From star abyss

Chapter 229 086.Looking up at the sky

The punch that tears apart the storm is about to fall.

However, contrary to Hazama Mirror's expectation, Li Ozi was not surprised at all that he was about to lose.

On the contrary, Obsidian's standing figure looked a bit strange. He just stayed in place, stiff, as if he was about to give up resistance.


Mirror Hazama reacted suddenly, but before she realized this, her elbow had already hit Obsidian's helmet. Li Ozi's voice also came to my ears:

"You got Fooled."


The sound of broken gems sounded, but then there was a rich firelight. The flying obsidian fragments, driven by high temperature and pressure, were far more injurious than ordinary bullets. At least at such a close distance, Hazama Jing could not hide. To hide, he had to raise his arms to block.

There is no way she would have to pay a huge price to activate her abilities just because of this little damage, nor would she waste such precious power here.

When Hazama Jing made this choice, Li Ozi knew that she had lost.


The sound of snapping her fingers was so clear that it suddenly woke up the whole world. The 80 times gravity instantly pressed down and swallowed up the mirror. Her legs immediately sank into the ground, and she could not even lift her neck.


Mirror Hazama groaned, and the gravity that was pressed down instantly was not a big problem for her overly powerful internal system as a Gamma-level person. However, after a full second, she could not withstand it even at the Gamma-level level. Such heavy pain.

No... she wouldn't die, but this heavy pressure made her bones extremely heavy, all the blood in her body accumulated in her lower body, and her legs couldn't move at all.

In other words, the powerful body has become a burden. Now it only wants to kneel down to men, which is really sad.

"Hey, eldest sister!"

"how so……"

"No fair, no fair! Rematch, rematch!"

Compared to the dissatisfaction of her team members, Hazama Kagami was very calm. She tried to hold up her arms and tried to resist 150 times her own weight.

These weights were completely pressing on every part of her body, or in other words, they were the parts that originally formed her body, immediately increasing the weight to 80 times. For human body structures and tissues, even at the gamma level, It is far from being able to offset this powerful pressure.

This is the case with Baio King Kong, the same is true with Grand Duke Gamos, and the same is true with the Hazama Mirror. The environment of the Blue Star determines that it is impossible for them to grow a body that can resist strong gravity - on the contrary, in this extreme environment, they are already obsessed with the Blue Star. Xinglai's extremely unadapted body caused him to suffer more intensely than ordinary people.

Li Ozi walked forward slowly, and his invisible body appeared under the distortion of gravity. He did not have armor on his body, but wore a windbreaker with a classic temperament.

"Sure enough... the moment I turned my back, you had already escaped from your shell, hiding invisibly, and stayed nearby."

At this point, Hazama Jing had to look at the man in front of him with admiration.

"I activated the 'Unyielding Stance', which was enough to withstand most of the control. When you suppressed me with the force field, the time just ended. What a coincidence."

She opened her mouth slightly, and her energy vibrated and resonated, sending out a sound:

"Have you studied me specifically?"

Li Ozi's body has been rapidly healed by the [Eternal Blood], and his eyes are shining with a golden halo. He has no comment on this. The golden cicada's escape from the shell just now is one of the classic tactics used to deal with Hazama Mirror in the original game.

With the strength of Hazama Mirror, it is actually completely worthy of the gravity, which is enough to crush the bones of ordinary people into mud. Even if she uses the secret technique, activates the 'Hegemony' and then kills, it doesn't take half a second to cut off Li Ozi. throat.

Both sides were obviously letting off steam. At this point in the competition, since they didn’t want to get really angry, they could only settle for a draw.

Li Ozi removed the weight of gravity, and Hazama Jing stood up easily. His face was not red, his heart was not beating, and his physical fitness was evident.

After all, it can be seen from the bomber jacket on her that Kage Hazama was once a pilot of Tianhuan. No matter how crispy she is, with the blessing of gamma-level special effects, she is better than Li Ozi who had to change his body to a colonial suit. 20 points of [Physique] will make you stronger.

"I'm Li Ozi from Red Arrow. Don't worry, I don't represent Red Arrow, I only represent myself."

He stretched out his hand, and Hazama Mirror stretched out his hand very happily, shook his hand, and said frankly:

"Hazama Mirror, or Mirror. You have my approval, Imperial."

This was considered acquaintance without fighting, Hazama Jing looked at Li Aozi with interest:

"It's amazing that a strong person like you doesn't have a gamma-level biological frequency band in your body."

"I don't want to bear the curse so early." Li Ozi teased.

"Haha, that's true." Kaoru Hazama put her hands on her hips. She was not short. She was pressed by eighty times the gravity for a long time. She was 187 centimeters tall, at least one head taller than Li Ozi: "I've heard of you. Li Aozi, the Catastrophe of the Dark Trail, it’s really interesting that the Gurantians call you Vasa Bahmut, it seems that you are not very satisfied with the rule of the Four Kingdoms.”

When she said this, she obviously wanted to put Li Ozi into her own faction, the Red Ban team.

Li Ozi saw through this trick, and the [Halo of Kindness] had a mediocre effect on this woman... a person whose physical and appearance characteristics are female but whose psychological gender is unknown.

This is normal, because this is a disease of congenital cognitive impairment, in which one cannot recognize one's own gender, and one's mental image is also very vague. [Charm] The attraction to them is inherently much worse than that of normal people.

"That's not the case, after all, no matter how bad the order is, it is better than chaos and barbarism." Li Aozi did not answer this question directly, but expressed his ideas in a vague way.

"I don't agree with your point of view," Hazama Mirror disagreed: "But at least, now you will stand with us."

"It only represents me personally." Li Ozi emphasized.

After all, on the surface, he holds Hongjian's green card and nationality, and has close ties with Tianhuan's clan forces.

"I don't expect many people to support it. The fate of Tianhuan can only be changed by the Tianhuan people themselves."

Mirror Hazama pointed at the tavern with his thumb:

"There are some things that are not convenient to discuss outside. Come in and sit down."

"I'm extremely happy, Mr. Mirror."

[Hazama Mirror likes your name, favorability +76]

After a while, maybe because of his good performance, Li Aozi received a more solemn reception.

He raised a glass of Akaban Team's moonshine and clinked the glasses with Hazama Mirror. They were separated by a coffee table, drank several glasses of wine, and chewed two dried mushrooms. His words became warm both inside and outside.

"Gu——So, you came here to rescue Gretelwal?"

Hazama Jing was half-lying on the sofa, holding the teacup in one hand and holding the back of his head in the other, staring at Li Ozi narrowly.

Compared to being the leader of the organization, she is more like the boss of the Speeder Party Bosozoku. Her long legs are casually draped on the coffee table, and her feet are Tianhuan Air Force military boots. Most of the other Red Ban team members are half army and half gang. They were dressed in a slightly better-equipped style, but they only had an extra piece of aramid body armor, not even a bulletproof insert. The equipment level of Li Aozi was probably on par with Liu Wenzhong and others who ran a mercenary company in Gulant.

Hearing what Mirror Hazama said, Li Ozi knew that the plot of the game was going to be triggered. He put down his cup and said seriously:

"Gretwal Nightsong is a person I admire very much. Although he has great power, he is unwilling to hurt anyone, but when danger comes, he steps forward without hesitation."

"That guy is just an idiot and a good guy."

Mirror Hazama shook the cup, remained silent for a moment, and then continued:

"Is it just because of this? The people of the Empire, who are known for their reality and pragmatism, actually act with emotion. It's not a stereotype of mine. It's just that there are too many cases. It's really not credible to say this."

"Of course there is an element of selfishness." Li Ozi said: "If I have to say it, I need him, I need you, and I need the entire Tianchihuan Red Ban team to help me accomplish something. For this purpose, I Gretewal must be rescued."


Mirror Hazama held her forehead. In fact, she was not a beauty in the traditional sense. Whether it was her tough dress or her masculine tone and low voice, she looked more like a handsome boy than a woman. Her colorless eyes swept across the entire tavern hall, and she deliberately asked openly without taking any measures to keep it secret:

"Aren't you afraid that someone here will snitch on something that requires a prison break?"

"I don't bother to hide my conspiracy." Li Ozi smiled: "Besides, what I do is a good thing for this planet, with no harm at all. I just don't know if you are willing to Take my advice."

"Tell me and listen." Hazama Jing's fingertips penetrated into his purple-gray hair, constantly massaging the acupuncture points on his head to promote blood circulation and improve concentration and thinking ability.

Li Ozi opened the mobile phone terminal and projected a world map. While gesticulating, he explained:

"As we all know, the dispute on the Ramada Island Chain is essentially not just the national hatred between Red Arrow and Tianhuan, but more importantly, it is related to the military hegemony in the next few hundred years. If the Tianhuan Kingdom can control the Ramada Island Chain, Then the Red Arrow Empire will lose its only geographical barrier and face the trampling of the Sky Ring warriors. In turn, if the Red Arrow recaptures the Ramada Island Chain, then the Sky Ring people will inevitably face an empire with rich resources and technological strength that is several times more terrifying than now. The Red Arrow Empire."

"Of course we understand this."

A member of the Red Banner Team said impatiently:

"The prominent families in Tianhuan have been corrupted. They want to invade and conquer. Such a war will not end well."

"In terms of geopolitics, the Red Arrow Empire itself is not keen on foreign aggression. As a Tianhuan person, you should also know that."

Looking at Li Ozi in the narrow mirror:

"Red Arrow's current territorial area is equivalent to that of Frost Plating, Tianhuan and a dozen colonies combined. The resource development within its own territory is not enough, and there is no need to spend a lot of manpower to control the vast empire territory. They The war is only for revenge."

"This is the core issue." Li Ozi said.

Mirror Hazama nodded: "Tianhuan's current government does not want to resolve domestic conflicts, but deliberately uses Ramada Island to stimulate people's anger and divert attention, making people ignore Tianhuan's biggest enemy——"

Li Ozi and her looked at each other and said in unison:

"——Family group."

"That is the enemy we must defeat," Hazama Kagami said solemnly: "The clan group headed by the Hojo family has completely controlled our economy, taken away farmers' land, and sent children into factories to turn them into machines. Men will become butchers, and women will become prostitutes. People cannot see tomorrow... But for you, if your clan collapses, what does it have to do with you, a Red Arrow?"

"Before I was a Red Arrow, I was a human."

Li Ozi said:

"The group doesn't want to make progress. As long as they exist, I won't get what I want."

"What do you want?"

"Raise your head and look up." Li Ozi raised his finger and pointed at the top of his head.

"Tavern?" someone asked in confusion.

Li Ozi shook his head: "No."

"You point up, are you coveting the status and power of power?" Someone deconstructed it from a symbolic perspective.

Li Ozi shrugged: "I don't need power, I am power."

"Could it be the sky?" Someone vaguely groped for something.

Li Ozi said calmly: "The sky has long been mine."


Hazama Mirror suddenly said:

"You want to leave your homeland and go to the universe, right?"

Only then did Li Ozi laugh:

"For me, it was coming home."

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