From star abyss

Chapter 954 169 Void Realm (Part 1)

7 hours ago.

The butler of the Mahmut family and an important figure in the Iris Brotherhood, Mahmut was killed seven hours ago.

The way to die is relatively simple.

A fine sword was struck on his neck, and then like a mill, it was rotated around the cervical vertebrae, chopping up the throat and arteries like yuba, and finally pulled out without any trace of flesh or water. , swung it up again and hit the same location accurately.

With a pop, the head flew out and just landed in the bag on the side.

The real general's swordsmanship is superb. Caramel Snail only needs to pull the rope and seal his pocket. He hands it to Li Aozi and takes out the body of Ai Xier. Li Aozi uses [Bloodline] to forge a bloodline sample and exchange the body. , pretending to be Ai Xier absconding with a huge sum of money.

In this way, no one would have thought that two gangsters from Layer Abyss committed the crime.

"The whole plan is fine. There's just one problem."

Caramel Snail sighed, looked at Li Ozi who was also tied up opposite him, and complained:

"There's just a problem with execution."


Li Ozi nodded:

"I just grabbed an extra bottle of cold drink."

"Will you die if you don't drink cold drinks? I have a cold drink machine at home. Come to my house to drink as much as you want, and I'll treat you to it!"

Caramel snail complained:

"General Zhen, this is your plan. Didn't I tell you that after we kill the people, we will quickly turn around and run away. You have to drink that bottle!"

"I didn't expect that someone would put void ephemera in cold drinks."

Li Ozi said innocently.

"Friends who often kill people and swindle goods should know not to take random things from the scene. This is common sense... You would actually make such a mistake. True General, did you change your account?"

The caramel snail was speechless.

Why do some messy and unexpected problems always happen every time I team up with a true general?

"But fortunately, at least we achieved our goal."

Li Ozi glanced at the breathable skylight and comforted the caramel snail:

"Although we are now hanging in a prison, and there are a bunch of void tooth fish in the pool at our feet. As soon as we let go, we will be eaten by the fish - but looking on the bright side, at least we have sneaked into the ancestral home of the Mahamut family. Home."

""sneak into"."

Caramel snail twitched the corner of his mouth:

"Really general, to be honest, I'm still running a live broadcast, and the audience is scolding the anchor's colorful pen..."

"It's no problem, it is."

"I'm the anchor! My live broadcast room! No anchor would be scolded by the audience for the color pen!"

He rolled his eyes, not wanting to continue complaining to the real general.

I'm usually a normal person, but why is it that my hips are enlarged at a critical moment?

Unlike the caramel snail’s complaints and sighs, Li Ozi has everything under control.

Iris's ancestral house requires void runes to open, and it's really impossible to get in by ordinary means.

But if you talk to Caramel Snail directly, no matter how stupid he is, he will find the problem.

After all, he is unpredictable and knows too much along the way. If he doesn't make some mistakes, Niu Niu will probably report him for cheating.

Having achieved his goal, Li Ozi is not in a hurry to be exposed immediately. He is slowly waiting for the plot to be triggered.

As it turned out, he had no issues speedrunning.

"It's surprising that you still dare to come back."

Purple dust slowly swept away in the air, and a cold voice sounded in the hearts of the two of them:

"Thanks to the emperor, I have found out the details of you. You are two ignorant rats who killed my son and housekeeper and burned down the family property."

When Caramel Snail was still wondering where the sound came from, Li Ozi sent him a private message:

"I've triggered the plot, wait a moment."

"Huh?" Caramel Snail was stunned, "Is this okay? Why don't I have one?"

"Maybe it's because I have mission props in my hand."

Li Ozi said casually.

[Of course you can't have it, because I didn't trigger the task in the first place. 】

"Iris's Strange Road" is a hidden mission, and the triggering conditions are actually very complicated. The bad news about the family must be told personally by the housekeeper before the subsequent plot can be triggered.

However, who knows how [player] Pryor wrote the code? Maybe he was lazy and used a template, and a very outrageous bug appeared here:

First of all, it is known that the butler must inform the old Mahamut couple in order to trigger the plot, so most people will choose to let the butler go and let him run away with the news.

That's what Brother Hongming did. It was a rare moment of chivalry. As a result, the mission was triggered silently and he was cursed for several months. This is also the process of a normal player.

But what if the housekeeper dies on the way to tip off?

Previously, Li Ozi deliberately kept Aixir's body to replace it with the butler's body. This was not only to get rid of suspicion, but also to exploit system loopholes.

He took the initiative to expose himself and attracted the attention of old Mahamut.

The disguised body was hidden and no one found it, but the real butler's body would definitely have the soul memory read by old Mahamut.

At this point, Pryor's code started to have problems.

Because there are no prerequisites for the task, the system has reached this step and cannot judge whether this situation should trigger the task.

The housekeeper survived—the old Mahamuts learned the information—notified the remaining members of Iris—the mission was triggered.

In other words, these three are necessary conditions.

But now, the housekeeper is dead, old Mahamut still knows the information, and the Iris family has been burned by Li Ozi.

The two necessary conditions were gone, and the program written by Pryor began to continuously retrace reading and writing, constantly checking whether the player should be given tasks.

Then, an outrageous problem came: the system itself fell into a memory overflow problem due to repeated and complex data.

Eventually the system triggered the anti-jam program on its own and remained silent about these events.

It is probably for this reason that [players] need to cooperate with Lai Anding and organize a large number of official personnel to maintain the system.

There are several similar missions. If it weren't for killing Qi Xilei quickly, Li Ozi wouldn't be so stuck with bugs.

If the mission is not triggered, then the dynamic strength mechanism will not be triggered. The two lambdas of Li Ozi and Caramel Snail (11) will no longer face enemies in an enhanced state, but a group of primitive people.

However, Li Ozi still plans to be more cautious.

[Speaking of which, since [Hunter King] has copied the bloodline, can we also use the power of the bloodline to do something...]

"Tell me your names and I can make you feel better."

The cold voice said slowly:

"Two stowaways from the Abyss don't have the guts to kill my child, especially... you should know what this purple turbid light means. Knowing so much, Void will not let you go."

'What does it mean? Does it mean happy? Means happiness? What is void? ’

Caramel Snail looked confused.

"Tell me, who in the end made you do all this - the chicken guard? Or the Sea Beast Chamber of Commerce?"

‘Who is following whom? ’

Caramel Snail complained in his heart.

This villain has such a strong brainstorming ability, wouldn't he just talk about it and come up with an imaginary enemy in his own mind, and then take the initiative to let them go?

He glanced at Li Aozi and was looking forward to whether General Zhen could give some help and reverse the situation through the plot.

Since the mission is triggered in such a place, the plot should be very complicated, but the game will not let players die for no reason, there must be a turning point.

"Aren't you going to tell me? I didn't expect you guys to have any backbone."

The interrogator sneered.


Caramel Snail was stunned. He kept winking at Li Ozi:

‘Ichao, please speak up and speak, General Zhen, what are you doing? ’

However, Li Ozi seemed to be distracted and remained silent without saying a word.

"Forget it, since you refuse to explain, there is nothing I can do."

A big purple hand appeared out of thin air and grabbed Li Ozi and the caramel snail.

‘General! ’

At this moment, Li Ozi spoke:

"okay, got it."


The surprised sounds came not only from the interrogator, but also from the caramel snail.

"You know? What, now you decide to tell me who caused you to set fire and kill people?"

"I already know how this thing can be used besides making wind and rain."

Li Ozi raised his head, his pupils gradually became pointed, and the gray color quickly spread into the irises like a haze:

"I just thought about it a little bit, how to play without injury."

"No harm?" Caramel Snail poked his head, and he was completely confused: "General Zhen, are you awake?"

"Niu, go to the second room on the left on the third floor later. The password on the door is 890211. After entering, take down the picture frame facing you and put it on the table on the left. Then the mechanism will be triggered and the darkroom will be opened. "

Li Ozi suddenly said quickly:

"Remember that there are three gems in the second row of drawers on the table. After entering the darkroom, go around the room to solve a puzzle. But considering your IQ, I will tell you the answer directly: the statue on the left holds amethyst, and the statue on the right holds emerald. The statue in the middle is bleeding diamond. In the end, there is only one sentence: (Speech of the Void) All things are too empty and will last forever."

"Wait, why did it suddenly expand super? Let me note it down!"

"It's okay, don't worry. I type slowly, please listen to me slowly, but now..."

Li Aozi nodded, stared at the deep shadow in front of him, and suddenly said:

"(Dragon language) sky, sun, power."

[You released the "Dragon Transformation Technique" and selected the appropriate dragon type for transformation——]

Sure enough, it was just as he imagined... dragon language magic can be used casually.

Just repeating the words that Glena Shuixuan had said before, you can get this magical effect.

Li Ozi did not hesitate to choose the high-level dragon clan or the low-level dragon clan. His age was not enough to show his strengths.

Among the many categories of dragons, there is one race that can perfectly avoid the problems of insufficient age and insufficient development.

Moreover, he is also very familiar with it.

The next moment, the aura of ancient violence instantly enveloped the earth.

[About to transform into an earth dragon]

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