From star abyss

Chapter 951 166 There are pigs in my family that are getting fat for the first time, but they are un

The maid almost broke her wrist by him and was in so much pain that she couldn't speak. Even so, her pupils were still constricted, her free hand waved in the air, pointing to the corridor behind Quinn, and her mouth opened:

"Then, over there——"


Quinn suddenly realized something and was about to turn his head when a cold big hand pressed on his shoulder. At the same time, a hoarse man's voice echoed in his ears:

"Just a reminder, I'm not a thing."

His eyes passed quickly until they fell behind him.

In Quinn Mahamut's rapidly shrinking pupils, only a bloody mouth was reflected.

Rumble, rumble......!

After that thunderbolt, it was as if the shackles of summer were opened. The air was gradually moistened and filled with soft and refreshing water vapor. The temperature rose rapidly. After a short period of sultry heat, I was immediately liberated.


The soft drizzle, as soft as a needle, is gently cut on the ground of Victory Port. Every drop of rain relies on the will of nature and falls completely due to natural phenomena.

No matter who it is, even if a demigod arrives, there is no trace of man-made traces.

"Excuse me! The family of the dock merchant Mahamut was struck by lightning today, and the entire family estate was burned to the ground!"

Newsboys hawked and handed evening newspapers to passers-by.

"I heard that none of them, Mr. Quinn's family, was burned to death."

"No, that's right. The fire was huge, but luckily God showed mercy. It rained lightly all over the city, but heavy rain poured down on their house, extinguishing the flames."

"I heard that Avita Life launched accidental fire insurance last month. This time the insurance company has made some money."

"The guardians have asked major workshops and companies to hold city-wide fire prevention lectures, and we have to deal with it again."

In the middle of gloating or chatting, Li Ozi and Caramel Snail returned to the Stray Hotel calmly.

Blah blah blah...

Gold and silver jewelry, jewelry decorations, were scattered on the bed in detail. Li Ozi and Caramel Snail skillfully used diamond carving knives and wooden mallets to dismantle and flatten them. Some precious metals directly used the power of the [Blacksmith], It is refined and separated, and then sold in batches on the black market.

"This family is not very well-off. It's only 20,000 Yuankron, excluding fire costs and black market commissions."

caramel snail complained.

"These gray forces are generally cunning rabbits. Twenty thousand is already too much."

Li Ozi was very satisfied and directly spread out the map of Victory Port and said:

"Next, start the second phase of the mission."

According to Hong Ming Ge's gameplay, the triggering condition of "Iris's Strange Road" is that the ancestral home of the Mahamut family must be burned down first, but the butler Meht must survive and bring the news to the countryside to the brothers' families. in hand.

Brother Hong Ming was more unlucky. He was still relatively young at the time, so he felt that his grievances had their own owners, so he spared some of his family members.

Who knows, the Mahamut family has already converted to the void. After you kill their children, you will immediately arrange sacrifices and continuously summon void creatures and voids from the void cracks in their ancestral home in the countryside. Marxist scholars, let them continue to torture and curse Brother Hongming.

This is the stage that most players have a headache with.

Even assassin players cannot clear away their suspicions, because these void creatures can also kidnap and steal. Once the players kill the Mahamut brothers, they will be cursed immediately.

Not to mention, defeating the Mahamut couple and the hidden boss of the Iris family while covered in curses.

Moreover, if one of these aspects is not handled properly, the Mahamuts will become completely desperate and choose to fight to the death, which will summon a very difficult BOSS.

Level 280 War Madness Template: [Void Butcher]——Hamagai

During the player civil war, players took advantage of each other and set up many trap portals to trick the enemy into pursuing them, only to be wiped out by Hamajiali. This was a common occurrence.

It's easy to operate, but its strength is terrifying. The most important thing is that early players have no means to defend against its first attack.

In fact, the first attack does the most damage, and subsequent moves are easier to dodge.

However, because so many players died at the hands of Hamerjarai, everyone gave it a nickname: ‘Yidao Qing’.

If it is a normal process, it is to chase to the void realm, accept the three questions of the butcher, and finally choose:

1. Work hard for it (do a more complex task and get an extremely rare prop).

2. Admit one's fault (will be hacked to death, but the curse on the body will also be purified)

3. Challenge Yidaoqing (dynamic difficulty).

However, what Li Ozi wants to fight is the Shura ending.

He is not a famous brother, there is no curse on him at all, and he does not need to care about this route.

He doesn't need to find a Void Butcher to fight one on one with his life.

As Leoz, who had killed Siders and was an old enemy of the Void, he had no moral burden and no need to apologize for his actions.

He was just a passerby carrying a toilet bowl.

All Li Ozi needs to do is get the Mahamut family's treasure before Harmajialai appears, and then immediately fly away with the caramel snail.

If he had doubts about this before, he was worried that he would be discovered midway.

Now, after obtaining the initial dragon form, Li Ozi is full of confidence.

Just when Li Aozi was full of ambition, Xiao Mo, a tool man who had been silent for a long time, suddenly sent a message.

"General Zhen, I have bought the things and are on my way to you. The coordinates have been sent to you."

Li Ozi glanced at the message, his eyes lit up, and he said to the caramel snail:

"Niu, reset the resurrection point. We have to escape by boat later."

Xiao Mo's speed was faster than he imagined. It was obvious that he really admired the true general.

Such a truly loving fan moved Li Ozi so much that he immediately promoted him to the group chat manager. There was a green prefix above his profile picture, which made him look like he was wearing a cuckold at first glance.

Although everyone in this group except Caramel Snail is an administrator and no one usually speaks, Xiao Mo is still very excited and feels that he has joined the top team.

For such a true fan, Li Ozi could only count three large piles of money with tears in his eyes.

Other pigs need to be free ranged, carefully selected and bred, and they need to be cared for and fed, for fear of losing their meat.

Good thing Xiao Mo, this kind of aware and grateful pig has only a few years left and must be severely cut off!

In his original plan, it would be fast if he could reach Daliang in one month, but he didn't expect Xiao Mo to work so hard and get it in 15 days.

These 15 days in advance are more than just time.

It was like issuing a critical illness notice to Ms. Qi Xilei, who was still struggling in the ICU.

"Let's see a real speedrun!"

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