Shangguanqing thought this man was very interesting and couldn't help laughing.

Since ancient times, he said, "you don't find his face serious? Now it seems to have a spirit, but also more and more relatives, once saw strangers always attack or guard, now even if the farmer children close, it is not disgusted, even can play with each other for a while, such things Has it ever happened? "

Shangguanqing was surprised. He widened his eyes and shook his head slowly.

"What's going on?"

The woman said: "I'm afraid it's still related to Qin Shao. The recent changes in Longju only started after seeing Qin Shao. Isn't it Because he was always around Qin Shao, long Ju gradually became spiritual? "

"This How is that possible? "

"Ha ha," said the woman with a wry smile, "the most touching thing I've got in touch with Qin Shao recently is that nothing is impossible."

Shangguanqing thought about it for a while, then nodded his head and said: "think about it carefully, it's really like this. Qin Shao is really a magical existence. If you don't say anything else, it's his temperament, which is hard to be found in the world."

"Yes It's really strange. "

The two men decided.

But still keep observing him, as if to observe Qin Murong became the common fun of the two couples, trying to find more secrets from him.

Qin Murong, however, is a man of light temperament.

Along the way, according to the speed of Longju, I'm afraid I can get there in a few days.

But it dragged on for two or three months!

It's not a long time.

But it is also enough for shangguanqing to understand the mainland, the local conditions and customs, the influence of the Qin family chamber of Commerce, and what it looked like a few years ago and now. All these are brought by Qin Murong.

All the people shangguanqing has contacted in his life are adapting to the world, compromising and coexisting with the world in a way.

But Qin Murong is different, he changed the world!

This is a shocking thing for shangguanqing.

Finally, when we got to Daliang City, shangguanqing was stunned by the vicissitudes of the capital city in front of us.

"What's the matter with this city?" he asked? Why do I have a The feeling of being suppressed by it? It's like a mountain, pressing down on me

Qin Murong was also shocked.

When he came back here for the first time, he naturally felt that strange feeling.

The whole city It seems to be alive!

It's like there's something dangerous in the city.

This reminds him of the first time he came here from Weicheng and the first time he saw the city.

In fact, it is also different!

At that time, he felt that there was a wild beast living in the city.

Now it's more obvious.

So he remembered the legend of Daliang city.

Even the legend of the state of Daliang!

Thousands of years ago, the Phoenix has been falling from the sky, burning a piece of arable land, people live and develop in this lush land, and finally become the city of Daliang!

What if the Phoenix is not a legend, but a real existence?

After all, there is a star in Qin Murong's ring. What is really impossible?

He stood in front of the city and did not go in immediately.

He turned to shangguanqing and said, "in fact, I always have a conjecture that this is the end of the French era. Whether it's the east or the west, it's far less than what it used to be. The east continent is slightly stronger, while the west continent has no aura except that people are born strong. So I have a question. "


"You say, if there is a big man who uses his great power to throw our whole world into the end of the law era, where should his main strength be?"

"Nature is the strongest place in the world!"

"Well, that's what I think. That is to say, the place that suffered the most and was most affected may be the place that used to be the strongest, right?"

"It should be."

"Now there is aura in the East, and people can practice it. On the contrary, there is no aura in the west, is it because In the past, the western continent was far more powerful than the eastern continent? "


Shangguanqing was surprised. He quickly stepped back and looked up at the whole city. Then he squinted and said, "maybe it's true. Just looking at the breath of this city, I always feel that although the aura is not as good as that, the sense of oppression is far more than all the cities I have ever seen!"

Qin Murong gently smile, and then said: "you back away some."

He raised his hands and slowly lowered them.

Take a deep breath, as if to absorb all the breath between heaven and earth.

ThenAs if the whole spirit of the ocean immediately spread!

A burst of shock, thousands of colorful clouds open!

See the city, the people and the ants.

No ants, no people, no city.

Everything goes to chaos.

Then from the direction of Daliang City, under the ground, a red awn gradually highlights.

Gradually expand, climb.

The Phoenix is flying into the air!

Can just fly for a while, then gradually dissipate, become not so clear, also become a lot smaller.

But even small, relative to Qin Murong, is also big, like mountains in general!

Huofeng looked down at him.

Quietly watching.

Qin Murong felt great pressure coming from Huofeng, as if he could crush his body in a moment.

He struggled and persisted, but there was nothing he could do.


His body was not crushed.

On the contrary, under this pressure, he slowly raised his head and looked at the Phoenix.


Fire Phoenix's eyes.

With an infinite tenderness.

It's like When Qin Murong was just born, his mother cast the same eyes.

Look at each other for a moment, but it's like a thousand years.

Later, Huofeng slowly retreated to the ground and folded her wings.

A piece of fire came slowly and fell quietly in front of Qin Murong.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand, and the light of the fire fell steadily on his hand.

The light of the fire dissipated and turned into a long feather, light red, transparent and glowing.


Qin Murong's mental power was immediately recovered.

Daliang city is still Daliang city!

Everything seems to be an illusion.

Only the light red feather in his hand, like a gem, was not a pure illusion before telling Qin Murong.

He shook his head.

Suddenly there was a bitter smile.

Looking down at the feather, no one told him. It was the first time he saw it.

But still said: "this feather, does not suit me."

He went to Feng Xiaoxiao, handed her the feather and said with a smile, "it seems that our Phoenix plume Xiaozhu will come out again."

"That was my name before?"

"It's a nickname in the world. No one publicizes it for you. You publicize it yourself."

"Have I ever done such a thing?"

Wind a small face of helplessness.

Now that she doesn't have the big hat, she puts the phoenix feather on her sideburns. It floats with the wind. It looks like a small flag, as if she is preaching something to the world

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