From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 107 Everything Is Like A Floating Cloud In Front Of Absolute Strength [First Update]

According to the news learned by Lin Fan.

Shengyin Sect actually is not a nunnery. They do not explicitly prohibit their disciples from getting married, but few female disciples can get married. Basically, they are married to direct disciples of the sixth rank Sect. If they fall in love with a man who is weaker than themselves, it is basically a tragedy. ...

Lin Fan thought for a while and then left without a sound. He was afraid that he would be impulsive if he continued to think about it.

Although the Holy Sound Sect was large, he easily found the Mission Hall with his Celestial Realm strength. He directly knocked out all the female disciples among them, leaving only one female disciple to lead him to get the information on the psychic python.

After getting the information on the psychic python, he was about to leave.

Suddenly a female disciple came into the mission hall.

Originally, Lin Fan could have avoided or knocked her out...

Because she was so beautiful, Lin Fan was stunned and couldn't make a move for a while...

This girl's appearance is not inferior to Jiang Linglong, Huang Xianyi...

Her skin is as creamy as jade, as bright as snow and frost, and her crystal-clear jade face is still as white as snow even in the dimly lit work hall.

The fragrant lips are like the most delicate petals in the world, and the exquisitely straight nose seems to be carved from the most beautiful white jade in the world, towering out of innate nobility and pride. [The whole person exudes an aura that repels people thousands of miles away.

When she came in, she saw Lin Fan with a strange look on his face, and then saw the disciple lying on the ground. A cold light flashed in her eyes, and she scolded: "You thief, you dare to hurt me, a disciple of the Holy Sound Sect."

As she spoke, she took out a Pipa and made a very penetrating sound.

Lin Fan didn't escape and stared at her nakedly, knocking her unconscious.

Four words popped up in my mind involuntarily.

"Iceberg Beauty"

The beauty attacked him directly, attacking Lin Fan one after another with the sound of Spirit Power, but was blocked by Lin Fan's protective armor.

This beauty is actually the Fifth Stage of the Soul Realm. The Shengyin Sect is very deep! She should not be old. With such strength at this age, there is no doubt that Jiang Linglong said that among the tens of millions of people, there is no one with an imperial body. ………………

Lin Fan didn't make a move, these attacks couldn't hurt him.

"Beauty, you can't hurt me." Lin Fan teased lightly.

Hearing this, the beauty did not stop attacking and directly released a big move, hitting him with a big purple light slash.

But it still didn't hurt Lin Fan at all, and there was a hint of fear in her eyes...

However, at this time, the news in the mission hall had been known to the masters of the Holy Sound Sect.

From time to time, Lin Fan was blocked by the white-haired old woman from Yin-Yang Realm, the third master of Shengyin Sect. There were also many Shengyin Sect disciples outside, surrounding the mission hall.

But he didn't take action against Lin Fan.

"Who are you? Why did you break into our Holy Sound Sect and hurt my disciples?"

One of the old nuns at the peak of Yin-Yang Realm asked.

Hearing this, Lin Fan did not answer her words, but said calmly: "I didn't expect that the Holy Sound Sect actually has a disciple with an imperial body. If nothing else, I'm afraid that the Holy Sound Sect will be the fifth rank Sect in thirty years."

The three old women's pupils shrank, and murderous intent suddenly appeared in their eyes. They looked at each other and then charged towards Lin Fan.

The strength of three old women, one is Yin-Yang Realm Peak, one is Yin-Yang Realm Seventh Stage, and one is Yin-Yang Realm Eighth Stage.

Lin Fan's body remained motionless, the Xuanming Armor appeared on his body, and special Spirit Power shields suddenly appeared around him, blocking all attacks from the three of them...

He is strong enough to let him be strong, the breeze caresses the hills, he is allowed to be unruly, and the bright moon shines on the river, it is nothing more than that.

Let them besiege them for a round...

Lin Fan said calmly: "Don't waste your efforts, you can't hurt this Sect Leader.

I am already a Celestial Realm. "

Hearing this, the three old women stopped attacking, their faces were horrified, they didn't dare to take action, and they looked at Lin Fan warily.

The old nun at the top of the Yin-Yang Realm asked anxiously: "I wonder why senior came to our Shengyin Sect?"

Lin Fan could feel the iceberg beauty's heartbeat speeding up. It was obvious that she was also afraid of herself...

So Lin Fan smiled and said: "It's okay, don't panic, I don't have any ill intentions towards you, they just fainted.

I just heard that there is a psychic python in the territory of Shengyin Sect. I was greedy and wanted to catch it and stew it, and beat its teeth as a sacrifice.

It's just that this psychic python is quite troublesome to find, so I thought that your Shengyin Sect had some information on it, so I came over to get a copy. It was unreasonable of me to come here like this. "

Hearing this, the three old women and even the iceberg beauty were dumbfounded.

Psychic python?

A tooth festival?

Those are Magical Beasts at the pinnacle of seventh level!


The shock in their hearts is beyond description...

Hearing this, the old woman at the peak of Yin-Yang Realm smoothed things over and said: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding. I just offended senior, please forgive me...

Lin Fan's mouth twitched, you are a hundred-year-old woman, you call me senior......

Lin Fan is really embarrassed, but the one who does have the strength in this world is senior......

Hearing this, Lin Fan asked directly: "You are the Music Sect Leader, right?! I wonder what the disciple's name is?"

As he spoke, Lin Fan pointed at the iceberg beauty.

"Back to senior, I am indeed the Sect Leader of the Holy Sound Sect, but who is my disciple Mu Qingchan." The female disciple replied.

"Mu Qingchan, what a good name." Lin Fan looked at Mu Qingchan and praised.

Hearing this, Mu Qingchan stiffened... and did not answer.

The Sect Leader of Shengyin Sect quickly saluted and said: "Senior, please calm down. This disciple grew up in Shengyin Sect since he was a child. He has never been out of Sect. He has never seen the opposite sex since he was a child. Please don't blame me, senior, for his withdrawn personality."

Lin Fan said heartily: "Damn it, I haven't seen a man since I was a child? It's strange that I don't have a withdrawn personality..."

However, Lin Fan has always believed in the principle of "same-sex repels and opposite-sex attracts". It doesn't matter if you haven't seen a man before, but now you can...

The Sect Leader of the Holy Sound Sect then said: "Senior, do you want to catch the psychic python? As expected, the psychic python should be in Tianze Mountain, and I am willing to take senior there."

Hearing this, Lin Fan said: "Well, thank you. If it's convenient for senior, just take me there!"

The Sect Leader of the Holy Sound Sect nodded and said: "Senior, please come with me."

As she spoke, her figure disappeared into thin air.

Lin Fan glanced at Mu Qingchan, and then disappeared as well, following the Sect Leader of the Holy Sound Sect and flying out of the Holy Sound Sect.

As expected, the Sect Leader was familiar with the situation, and before long they arrived in a deserted forest rich in Spirit Power.

The Sect Leader of the Holy Sound Sect pointed to a mountain range in front and said: "Senior, this is Tianze Mountain."

Hearing this, Lin Fan did not answer and disappeared into thin air.

After some investigation, I found a giant python, which was the psychic python that day...

The strength of the seventh-level peak psychic python and Lin Fan are not on the same level at all.

Lin Fan went down and punched him to death. He carried the body to the Sect Leader of the Holy Sound Sect before putting it into the Sect warehouse.

Lin Fan said calmly: "Thank you for showing me the way." 423

The Sect Leader of the Holy Sound Sect was still stunned and in shock. Zhenyuan Lin Fan's terrifying reality...

The seventh-level peak psychic python died like this?

When she came back to her senses, she immediately said: "Senior, are you interested in your apprentice?"

Ah! What does this mean?

Are you ready to sell your apprentice?

Want to hug your thighs by yourself?

Lin Fan was not polite and said bluntly: "Everyone has a love for beauty, and any man will be interested in her."

The Sect Leader of the Holy Sound Sect smiled and said: "Senior, just be interested. It's true that she is an imperial body. We, the Holy Sound Sect, have been hiding her, not letting her go out, not letting her be known, just for the sake of my Holy Sound one day. Pai can be promoted to fifth rank Sect.

Senior, if you can help me with the Shengyin Sect, I will marry you as my disciple. "

She was so decisive in selling her apprentice... which made Lin Fan a little unhappy.

Lin Fan said coldly: "Are you qualified to negotiate terms with me? What will happen if I don't help you?"

The Sect Leader of the Holy Sound Sect turned pale with fear and said: "Senior, please calm down. As long as senior likes it, my disciple will also marry senior. This is a good thing for her."


In front of absolute strength, everything is like a floating cloud.

Lin Fan smiled and said: "Well, you send her to Canglan Sect and marry her to the Sect Leader of Canglan Sect! I will guarantee that you will be promoted to fifth rank Sect in Shengyin Sect within half a year."

"Canglan Sect Sect Leader? Lin Fan."

She actually knows herself?

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why is there a problem?"

"No, no, no problem. Don't worry, senior. I'll make arrangements when I get back.

"Okay, I'm leaving."

After saying that, Lin Fan disappeared. .

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