From star abyss

Chapter 201 058.Invasion

"At 3:11, President Medway of the Frost Republic announced at the Twin Palace that he would not recognize the regime of the Republic of Gullante, and would open the main humanitarian channel to shelter and guide former principality officials into the country."

"At 3:19, Shuangplating announced that it would implement an embargo policy on 210 items of Gullant principality and launch economic sanctions, levying an additional 25% tariff on 20 items of Gullant export agricultural products."

"At 3:44, the Republic of Modessa announced that it would break off diplomatic relations with the Republic of Gurant."

"At 3:51, the White Crystal Republic announced that it would break off diplomatic relations with the Gurant Republic."

"So far, thanks to the arguments of Frost Plating Diplomacy, 29 countries in the world have not recognized the legitimacy of the regime of the Republic of Gurantes, and only three countries have recognized the Republic of Gurantes."

"They are the Red Arrow Empire, the Zhengxu Democratic Republic, and the Tianhuan Kingdom."

"At 4:32, the Twin Palaces sent an order, requiring the whole country to mobilize 20,000 Law Four agents, replace them with military equipment, go south, and arrive at the Shuangzhi-Gulant border to carry out military operations."

"Operation codename: White Afterglow."

"At 5:12, Spea, the capital of the Republic of Gullant, was attacked by 422 'Queen' missiles. 122 civilians were killed and 2,012 civilians were injured."

"At 5:14, the 22nd Airborne Division and the 24th Mobile Armored Division arrived at the Frost-Gu border. Yamali, Acting Minister of Defense of Frost, said: This is to maintain regional peace and prevent lawless elements from invading the border from the border and causing harm to civilians. It has an unnecessary impact on life.”

"At 5:54, the power system of Spea, the capital of the Republic of Gullant, was hacked and another large-scale power outage occurred."

"At 5:55, the Frost Plate dispatched 12 Z-13 'White Ou' fighters, took the opportunity to enter the sky over the capital, and bombed 14 hospitals, universities, power plants, and airports."

"At 6:01, the Frost Plated Air Force announced that the air power of the Gurant Republic has been destroyed."

"At 6:08, the Gurant Republic announced that the Spea Fusion Center was damaged and is undergoing emergency repairs."

"At 6:18, Tenhuan Kurama Private Security Co., Ltd. expressed its willingness to provide the services of 300 elite mercenaries for Gulant."

"At 6:22, the Red Arrow Empire asked GTB to organize an investigation team to enter the Mingji Humane Sanctuary to investigate the phenomenon of anti-human experiments."

"At 7:03, the First Combat Regiment of Law Four crossed the Gorba Mountains and invaded the legal territory of the Gurant Republic."

"At 7:07, Sislon, the interim president of the Gullant Republic, delivered a speech: This is a shameless act of aggression. We will drive the frost-plated devils out of our territory. No one can enslave our citizens anymore. As long as Bermudez still has a fighter, and we will fight to the end. Long live Gurant, long live the Republic."

Thump thump thump thump—

The large rotorcraft carried the female agents of Law Four across the sky of the outside world. The red and black skyline was level with them. Relaxing music was playing on the radio. The female agents were chatting and laughing, which was very lively.

"Gina, look, this is the latest military-grade prosthetic body. It's so awesome. I love this thing so much."

A female agent showed off her implanted prosthetic plug-in. She stayed still and slowly separated a holographic projection. She crossed her fingers and swung her hips from side to side. The projection also swung with it, and it was unclear for a moment. Who is who.

"Come on, Chu Qi, with your body, how many Gurantian thieves can you kill?" the one-eyed female agent known as Gina sneered: "I have killed three regular soldiers of the Rose Army, and you have just beaten me." several?"

"What's the difference? The Rose Army is just trying to have fun. The men in the regular army are so bad that they can't stop the attack of a bunch of losers from the Rose Army." Chu Qi curled her lips and straightened out the implant on her chest. body, and said arrogantly: "Look at this, 'ostrich'-style synthetic electronic muscles. I can overturn a car with one hand. The Gulant people are just a group of farmers. I kill them indiscriminately."

"Haha, do you want to compete? I can kill at least 100 of them."

"I'm extremely happy. If you lose, you can transfer the handsome guy you played with last time to me."

"Then I want you to buy me a month's worth of coffee."

They talked about their origins, family, gender jokes, as well as Gulant’s tobacco and food. Some were looking at Gurant’s tourist map and discussing where to find entertainment. The agents were talking and laughing, not taking the war seriously at all.

From the beginning of this war, victory belonged to them.

Gina was smiling and holding hot coffee, chatting and laughing with her colleagues. Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of an unusual figure from the corner of her eye. He was an elite agent with long turquoise hair. He had sharp antennas on both sides of his temples to enhance brain waves. His golden-green eyes were staring at the combat manual. He did not communicate with anyone. From time to time, he would lower his head to check his weapons and combat equipment. Compared with the relaxed colleagues around her, her expression is quite serious.


Gina walked forward, leaned against the wall, and said hello to the female agent:

"I've never seen you, where are you from?"

The elite female agent ignored her and still lowered her head to read the combat manual. Gina became interested. She took a sip of coffee and joked:

"Look what's the use of this? They don't even have tanks or fighter jets, but we have two airborne divisions and mobile armor behind us?"

The elite agent raised his eyes and glanced at her, and said calmly:

"That's because you have a powerful country standing behind you. What does it have to do with you?"

"You're such an interesting person, how come you're considered an elite?" Gina curled her lips: "Oh, are you recruited from some outlying edge city? Are you afraid of dying in battle? Oh, don't worry, it's just a colony. , there is nothing to be afraid of, we are just going to suppress a group of unruly people and liberate the women who have been murdered, there is nothing to be afraid of."

The elite agent replied casually:

"Have you ever died?"


"On the verge of death, or seeing your soul separated from your body, every cell and every drop of blood flowing out of your body little by little, you will feel dizzy with hunger."

"I stuffed everything I saw in front of me into my stomach. I just wanted to be able to fill my stomach, but I was still unable to do anything. I watched my loved ones starve to death in front of me."

"The little sister who was originally a lovable little bird said to you, 'Sister, I saw steamed buns, butter bread and milk,' and then tilted her head and hit it on the cement floor. Under the strong sun, it gradually rotted and smelled."

The descriptions of the elite agents are vivid and chilling.

"You..." The corners of Gina's mouth twitched.

The elite agent crossed his legs, turned a page, and said calmly:

"I've died."

Gina only thought that this man was sick. When she was about to say something, she suddenly noticed that the eyes of the elite agent were slightly bright with a faint blue light.

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