From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 109 A Pair Of Bride-To-Be Parties Came [Second Update]

"Please allow us to withdraw from the clan,"

Lin Fan laughed when he heard this.

Sure enough, the most abundant thing in the world is grass......

Lin Fan looked at the large group of disciples rushing towards him with an anxious expression, and he said calmly: "Elder, there are disciples who want to go through the procedures to withdraw from the sect, why don't you go and do it quickly?

Anyone who wants to withdraw from the sect should withdraw from it. When we signed the Sect contract, I asked you to explain that our Canglan Sect never retains anyone.

Go away if you want, but those who leave the sect, and their family members, will never be able to help join the Canglan Sect.

Elder, go and do it!"

If this were left to other sections, they would ask you to withdraw without making it easier for you, but Lin Fan thinks it is completely unnecessary.

His Canglan Sect will not be short of people in the future...

Wang Qizong cupped fist said: "Okay Sect Leader, I will do it right away?"

Lin Fan whispered: "No persuasion, no appeasement. Those who want to retreat, let them retreat. When they retreat, each of them will be given a traveling fee. They will never be allowed to go back on their word. I want them to regret it for the rest of their lives." ."1

Wang Qizong's eyes understood.

Lin Fan knew very well what these people were afraid of. They were simply afraid that the next target of the Evil Demon Sect would be them, so he had to break away from the Canglan Sect quickly so that they would not die.

They were right, and Lin Fan didn't want to explain.

I just took this opportunity to clean up some rubbish that had been eaten out. Lin Fan felt disgusted that they stayed in Canglan Sect.

Lin Fan firmly believes that if they withdraw from the Canglan Sect now, they will regret it for the rest of their lives.

They will definitely regret it and it will become a regret in their lives.

This 827 is enough.

The choice of life is like this, the road of rivers and lakes, just go and see.

For those who choose to stay at this time, no matter what their reasons are, Lin Fan will give them a high look.

And they who quit the sect are just rubbish talents. They are nothing after leaving the Canglan sect...

Lin Fan turned around and went back.

When Sect was promoted to the seventh level just now, the talents of all Canglan Sect disciples increased by 20%. He could feel that the power of the entire sect was much stronger.

There is no shortage of this group of disciples, and it is very easy to recruit them...

After Lin Fan returned to his residence, he looked at the Sect.

Secret Technique "Man with a Thousand Faces"

"Man with a Thousand Faces" can change his face and disguise himself as the face in his memory.

This secret technique is so awesome, it will make things much easier in the future.

Lin Fan clicks on Martial Skill inheritance.

Select the inherited Martial Skill "Thousand Faces"

Choose the level of inheritance: return to nature.

Confirm inheritance.

Cooling time: six days.

Suddenly a majestic information poured into Lin Fan's mind.

Lin Fan came to the mirror in the room and looked at his face. He tried to recall Langya's appearance, and then used his secret technique to change his face.

Sure enough, his face turned into Langya's appearance.

It is no different from Langya.

He tried Wolf King again, with the same effect.

It is indeed a secret technique rewarded by the system.

This way, you don't have to worry about exposing yourself.

He is such a young Celestial Realm powerhouse, and he will be treated as a guinea pig at any level...

Lin Fan experimented several times, and then walked around the streets of Dongning City and tried the "Thousand Faces Technique"

It works really well.

Lin Fan walked around and found no trace of the Evil Demon Sect.

He wanted to find the people from the Evil Sect and kill them.

If he really couldn't find it, he would have no choice but to go to the Evil Demon Sect, where they would kill the Sect Leader.

Looking for trouble to find him in the Canglan Sect is simply asking for death.

Lin Fan transformed into the Wolf King and went to see the Heavenly Rank Sect's old man Zangjian's residence. He appeared out of thin air in the house where the old man was practicing and asked directly: "Do you know where the people from the Evil Sect who come to Dongning Mansion live?" ?”

If you want to know about the Evil Demon Sect, it would be most appropriate to ask the Tianjian Sect because they are competitors.

The old man with hidden swords suddenly opened his eyes. He didn't even notice Lin Fan coming in. He quickly said politely: "I have seen the Wolf King Senior. We know who is coming from the Evil Demon Sect. He should be the ninth demon king among the top ten demon kings of the Evil Demon Sect: Xie Yun Daoist, whose strength is at the peak of Yin-Yang Realm. I don’t know where he lives, but he is very lustful.

If my prediction is correct, he should be in Zuixian Pavilion. "

Lin Fan doesn't care what his name is.

"Thank you."

After saying that, Lin Fan disappeared out of thin air.

The old man hiding the sword said: "The evil demon sect is going to be in trouble..."

Lin Fan went straight to Zuixian Tower and explored the situation inside [Kang Zhong made him discover that they were ten peak Yin Yin Realm experts.

Lin Fan appeared in a room of Zuixian Pavilion and saw an old man in red clothes. He called several top names in Zuixian Pavilion to accompany him. They hugged each other, and some people poured wine, some gave him wine, and some gave him vegetables. , someone slapped his back…………

"Drink more, you are drinking more!"

"Okay, okay, drink..."

"How did you and I beat you? Did I reward you with a golden ticket?"

"Reward, must reward...

"I also want to reward..."

(abfg) "Reward, reward, reward for all."

Lin Fan stood there for more than ten seconds and none of them noticed.

It is indeed Zuixian Pavilion.

But at this moment, Lin Fan said in an old voice: "Kill me, a Canglan Sect disciple, and still dare to play in Zuixian Pavilion, you have the guts.

Hearing this, the old man in red suddenly opened his eyes and turned to look at Lin Fan.

However, he was very calm and said playfully: "Are you from the Canglan Sect?"

Without saying a word, Lin Fan appeared behind the old man in an instant, grabbed his neck and lifted him up into thin air.

The old man's majestic aura erupted, but he could not break free from Lin Fan's hand.

After leaving Zuixian Pavilion, Lin Fan didn't say a word, he crippled his hands, crippled his feet, crippled his penis, crippled him Dantian...

Then Lin Fan said calmly: "Next, I will throw you into the wild forest. I believe it will feel good to be eaten by Magical Beasts.'

The old man's eyes widened and he looked at Lin Fan in fear.

Lin Fan took it to the deserted forest and threw it away...

Then he returned to the room of the old man Hidden Sword and said: "Who has been dealt with? Could you please use your Tianjian Sect's eyes to help me keep an eye on the Evil Sect [if they send any strong men over to notify me E."

The old man with hidden swords was shocked and quickly cupped fist and said: "Okay senior wolf king, I will contact the Sect Leader immediately and let him make all arrangements."

Hearing this, Lin Fan said: "One more thing, I want to ask you about the Sect Leader, sixth rank Sect assessment. Can Canglan Sect be exempted from it and report it directly to pass."

The old man with hidden sword cupped fist said: "Senior Wolf King, you can be exempted. I will also report this matter to the Sect Leader."

Lin Fan flipped his hands and took out a copy of "Martial Skill" and threw it over, saying: "This is considered as reward."

After saying that, Lin Fan left without waiting for the old man Zangjian to answer.

The old man who was left with a hidden sword looked at the Martial Skill in his hand, and then his eyes showed a surprised look.

A top-grade heaven-level Martial Skill is a rarity even for them, Sect.

Looking at Martial Skill, he quickly took out the transmission talisman.

Lin Fan returned to his room and regained his appearance.

Take a look at the own attribute.

Lin Fan

Age: 19 years old

Identity: Canglan Sect Sect Leader.

Martial Dao Realm: Celestial Realm Fourth Stage.

Cultivation Technique: Hunyuan Gong

Martial Skills: Dragon Yang Body (reaching the pinnacle), Xuan Ming Armor (returning to nature), Shattered Knife (returning to nature), Thirteen Breathing Slashes (returning to nature), Fierce Sun Palm (returning to nature), Red Cloud Walk (returning to nature), Mountain Shaking Fist (return to nature), swordsmanship (not into the flow), breathing technique (not into the flow)

Secret Technique: Second Stage Qi Jin (Return to Nature) Thousand Faces Technique (Return to Nature)

The method of controlling beasts: The art of controlling beasts with demon species (returning to nature)

Already Celestial Realm Fourth Stage, the strength is strong enough.

There is no need to go through too much trouble to get promoted to sixth rank Sect. Just let Tianjian Sect handle it. At worst, give them some benefits [Ten Lihuo Battle Armor Dramas] There is nothing in Lin Fan City...

Lin Fan saw that his Martial Skill inheritance was cooling down and he had nothing to do. After thinking about it, he turned around and went to Jiang Linglong's room.

Not long after, Huang Xianyi in the room next to her opened her eyes and glanced to the side. Nan Nan said to herself: "Is it necessary to call it so exaggerated?"

Directly use Spirit Power to seal your ears, then close your eyes and continue practicing.

In the evening, we have a feast of the Sky Demon Eagle King and the Psychic Python.

It’s really delicious……

The next day, Lin Fan fell asleep in a daze when Huang Xianyi grabbed him and shook him...

"Wake up, Shengyin sent a team to see you off, saying you want to marry their saintly daughter. What's going on?"

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