From star abyss

Chapter 234 091. The ring is rotating


The violent locomotive passed through the tunnel, blizzard and dust gave her a welcome salute, darkness blurred her vision, the cold wind tore her cheeks, and red-black clouds hung overhead. It all seemed like hell.

However, if you think about it carefully, according to the teachings of those scriptures, hell may be much warmer than the outside world.

The narrow mirror walked into the endless night with ease. Perhaps influenced by Li Ozi's words, she raised her head from time to time and looked at the red-black sky.

"I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the light...?"

Mirror Hazama whispered.

"How arrogant."

She drove very fast. As a gamma-level creature, she didn't bother to wear any armor other than a helmet. The energy lightly attached to her body could easily withstand the wind, sand, frost and snow, and the gamma-level creatures were released unabashedly throughout the process. The frequency band signal also makes those distorted monsters dare not approach at all.

Soon, Hazama Mirror arrived at his destination - Hantie Settlement.

If people from Shikoku have never been out of a city in their lives, their understanding of the outside world and Shikoku is actually very narrow.

In fact, the outside world is not a region, but a state.

As long as it is, any place that is not protected by particle barrier emitters and does not have a unified national identity and administrative division will be contemptuously called an outside place by civilized people. Some of them are declining countries, and some are refugees who were independent but were directly abandoned after the four countries occupied the resources and minerals.

Therefore, Azure Star has never lacked population. After Mingji Heavy Industry improved the new fertilizer, many scattered settlements in the outside world can form an extremely large number of people.

However, survival and life are two different things.

The narrow mirror parked the locomotive next to the freighter of an old shipwreck, passed through the cold semi-open container cabin, and entered the underground - the environment here is not as crude and sparsely populated as people imagined. On the contrary, dozens of generations of people With continuous excavation and development, even though a lot of the frozen soil under the sunken ship has been cut away, the space is still narrow and there is a lack of housing.

How ironic that even in this almost apocalyptic wilderness, people still lack shelter.

The arrival of the Hazama Mirror is no longer unfamiliar to the residents of the settlement. They huddled in their own belongings and corners, and did not even have the courage to raise their eyes to look at the Hazama Mirror.

"Miss Mirror..."

"She's back, why didn't she see Ye Ge?"

"Shh, you have to call her sir."

Hazama Mirror didn't care about the whispers from outsiders.

Outsiders formed settlements among the sealed submarines, containers, and freighters left over from the old era. Some lucky settlements just happened to discover the nuclear power equipment of the giant ships of the old era, and then they continued to survive. Due to the lack of organization and civilization, the natural population was reduced. Sequential growth has caused people outside the world to live in poverty, hunger and cold for a long time.

Kagami Hazama had no way to solve this problem. She always thought that no one on this planet could do it.

Even the mentor she respected so much.


Hazama Jing stopped in front of the door of a sailor's dormitory. She raised her hand, knocked on the door, and explained:

"It's me, Alkanu."

The next moment, the door opened automatically, and inside sat a man who looked like a crow - about forty or fifty years old, tall and muscular, with black hair that was blown into a ponytail and tied back with a black feather.

The middle-aged man was wearing a yellow and black windbreaker, with an old-era radiator hanging around his neck as a pendant, and an armband with a skull and a wrench on his upper arm, showing his identity: a senior garbage man.

Facing the arrival of Hazama Mirror, the man sat in front of the bed, raised his head slightly, and said casually:

"There is a fire burning in your heart, Mirror."

"I want to ask you a question, Teacher Bedia Alkanu."

Jing slowly walked into the room, closed the door, came to Alkanu, stared into his eyes, and said bluntly:

"Teacher, do you think the sun and starry sky exist?"

"What kind of stupid question is this?!" Alkanu sneered: "Anyone with any common sense would not ask such a thing."

"I want to know your point of view." Jing insisted, staring into Alkanu's eyes. His bright silver eyes were like some extremely pure substance, more noble than silver and more holy than snowflakes.

"Whether you believe it or not, the sun is there, and the blue star rotates around it, and it is also rotating at the same time. The universe naturally exists. Even the sun is no different from sand to the universe." Alkanu said calmly He explained: "That's it? My good apprentice, did you come all the way out to Tianhuan to find me, to publicize your attack and protest, or to ask me, an old lunatic, such a stupid question - -You have gone to school, don't be stupid."

After saying that, he sneered and shook his head, full of disdain and contempt.

"Teacher." Jing said, "Do you want to go to space?"

Alkanu's laughter stopped abruptly. He turned his head and stared formally in the mirror, as if today was the first time he saw this kid.

"Tell me, you are not crazy yet, although sooner or later you will become half crazy like me."

"At least not now." Jing lifted up his sleeves and glanced at the cracked lines on his arms. They were slightly cracked and reflected weak light, which was definitely not something that human arms could reflect.

"This thing, it gave me the capital to step into the Gamma level." Jing said, "But at the same time, it is also eroding me."

"Esha has the effect of catalyzing human evolution - or in other words, accelerating human time." Alkanu touched his chin: "You are lucky. Esha did not directly transform you into a monster, but gave you super powers. Ability. Anaerobic people don't have such good luck as you - when we found him back then, he had been turned into a cube with branches and tentacles all over his body by Esha, floating strangely in mid-air... We used It took the anti-matter bomb from the old era to eliminate him, you should feel lucky."

"Answer my question, teacher."

Jing looked up at the other party:

"Do you want to go to space?"

"No." Alkanu shook his head: "I don't want to, not at all. I was born in the outside world and will die here. My ancestors have already borne enough burdens. Now, I just want to stay here quietly. Toward the end of your life—but I know you won’t be so content with the status quo.”

"You are right, teacher."

"You're going to space?"

"No, I'm going to save Gretlver, and then send a Red Arrow into space."

"Give me the aether mixture."

Jing stretched out her hand towards him:

"I need power. I want to get the power that can save this world. I am not strong enough now. If I can do this, the entire Blue Star may have a chance to see the sun."

"Mirror, you have grown up."

Looking into the mirror's firm eyes, Alkanu was greatly moved. He showed a pleased look, nodded at the same time, and said with a smile:

"That's good, but I won't give it to you."

Jing's eyes were stunned: "Teacher——"

"You don't understand, Mirror." Alkanu looked at the other party complicatedly: "Aether is more dangerous and terrifying than Esha. If you don't want to betray humanity, then never touch her. That's what my ancestors said to me. of."

"...Do you really believe in that mythical legend?" Jing spread his hands and frowned: "Society...professionals...citizens...jury...members and don't really believe that there are... Does 'living civilization' exist?"

"Mirror, since you believe in the existence of the sun and the universe, you should understand that if the universe really exists, based on the huge base, anything is possible. Whether the blue star will give birth to life, or there will be a living civilization, as Monsters generally roam the universe.”

Alkanu took off the graphics card radiator from his neck and slapped it on the bed. He shook his head and said:

"The ancestor of that boy Yege was an amazing man. He knew the reason for all this, but before he could leave any message, the existence called 'society' wiped out him. After the evil swept the world, we couldn't even leave ourselves. I don’t even remember the civilization, let alone that part of the secret information - I only know that ether is the source of the society on the other side."

"Gray's ancestor - did he brag to me about the amazing 'Gandok Night Song' when he was a child?" Jing curled his lips: "He was a person five hundred years ago, and I don't even know if he existed or not. His parents coaxed him Forget it, teacher, why do you believe this rumor?"

"I don't know, Mirror, but I just believe it." Alkanu smiled bitterly: "Ether is an extremely precious existence, but pure ether mixture is highly toxic to humans. Maybe you can survive the ether poison. , let your blood be filled with powerful and mysterious energy, but I don’t want you to die.”

As he spoke, he took out a medicine tube as thick as a finger from his pocket. The clear silver-white liquid inside was quietly suspended in it, without any possibility of disintegrating due to shaking, and always remained as stable as mercury.

"This is the aether mixture." Alkanu said: "If I open it here, it will poison the entire ship. I am not joking. I am also its poisoner. Fortunately, I did not die, but the price is, I 97% of the tissues in your body have been replaced with prosthetics. If you are not qualified, not only will you die, but you may also die in an extremely ugly way."

The mirror said: "I know"

He stared at the other person and said:

"Eshadu is not as terrifying as the ether. Society can enslave your soul through the ether. You may become a puppet and some kind of resource for the top speakers and parliamentarians in the society to mobilize and use at will - this is more dangerous than destruction. The humiliation and pain.”

Jing nodded: "I know."

"You don't know! Even if you narrowly escape death and pay a heavy price, you will encounter more problems - and you will not be a human being, no longer an [assassin] - but will be called a 'professional' 'Monster. With poisonous blood flowing in your body, you will become a member of society. Your thoughts will be distorted, thinking that society is your mother and your creator. Your soul and conscience will be distorted and polluted! You will no longer be you. This person is just a tool!"

Jing took a step forward: "I know."

"Did you listen to me?!" Arkanu said angrily: "You will die worthless. When you die, mortals will no longer remember you. Do you understand? Gretwal, I still have Your friends, they will completely forget you! Your existence will be erased just like an eraser erasing a pencil mark!"

"I will die sooner or later, teacher."

Even after hearing such a heavy price, Hazama Jing's eyes remained firm:

"I am willing to become a professional."


Li Ozi returned to Nuliang City and deliberately walked on the streets, ostentatiously walking through the city to let people know that he was in a conspicuous place in Nuliang City.

Regarding the appearance of Li Ozi, the Tianhuan people quickly caused a crowd of onlookers and a sensation, and the beta players who were looking for Li Ozi immediately noticed the crowd gathering and rushed over one after another.

Although internal beta players do not have access to internal information and training like military players, they have the advantage of having professional team guidance and training. They can easily get started with the game and learn about the soul figure who stole the show in the promotional video—— [Dominator] tutor Li Ozi has arrived, and beta players who are keen on this have long wanted to try switching to [Mutant].

Li Ozi's charm was too strong. He stayed in a square for a while, browsing the forum out of boredom, and soon attracted countless people from Tianhuan to watch.

"Please sign for me!"

"You are so beautiful, please let me be your dog."

"Are you Li Ozi, the superhuman from the Frost-Breaking Air Force? It's actually me! It's our first time meeting you, so please accept a little bit of my kindness."

After a while, the gifts around Li Ozi had formed a high wall. He also interacted enthusiastically with these ordinary people and passerby fans, which greatly improved the public's favorability.

"What?" Some people saw that Li Ozi was so close to the people and couldn't help but murmured: "Shuang Plate's propaganda is really bad. How could such a beautiful and gentle person cause a massacre?"

"I don't believe that Li Ozi would do that kind of thing. If he can't slap him, it's obviously because the humanitarian organization is not clean. The Frost Plate people should reflect on what they did wrong to treat Li Ozi so well. It must be Shuang Ping's fault that the people are pushed to the opposite side!"

"Beautiful appearance is a rare resource, so what if he is really killed? It is their honor to die in the hands of a beautiful woman."

"Oh my God, he is simply a goddess of beauty. I have forgotten that I am a man. For Li Ozi, he is the only goal I will strive for for the rest of my life."

Just when Li Ozi was showing off his charm and increasing the favor of the people, the [Eye of Reality] also captured the figure of a player with the ID of "Day and Night God".

Li Ozi was very happy:

"Hey, it's worth standing here for so long - the Grand Guild is here."

The Bairi Guild is a very famous guild and studio in the hot summer. It has thousands of thugs, agents, and salesmen under its command, making it a ready-made pig farm.

“Now, there’s big money to be made.”

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