News from several countries, or measures, soon came to Qin Murong's desk.

He glanced at it.

Then there was a sneer.

"One by one, I don't feel at ease to find someone, so I try to block my mouth!"

See angry, Xiaolan in the side quickly advised: "young master, don't get angry, these days you didn't sleep well."

Qin Murong took a deep breath, then breathed out and said with a bitter face: "there are two kinds of most difficult cases in the world. One is the most simple and violent crimes committed by roving bandits. Because there is no fixed residence and the crimes are random, it is extremely difficult to find the criminals. Even if you know who is bothered, it is extremely difficult to catch them. The other is that he doesn't play cards according to common sense. He robbed people and didn't want anything. He came to me blatantly and said, he robbed people and told me not to worry What is it? "

With less effort, the desk flew up, smashed, and the memorial on it turned into fly ash.

Just like the efforts made by other countries, they are worthless in Qin Murong's eyes.

Xiaolan sighed, and could only continue to persuade: "young master, you know that they can't do it. They are either people from the east continent or some little nobles who don't know anything and think they are very powerful. They don't know what trouble they are in. Even if they know, they won't expose themselves. On the contrary, they want to do it Destroy the evidence, then treat it as if nothing happened, and pray that the young master won't find them. No matter which one is, it's not something that those forces can solve. It's really too much for the young master to anger them like this. "

Not many people dare to talk to Qin Murong like this.

But all the people around Qin Murong dare to do so.

Qin Murong will correct what is wrong and will not be punished.

Qin Murong sighed, rubbed his eyebrows, and then said: "so things will become trouble, any world, kidnapping this kind of thing, is very difficult to good, he is strong, you can't take him, he is weak, he will take risks, do something you don't want it to happen, very complex."

Stand up, hand a wave, that has become a powder table suddenly gathered over, condensed into a table, placed in front of Qin Murong.

He walked around, walked out of the room, stood at the door and looked at the sky.

"So what I can do is actually very limited. I have to make things bigger and bigger. If the other party has fear, fear or just wants to see my jokes, it will save Furong's life. Now, keeping her life is the most important thing. And... "

After a moment of silence, Qin Murong turned around and said with a smile, "there is a way of doing things, which has never been given to you. It's very simple to use. It's also a means that I should use when I get to today's position."

"What can I do?"

"That is, my business is the business of all people in the world. Anyone who dares to challenge me will pay a price they can't measure. Those who don't participate will also pay a price. Over time, those who try to challenge me will be dealt with by those unrelated people, which will save us a lot of trouble. Remember what I told you? With you and Xiaobai. "

Xiaolan thought for a moment, then lowered his head and said gently: "young master once said that you do all this, whether you climb to a high position or take power, in order to keep the safety of people around you. If you want to be safe, you have to fight with your life."

"Yes, so it's time to work hard."

Qin Murong suddenly laughed.

I laugh for the first time these days.

Maybe there are some things I want to understand.

Or some tangled things, finally made a decision.

"Call shangguanqing."

Shangguanqing and his wife turn back in the middle of their search and rush to Qin Murong's side.

The emperor of the mainland is always so easy to talk, but if he is serious, they are also afraid.

"You call me?"

Shangguanqing asked nervously.

Qin Murong narrowed his eyes and said, "if the east continent can come to the west continent, how many people do you think are qualified to come first?"

Shangguan was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and thought carefully for a while, and said: "nothing more than five forces."

"Oh? Talk about it. "

"The holy religion is one. They are very strong and stronger than what they show. In fact, no one has seen their full strength so far."

"Well, I believe it's the power of a group of women after all. It's not obvious. What else?"

"Wuliang Mountain is one of the oldest sects. It's very powerful. It's near my Shangguan family. However, in terms of scale and strength, it's one heaven and one earth. Our whole Shangguan family is not as big as their outer gate, let alone the inner gate and Tianmen. It's said that any disciple of Wuliang Mountain's Tianmen can lead to chaos in the world if they leave the mountain."

"Wuliang Mountain? Such a moderate name actually represents such a powerful school. It is indeed a heritage. ""Yes, the third force is the adjudication department."


Qin Murong was stunned for a moment and asked, "it's really strange. Why are the first two sects and the third seems to be the Yamen in the government?"

Shangguanqing was stunned and looked up at Qin Murong. He didn't quite understand.

After all, in his cognition, Qin Murong was originally from the eastern mainland! What's more, he offended a particularly terrible person, and then he came to the western continent. That's what he said!

Why don't even the adjudication Department understand?

Qin Murong frowned and immediately understood why shangguanqing asked him that.

Then cold hum, show his at this time impatient mood.

Shangguanqing rushed away his doubts.

"Well, in the early years, the eastern continent was unified by one country, which was the kingdom of heaven. Its name was" purple heaven ". The purple heaven emperor defeated all the mainland forces, forced them to unify and put them under the imperial power. But as time went on, the purple heaven emperor did not know whether he was promoted or died. In any case, it disappeared for many years. Gradually, the purple Heaven Kingdom declined, but now it is not It exists, but it exists in name only, and the only one that can represent the imperial power is the ruling department. "

"Oh, what a purple sky. One company represents one country. It's also down and out. It's really thorough. Isn't it ridiculous?"

He raised his head and squinted at shangguanqing.

Shangguanqing was shocked in his heart!

A wonderful idea came out of my heart.

Brother Qin, is not he a adherent of purple heaven? Even the prince or something? It is said that a brilliant royal family emerged from the purple sky royal family decades ago, but then it was said that he failed to pass the assessment of the adjudication department and was expelled by the adjudication department.

Of course, this so-called assessment is just listening.

The ruling Department has been in control of purple heaven for so many years. How can it easily return the right to the royal family?

I'm afraid I've found a reason or an excuse to kill someone.

Therefore, people all over the world feel that the so-called expulsion of a missing person is nothing more than being destroyed.

But if it's expulsion?

Qin Murong's image is really like an amazing prince in distress!

Thinking of this, shangguanqing's shock is written on his face. It looks very interesting.

His wife seemed to think of this, and subconsciously lowered her head slightly.

Such things as imperial power naturally produce a lot of pressure.

In addition to Qin Murong's current status, if he is really the prince of purple sky, then his energy seems to be a little too big!

Shangguanqing coughed twice and continued: "as for the fourth force, it's yueluoshanquan."

"The name of the spring?"

"Yueluoshan spring used to be one of the most beautiful sceneries in the east continent, but many years ago, there was a great war there, and it became desolate after the war, but at the same time, it also left traces of the war. A once mysterious organization occupied it, and after years of development, it became the yueluoshan spring now. They used the name of this relic to become the" yueluoshan spring " It is the fourth largest force in the eastern continent. "

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