It's a city out of town.

For more than a year, they rose out of thin air, breaking everyone's expectations and their inherent ideas.

Even Because of the Qin family's caravan, the overall price of the world has dropped a lot!

Because the speed of making money can't match the promotion of material value.

And this kind of promotion comes from craft.

Simply put.

The world's grain production has not changed, nor has the world's mineral production. However, a few processes have been added to the process, which makes the unchanging things more varied by manpower. Therefore, the goods themselves become more and more. Compared with the unchanging money, the natural money can exchange more goods, which leads to the appreciation of money.

More simply, like Nandou.

The output of Nandou has not changed. Once all Nandou could only be sold for a few taels of silver a year, but because of Qin Murong's operation, it became Acacia beans, which could be sold for thousands of taels of silver a year! The amount of money in the world has been reduced, which naturally leads to the phenomenon that the shortage of money is priceless.

This is what Qin Murong called "deflation.".

Jia Fugui doesn't understand this, but he knows one truth, that is, the money is made different by himself, and the great sense of achievement makes him a little elated.

It's better to be a man like this.

The change of one or two months is enough to shock the officials.

He looked at the report handed to him by the eunuch, with tens of thousands of words on it.

The more you look, the more frightened you are and the more confused you are.

In the last line, there is a sentence.

"Spy" emphasizes that this is what Qin Murong said.

"In today's world, although there are wars in the north, disasters in the south, and delays in the East, the commerce in Daliang has become increasingly prosperous. When the commerce has begun to take shape, the most important thing is to speed up the creation of money to facilitate market circulation, and the officials can also do many things with the new money."

Your majesty, take a long breath and exhale slowly.

Looking at the eunuch next to him, he asked, "do you think the so-called money business of this boy is really feasible? But I remember that some people used to issue silver money everywhere, which eventually led to the situation that copper money was not as good as stone money, and the country was in chaos, not out of the right. "

The eunuch thought for a moment and said, "the miscellaneous family is an incomplete person. How can they get insight? Your majesty, this kind of thing You should ask the prime minister. "

"Well, there is some truth."

In the meantime, his majesty asked the prime minister about the matter.

The prime minister thought for a long time, but he was not in a hurry to answer. Instead, he first came to the report about Qin Murong. After reading it carefully, he slowly said, "this son Amazing talent! No wonder he is not afraid of the development of the government if he does not like it for a few years. "

His majesty frowned and said, "well Is there a risk? "

The prime minister said, "there is no such thing as being king in one place and regardless of national boundaries. Even if the world is in chaos, he will not extend his hand to other places."

"Well What does Ai Qing think about money? "

Qi Wanshi thought again, then nodded and said, "absolutely feasible, your majesty. Now there is a batch of copper ingots in the Treasury, just in time to issue copper coins."

"Will It's a little too urgent? "

"Your Majesty, in fact, I've been listening to my family discussing this recently. They say that it's priceless on the street and it's cheaper. What's more, a few days ago, I was paid food and cloth, and I didn't have much money."

"And this?"

Your majesty is surprised and rises.

Salary is a major event. If someone is cheating, it will hurt the foundation of the country.

Qi Wanshi said: "although officials complain a little, it's not serious, because there is no deduction. It's just that the same grain can't get the same money in the market."

"So Do you really need more money? "


"Well! It's so urgent. If I don't ask, you don't say? And that smelly boy, if I didn't keep an eye on him every day, I'm afraid he'd have to hide it too? "

Qi Wanshi nodded and said: "Qin Murong is a bit strange. If others have some good ideas or achievements, they are afraid to publicize them to the outside world. He is afraid that others will not know, but he is afraid that others will know, and he will always make a fortune in silence. Such a person It's really interesting. "

"Well, don't talk about him. I'll be angry when I talk about him! I specially sent someone to fetch water from yueluo mountain with my instructions. What happened? They say that one day's water intake is enough and can't be taken any more. Those people wait until the next day. At night, they say that it's cloudy and bad to take water at night. As a result, they wait until the day, and they say that they have already taken water at the beginning of the morning! "

Official gas teeth itch, in this strength with Qi Wanshi pour bitter water.

But Qi Wanshi just doesn't have stubble.

Yeah, how dare you?

How smart is Qi Wanshi? Can he be fooled like this?As long as he says Qin Murong is not, the work of getting water must fall on his head.

Qin Murong is Zhan Li, and now he is a viscount. If he wants to go there, he must make a fuss. He must make a full plan and make a plan to let Qin Murong jump in by accident. Only in this way can he cheat some moonfall springs, but for a little water As for the hard work? And it may not be able to succeed.

As for yueluoshan spring water, Qi Wanshi has heard about it. Now, as long as the famous tea tasters are on the market, what they say in their mouths and what they read in their hearts must be the best water in the world!

To tell you the truth, Qi Wanshi's ears are cocooned.

But drink He did!

The last time Cui Baihe came to Liang to report on his work, he took a water bag and secretly asked him to dismiss the people. Only then did he say that this was the spring water of Qin Murong's moon falling mountain. Even the officials could not drink it.

There are few literati who don't taste tea.

After all, it's one of the common pleasures in the world. It's a plaything, and it's also a sentiment of life.

Qi Wanshi has also drunk all the tea and tasted all the good water in the world, but this month's downhill spring water is still beyond his expectation.

On the one hand, the water is really good.

On the other hand, it is also the water that is so famous that it adds weight to his heart, which naturally makes him feel satisfied.

But this kind of thing, he will not tell his majesty, said that he was not at ease.

The official hinted for a long time. Seeing that Qi Wanshi didn't respond at all, he also felt bored. He secretly glared at him, and then said, "this boy is really irritating. This time, I cheated 30000 people from my side to make money for him. Now the whole Qinjia village is a cornucopia! The caravan going in and out is even more lively than that of Daliang city. What happened? I have to reward him, because he has done a very good job in this disaster relief. Not only did he not let the state treasury pay for it, but most of the victims were able to cultivate and support themselves, which is a great good thing. "

Qi Wanshi said with a bitter smile: "it's really a reward."

"But how can I feel uncomfortable in my heart?"

"That should be punished?"

"You should be punished, too."

Your majesty frowned and said, "is that the reward or the punishment?"

Qi Wanshi sighed and said, "if you have a merit, you will be rewarded. If you have a fault, you will be punished. This is the truth of the world. Qin Murong has made great contributions to dealing with the victims. Naturally, he deserves a reward, and he is particularly irritating It's no fault to be angry. "

"Hum!" Your majesty said slightly angrily, "I know that too! I'm just pointing out that you are rich and intelligent. I hope you can come up with a way to punish him. As a result, you're good. You're just playing dumb puzzles with me! "

When your majesty talks with others, he should also care about the authority of an official.

But it's too easy for Qi Wanshi.

I remember when your Majesty was the fourth prince, he always went to the Qi family to have fun. He was very close to the most amazing "Uncle" in the Qi family. I heard that Qi Wanshi held him when he was a child.

Today, although you are the son of heaven, you need to have a superior attitude towards the ministers, but you don't need to be so deliberate about Qi Wanshi.

Your majesty is not the king, but Qi Wanshi is not the minister.

"Qin Murong's affairs can be big or small. At best, it's a great honor for Daliang to have him! If one day he goes to other countries, we will be doomed in an instant! "


Your majesty frowned.

Qi Wanshi sighed: "now is not as good as, but in the future? It's only been more than a year since Wei Chen began to pay attention to tieyuanli. For this kind of young people who contribute to the people, Wei Chen naturally likes it. But it's too fast. At the beginning, Weichen was surprised, but now he's not happy. He's more and more thrilled! Weichen seems to see a wild beast. It just came out of the nest. It looks lovely and kind, but it will eventually grow up and have the power to swallow the sky! By then You can only appease but not be tough. "

His majesty sighed and said nothing more in this respect.

In his opinion, this kind of thing can be tolerated.


Qin Murong naturally didn't know that he was being talked about like this. Jia Fugui's report was also sent here. After a brief look, he found that there was no trouble. That's OK.

As far as he is concerned, as long as there is no trouble, then making money is certain, and he can make a big business.

In fact, Qin Murong has always been afraid that some "friend merchants" will send people to sneak in and make trouble. After all, this is the usual trick in previous lives.

But here It seems that it's a little too simple. Or is the people of Daliang so kind?

If you think about it carefully, it seems to be true.

For those who have bad conduct and bad reputation, they are always slandering and hostile, such as Qin Murong, who is a redundant son-in-law.

But the same, for those who have a good reputation, they are crazy in pursuit. In the eyes of the common people, those who have a good reputation are good at Farting!No, you're a gentleman. You don't fart at all! Eating and drinking Lasa has nothing to do with them. They grew up eating dew!

This kind of thing is good or bad. Anyway, Qin Murong thinks that "he grew up eating dew" is absolutely a curse.

After finishing the report sent by Jia Fugui, Qin Murong stretched himself.

Two months of mixed eating and waiting for death, let him have enough time to exercise, now his shoulder injury is finally good, and the body can obviously see some muscles.

Although it's still a little hard work, it can at least be picked up! It's not like before. It's really hard.

In his previous life, he thought this sentence was an exaggerated joke.

But before he really good interpretation of the meaning of the word.

Now He can even break hands with Xiaobai! That's quite a cow!

Even in other people's eyes, this is a very humiliating thing. He also scoffs at Qin Murong's arrogance, which makes Xiaobai dare not admit that he has put the water.

Xiaolan is different.

While going out to play, he pointed to the moat outside the inner city and said, "look, there's a lot of water here."

Qin Murong didn't understand.

I don't know whether it's pretending or really not.

Until A tour, found that the moat water, has begun to knot a layer of ice.

It's deep winter.

Today's winter is very strange, at least in the discussion of the Department of astronomy, I think it's a strange thing, because it doesn't rain or snow according to the sky.

It has been two months since the beginning of winter, and there is not even a snow.

This makes the climate extremely dry, the wind blowing on the face, dry and cold, even Qin Murong's face also climbed a layer of unhealthy scarlet.

"The damned weather is so cold that the dog day sun is still shining on it. It makes people warm."

The guard couldn't help but scold him. He stamped his feet hard and made a jingle. His metal boots hit the hard ground and occasionally sparks came out of his heel.

Qin Murong came over with a jar in his hand. Xiaobai and Xiaolan were wrapped like two little fat cats. They followed Qin Murong closely for fear that this guy would accidentally beat the jar in his hand.

Qin Murong was seen from a distance. With his eyes shining, he quickly stepped forward, rubbed his frozen hands, nodded and bowed, and said, "ouch, Hello! Here you are again, Lord Qin? Is it your Majesty's call today? Hehe, Lord Qin is really a red man. After watching for so many years, I go to the palace every three or five times, and I count you! "

Qin Murong gave a bitter smile, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Your Majesty has a call, can I still not come? I'm going to lose my head

While talking and laughing, he took a look at Xiaolan. The latter understood and took out two small bottles from the basket he was carrying, and handed them directly to the door keeper.

The entrance guard quickly wiped his hands on his trouser legs, bent over to take it, and then said with a grin: "Oh, look at your expense again."

Qin Murong said with a smile: "it's freezing cold. A little water and wine can warm the brothers. Today, I'm in a hurry to go out, but I don't have enough. I'll make it up next time!"

"Oh, look what you said, I dare not ask you to mend it! If you can think of our sufferings, ha ha, we will feel your kindness. Unfortunately, nothing can help you. I feel sorry for taking your things for nothing

Qin Murong chuckled, sighed and said, "don't say that. Actually, it's a family. My grandfather used to be the head of the imperial guards. I heard that he stood at the gate guard when he was young Unfortunately, I don't know if anyone gave him a drink when it was cold You just drink. It's for my grandfather. "

The entrance guard looked straight. I don't know why, his vision suddenly blurred. Then he quickly lowered his head, wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeve, and grinned: "listen to you, don't drink this wine, our heart is warm. Sir, just go in. If you have anything to do, just tell me! "

Creaking sound, frozen West Palace door was pushed open, Qin Murong looked at the entrance, smile, then led the two girls into.

The guards bent over, pinned their weapons behind their backs and stretched out their hands, as if they were afraid that Qin Murong might trip over the threshold, so that they could hold them for the first time.

Small move, but also Qin Murong exclusive.

Entering the palace gate and walking through the huge palace, the eunuch without a guide strolled on the white jade floor, and could not help muttering: "if it snowed, I'm afraid it would be very slippery."

Xiaobai couldn't help but ask: "young master, why are you so good to those entrance guards? This time, when you want to enter the palace, you have someone go to your house to get "wine 38."

Qin Murong said with a smile: "the most important thing in the world is to respect others. The more powerful and rich we are, the more we have to respect everyone. Because in this world, my official position is valuable, and my property is valuable, only people Priceless! It's all people. We have fresh clothes to warm our coats and charcoal fire to warm our beds when we go home, but they have to stand all day in this cold weather They are all other people's children, and they are also other people's fathers. If we can't suffer for them, it's a good thing to take care of them with all our heart. "Xiaobai suddenly, oh, think about it, the young master was so considerate to himself and Xiaolan.

Xiaolan said with a smile: "this is the realm that the childe often says. Cultivating your mind has taught you so many times, but you don't remember it."

The two of them immediately began to quarrel.

But Qin Murong is thinking about another thing.

When did they stop using "Uncle" to call themselves?

I forgot.

It's like being called "childe" too much, and I'm used to it.

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