From star abyss

Chapter 167 024. The Curse of Gamma Level

"This is my story."

Li Ozi took a sip of wine and said depressedly:

"I admire the courage and enthusiasm of this group of people, but their strength and ideas are not up to par. Their blood was shed in vain and wasted on meaningless battles."

"Then, why did you come to me?"

Barnum tried to take back his bottle. Li Ozi flicked his wrist, immediately slapped his hand away, and then said to him seriously:

"Barnum, I plan to find another way to save the country. I wonder, do you want to go back to the comfortable life before?"


Upon hearing this, Barnum blurted out without thinking:

"I am living a good life, with a good income, a leisurely job, and there are so many kind and enthusiastic Gulant people around me. To be honest, I have long regarded this place as my home."

Very good, Li Ozi nodded, Barnum's reaction was as expected.

As long as the frost-coated man runs out, a persevering patriot like Du Zexin or David Lin will basically never come back, let alone a helpless ordinary scroll king like Barnum.

The Principality of Gulant produced several talents in later generations, and Barnum was one of them.

Barnum Zygrin started his career very late. It was not until version 2.5 that he went into space and came into contact with the inheritance of the [Architect] of the [Exquisite Arts] system, and he truly began his legendary life.

In the future, he will have a resounding title: Hero of the Empire.

Coming from an indigenous civilization like Azure Star, it is extremely rare to win the highest honor of the Thirteenth Narrative-Level Civilization [Empire of Heroes] in the entire Narrative-Level Civilization.

Li Ozi came here not only to do tasks, but also to poach some good seedlings here.

As a self-made entrepreneur, Li Ozi has only secured two sponsors, Tianhuan and Triangle Town, but he still has no capable generals of his own.

Li Ozi is neither good at management nor good at technology, but as we all know, the boss of the company knows a lot about technology.

As long as the boss knows how to brag, paint a big picture, outline a blueprint, attract investment, have a long-term vision, be full of courage, and unite people's hearts, don't dictate other things. Just spend money and let professional people do professional things.

Li Ozi's [Charisma] attribute was very high. Barnum was quickly inspired by him and determined to join Li Ozi's team. He was so excited that he directly agreed to act with him.

When he was about to go out, Barnum suddenly came to his senses:

"But the whole city is under martial law. What are we doing out now?"



"Report the attack."

"Six infantry armored vehicles in the mechanized infantry camp in the garrison were destroyed, 17 people were killed, 8 were seriously injured, and 12 civilians were hit by stray bullets and shelling... Such a big news could only be suppressed with the help of Frost Plating Rule Three. .”


Grand Duke Gamos Luwenqi Gulan suddenly slapped his hand on the desk. His pale purple eyes instantly faded from the haziness and turbidity. The secretary was caught off guard and immediately collapsed to the ground. By this time, he had realized , the old man in front of him who has ruled the principality for two centuries is, after all, a strong man of the Gamma level.

Gamos's shoulders were shaking violently. He picked up the oxygen mask next to him, covered his face, and breathed hard for a minute before he calmed down. The physiological monitoring system on his wrist beeped, showing his blood oxygen saturation. On the low side.


Be calm, stay calm.

Any emotion will affect his physiological abnormalities, and the thing he can't bear the most is hormonal disorders.

Gamos took off his oxygen mask, looked at his withered palms, was silent for a long time, and then said to himself:

"Is this the price..."

From a mortal point of view, a strong man of Gamma level is like a god from ancient mythology descending to earth. Once put on the battlefield, he can easily control the situation of a battle, advance or attack, retreat or defend. Sublimated life possesses the ability to control the situation of a battle. Long life.

It is difficult not to make people doubt whether the heroes of the mythical dynasties are Gamma-level powerhouses in reality.

There is a clear distance between them and mortals, and it is natural for them to lead a group of mediocre and short-lived humans.

However, Gamos knew better: this planet refused to support a strong man like him.

Azure Star's resources are not enough to keep him alive.

He could feel that his heart seemed to have become a high-energy-consuming engine, and his brain was consuming an astonishing amount of energy every second.

The thin oxygen content cannot keep him in a healthy state for a long time. To him, the Blue Star is no different from an oxygen-deficient plateau. The doctor determined that he is suffering from altitude sickness every day. Any food, whether it is fat or carbohydrates, cannot provide energy at all. After becoming rich in the body, just to maintain the basal metabolism, food is simply not enough. Special high-energy synthetic fluid must be imported from Frost Plate, which consumes 45,000 Derby every day.

The burden on his organs was extremely heavy. The overly powerful lung function was in a sealed state most of the time. However, just maintaining the expansion of the heavy lung lobes caused pain in his ribs from time to time. He did not dare to sneeze because it was very likely that he would sneeze. If you punch it out, your ribs will be broken.

What also caused him suffering was his digestive system. His body's energy consumption was too terrible, but the food was limited to a single nutritional paste and solution, which gradually made his intestines and stomach lose power.

As a [Shaman], his tough body and strong soul should have been his proud strengths, but now they have become a prison that traps him.

How ridiculous!

It took him nearly 120 years to reach the altar of the Gamma level. For a time, he was able to look around and feel confident even facing frost-plated people.

However, Shuang Plating never looked down upon him.

Yes, they are too familiar with it. In the history of Frost Plate, there have been a few strong men of the Gamma level. They know better than anyone else what this curse-filled power means.

Gamos has seen Frost Plate's gamma-level warriors. With Frost Plate's sound technology, they can not only maintain a healthy state, but also rush into the battlefield to kill enemies and become terrifying war machines.

But he himself turned into a puddle of protein that was constantly decaying.

Even the fairies and natural forces residing in his soul became poison as his soul became stronger. They were greedily coveting his body every moment.

"The world is rejecting me. This planet hates me. They don't want strong men to live, and they refuse the emergence of extraordinary strong men!"

he said sadly.

The attacks during the day were nothing compared to the body's withering away. The only thing Gamos hated was himself.

At this point, the Grand Duke no longer cares about power, he just wants to be free from such pain.

The key to his life and death lies in the hands of the frost-plated people.

The secretary sat trembling on the ground without saying a word. The pressure from the biological level made him unable to control his body at all.

After a long silence, the Grand Duke shook his head and said:

"Call Malish over."

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