rushed over.

After all, for a monster, the heart is always the most important place.

According to the ancient books, the core of human beings is Dantian, but the core of genie is the heart, where they store all the good things and energy.

After a long journey, I finally got to the heart.

From a distance, you can see that this is the heart.

But close, Qin Murong is not so sure.

After all, it looks like a huge wall!

He digs the heart, to the center.

According to his own understanding, he thought that this should be the ventricle and atrium.

But I didn't expect there was a room here!

It's the room, not the space.

Round, the sky square map, the ground octagonal seal, left and right six lights, there are Jing Shentong.

Qin Murong looked at all this stupidly, his eyes were shocked.

He never thought that there would be such a carefully decorated room in the heart of the sea monster!

Incredible, absolutely incredible.

This is the heart! Let alone open up a room, even if it is a small hole with a needle, I am afraid that the pain is not the sea monster can bear.

Qin Murong took a deep breath and felt the air condition around him. There was no toxin, but there was an inexplicable energy dancing in the air.

Can't see, can't touch, but can feel.

It is like a puff of smoke, floating and invisible.

Qin Murong walked slowly to the front of jingshentong.

It's actually the core of an array.

I was once taught this when I learned about Qimen dunjia in my previous life.

It is said that it can attract the power of God, or some kind of immortal Qi, to support the operation of the whole array with that kind of energy.

The array is naturally divided into different sizes.

The big one is the military array, which is completely used for fighting. Whether it's the Qimen dunjia or the five elements Bagua, it's not separated from the order of the battle array.

Small, is a single person to use, can do tricks, but also have supernatural powers, gain people can not.

It's usually this kind of eye in the middle.

If other eyes are hidden in the array, they are invisible.

After all, the driving force of the array and the direction of the eye must be the weakness.

There is a magic power under this building, and there are gems on it.

The jewels glowed faintly red, flickering with each other.

It's like the heartbeat, the rhythm.

Qin Murong thought it over and over again. After a while of struggle in his heart, he could not help but put out his hand at risk

He has repeatedly reminded himself that his hands must not be too cheap!

But these times, when he encountered danger or adventure, the result of his touch was good, which made his heart slack, and his courage naturally became bigger.

What's more, Qin Murong didn't have any good luck this time.


When the finger just touched the gem, a red light lit up the whole room.

Where the red awn is, it's like pouring cement. It's filled and oppressed in an instant, making Qin Murong unable to move.

You can't even turn your eyes.

Standing there like a clay statue.

He was frightened and anxious, and his forehead naturally sweated, but as soon as the sweat gushed out, it turned into a stream of white smoke and disappeared.

"The thief is so bold!"

There was a loud, vulgar voice, but it was loud and straight, as if it were brilliant.

The voice was instilled directly into Qin Murong's head and body from top to bottom. He could hear 3600 pores on his body, and felt 18000 channels in his body.

Qin Murong wanted to open his mouth to retort, or to ask for mercy, but he couldn't breathe, couldn't make a sound, and couldn't even turn around the huge energy in the Dantian field. He could only look ahead and be numb.

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