"You You fart

The people of Mingjian villa are obviously not very good at arguing. They just say such a sentence that is not convincing.

The other party immediately laughed and said, "look, I've done too many things that I'm sorry to do. I'm too lazy to defend myself. Hum! You cannibal bone marrow, black heart, rotten toe bastards, usually don't care about you, now they run out to do something bad for us? I can't say that today, my grandfathers will take the place of the way of heaven and teach you a lesson! "

As they spoke, the group rushed up.

The people of Mingjian mountain villa are also very angry. This fight is a dead hand.

Just face to face, some of the two groups were killed, both sides immediately became red eyed, and the fight became more crazy.

The five forces have been "living in harmony" for decades, and there is no conflict between them. Even when some disciples meet, they use "elder martial brothers and younger martial sisters" to match each other. They are as close as a family.

But in fact? They still have a bad heart.

Who doesn't want to take the whole continent?

It's perfectly normal to engage in intrigue and fight secretly.

Especially for the sake of the so-called peace, if there is a conflict among the disciples, there will certainly be sacrifice. They don't do it in principle, they just fight each other 50 times to make the two forces look better? Those who have been wronged naturally bear a grudge.

The five forces have been peaceful for so many years, but the resentment in their hearts has been fermenting for so many years!

Now this fight, what kind of kindness?

Fighting, fighting, the reckless side of the non-stop people to join.

Although the people in Mingjian mountain villa have higher accomplishments, they can't stand it. Because there are only a few people, they are beaten back and forth. In the end, they are even beaten by the other party. They are beaten from the city to the wilderness, and then to the end.

Obviously it's going to be killed!

One of them, seeing that he was going to die in vain if he went on like this, was so angry that he inspired all his strength and killed the four or five brats in front of him with the secret method of famous sword villa.

This sword technique is originally called flying crane sword technique. It sounds good, but it means to drive the crane to the West. Of course, it also means to bring the enemy!

This sword technique has great momentum and can stir the world.

In addition, the people of Mingjian villa have been asking for help. In this way, their battle will be seen by their classmates in the far distance.

It will be lively!

All the people around Mingjian villa rushed here, and there was an endless stream of people in the grass.

A street quarrel turned into a dispute between the two forces.

With the participation of some relatively high status entities, the dispute is gradually escalating.

Until the end, even their respective owners heard the news.

After hearing this, Wu Long's first thought was It's the people from Mingjian mountain villa who captured them?!

At this time, he was already in a daze. In his eyes, everyone looked like a bad man, a murderer.

At this time, Mingjian villa will jump out by itself, and the following people's words will naturally add fuel to the fault and push it to Mingjian villa.

This makes Wu long angry!

In the end, I want to compete with Mingjian villa!

On the other hand, Pei Donghai, the leader of Mingjian mountain villa, is a very rational person. He knows that this dispute must have happened because of the irrelevant quarrel, which is a particularly worthless thing.

But he also understood that although it was not necessarily rash people who caused trouble, it must not be the fault of his own disciples.

Wu Long was so unreasonable.

originally went to ask other forces first to let the five powers, especially the holy land, be mediate. After all, the five peak conference was about to take place. Before that, they started fighting. It was absurd indeed.

But before he left, he heard that Wu Long himself had joined the battlefield and killed countless of his disciples.

This is Wu Long!

What a great style.

One day, when he was in the war, he cut off his drink and cut the sword straight into the sky, killing hundreds of disciples of Mingjian mountain villa!

It's really called chopping melons and cutting vegetables. It's like entering a world without people!

A chaos, in a flash, under the cultivation of liuchongtian peak, became a unilateral massacre.

Pei Donghai was furious and rushed in that direction

As a result, the two major forces even gave up all they had, regardless of the consequences.

Where is the root?

It's Wu Long's confusion.

The reason why his heart is in disorder.

It's because the person I love the most in the world is captured! It's called grasping the heart and scratching the liver, and it's called crying with grief and fire!

In fact, there is another reason why no one wants to mention it, but we all know it.

The realm of cultivation!

Everyone knows that there is a lack of aura between heaven and earth.The more highly cultivated people are, the more strenuous they will be in their cultivation.

Especially the people who practice to the sixth heaven, they have a faint sense that no matter how hard they try, no matter what the opportunity is, they can't break through the barrier of the seventh heaven, so that they can fly to the upper world!

As a result, this group of people who originally wanted to pursue longevity finally realized that they had no choice but to wait for death.

This sense of powerlessness, this sense of fear, has long been a seed in their hearts.

If there is something else in life, it's OK, such as looking at the happy life of your descendants.

But once this sustenance is broken, the sense of powerlessness and the great fear will immediately disturb their minds.

It's true to say that he's possessed.

Qin Murong had never thought of this before.

So when he heard that the two forces began to fight against each other regardless of everything, he was a little confused and exclaimed that things would go so smoothly.

Disputes in the western continent continue. Qin Murong is waiting at the top of the mountain for news, for the death of a giant, or for things to get more chaotic.

He also rarely went to the carriage where he was imprisoned and asked someone to open the door and look at the two people inside.

"How's it going? How have you been recently? "

Two people, a man and a woman, were locked up by Qin Murong.

Everyone thinks that something will happen to them, which is extremely unfair to the Wu girls.

Even shangguanqing's wife specially asked Qin Murong for love.

But Qin Murong didn't agree, saying it was easier to put it this way.

This made the women's sense of Qin Murong not very good. Even the servant girls began to be aloof and afraid of Qin Murong.

But what happened?

Nothing happened!

No, I can't say no.

Wu girl was robbed of food by Juedao's son!

Two people fight in it, on the contrary, it is the son of Juedao who suffered a loss, and his white face was beaten black and blue.

Now when people pull them out, they are a little stunned.

According to their confessions, it turned out that batian, the son of Juedao, thought that girls must eat very little food. Instead of throwing it away, he had better give it to him to eat.

As a matter of fact, Wu girls do have something left every time.

But who would have thought that Wu family girl is a strange temperament. My things are mine. Even if I don't eat them or throw them away, they can't be taken away by others!

Moreover, being caught and treated so inhumanely has already made her very angry. Now it's even more because of the outbreak of the incident that she naturally starts.

So There was no such "dirty time" between them, and batian didn't make any strange moves. Instead, they were just like two ordinary inmates, but they hated each other.

This made all the women admire Qin Murong.

Shangguanqing's wife specially asked Qin Murong whether it was a coincidence or whether he had thought of such a result for a long time.

Qin Murong laughs and says, "it's not a result but a condition to think about immorality when you're full. When you're full, you don't have any other ideas. Even if you're full, you're locked up in a dark place every day, where you eat and drink. Naturally, it's impossible for you to smell good. Any imagined beauty will be diluted by this kind of environment It's good that Juedao's son is really a reckless person in the world, but he is in fact spoiled and has a habit of cleanliness. What else do you expect him to do to the smelly Wu girl? You really think too much. "

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