From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 125: Unconsciously Became A Seven-Star Pill Refining Master

Zhou Lin lay on the ground with a broken arm, breathless.

The people in the Shangqing Sect in the banquet hall had strange expressions on their faces when they saw this.

Is this the great Elder of their elixir hall?

How could it be like this?

The Elder is a master of the Eighth Stage of Kamigawa Realm!

When no one spoke, Lin Fan said calmly: "I don't want to use any extra means, just go ahead and capture him! This is the consequences of resistance.

Hearing this, the people of Shangqing Sect looked at each other in confusion, and finally an Elder from the Fourth Stage of the Divine River Realm spoke up: "What does Lin Sect Leader mean?"

Lin Fan said: "It's not interesting. I want to exchange some resources with you and the Shangqing Sect. Elder Zhou, please tell me!"

Hearing this, Zhou Lin got up from the ground with the help of the two people, and said weakly: "Don't be impulsive, you are not his opponent, just do what he says!"

As soon as these words came out, the people of Shangqing Sect looked at Lin Fan with a hint of fear, and Tao Yuexi also showed a look of surprise.

Lin Fan walked over and applied the Dantian sealing technique to each of them, temporarily sealing them Dantian. Anyone with lower strength than him would not be able to break through the seal for ten and a half hours.

He is not afraid of these people, but each of them has extraordinary strength. For other people in the Canglan Sect, they are still the super masters of the Shangqing Sect. Any one of these people can sweep away their Canglan Sect.

For the safety of Canglan Sect disciples, Lin Fan thought it would be better to seal their strength.

After sealing these Shangqing Sect members Dantian, Lin Fan said to Zhou Lin: "Now you can inform your Sect Leader.

First: Let him report to Canglan Sect for promotion to fifth rank Sect, and bring the Canglan Sect’s fifth rank Sect token.

Second: Ask him to bring five million top-grade Spirit Stones to redeem you.

Third: I will make a list later and ask him to find all the materials on it, and there must be no shortage of any of the materials on it.

You remind him not to mess around. I know how many pounds your Shangqing Sect has.

Also, if you want Blood Spirit Fruit, you can exchange it for Spirit Stones to keep it active. "

Hearing this, Zhou Lin said: "Okay, I will tell the truth to Sect Leader, but Sect Leader Lin has to let one of us leave before he can take the news back."

Lin Fan casually grabbed a Celestial Realm, released the seal on him, and said, "Just him!"

As he spoke, he took out a pen and paper, listed all the materials he wanted, handed it to the Celestial Realm of the Shangqing Sect, and asked the Celestial Realm to bring the news back to the Shangqing Sect.

After sending the people of the Shangqing Sect to prison, he began to set up a formation at the Canglan Sect's residence.

The Spirit Gathering Array was first deployed. The Spirit Gathering Array could absorb all Spiritual Qi from the heaven and earth within a radius of fifty miles. With his Return to Nature formation attainment, the Spiritual Qi gathering range of the arranged Spirit Gathering Array could be expanded by more than ten miles.

There are too many disciples of the Canglan Sect, and it is impossible to issue Spirit Stones to all of them. Giving out ten Spirit Stones to each core discipline in a month is enough...

Still too poor…………

Arranging a large spirit gathering formation can improve the training environment for Outer Sect disciples.

The cost of setting up the spirit gathering array is acceptable.

Because Lin Fan brought a lot of materials from Piaomiao Pavilion, which can be used to set up the formation.

Otherwise, Canglan Sect would not even be able to gather enough materials to set up a large spirit gathering formation.

Next is the Yin & Yang bipolar sect-protecting formation. This sect-protecting formation can protect their Canglan Sect's station and form a barrier outside the Canglan Sect's station.

This barrier can withstand attacks from masters of the Soul Realm. If a stronger master breaks in, the barrier breaking formation will alert and Lin Fan can detect it immediately.

It's just that this formation requires top-quality Spirit Stones as the energy to activate the formation. Just maintaining the formation requires thousands of Spirit Stones every day. Fortunately, Lin Fan still has 260,000 Spirit Stones on his body, which can last for a while.

They also obtained more than 500,000 top-quality Spirit Stones from Zhou Lin and others, which could temporarily feed a Yin & Yang bipolar sect-protecting formation.

The formation was also built just in case. The Shangqing Sect might take other actions and it was uncertain, so we had to be on guard.

Lin Fan is now at the peak of the Divine River Realm. Even with the support of the entire sect, it will take four thousand and five days to break through to the next Realm.

However, Lin Fan Dantian is already changing, and his strength is increasing every moment. Now he is not afraid even if he encounters two or three peak powerhouses in the Divine River Realm.

Zhou Lin and others have been sent to the dungeon of the Criminal Law Hall and locked up. Lin Fan has also set up a large formation in the dungeon. If someone destroys the formation, Zhou Lin and others will all die.

Because Dantian was sealed, they could not resist the formation with their physical strength alone.

The next day, Shangqing Zongsan and four Third Stage elders from the Divine River Realm came to spy. They were caught by Lin Fan and thrown into prison to accompany Lin Fan, Zhou Lin and the others.

On the third day, two powerful men from the Ninth Stage of the Divine River Realm came to the Shangqing Sect to spy on them, but they were also caught by Lin Fan.

Now the Shangqing Sect became honest and did not send anyone here...

Lin Fan's strength has become stronger and stronger in the past two days, and he is no longer afraid of the Shangqing Sect.

There is no need for sneak attacks now, even the peak powerhouses in the Divine River Realm will not be able to hold on for long under his hands.

In the past two days, Lin Fan has been tinkering with weapon refining in his spare time. He found that the weapon refining was quite interesting.

The best weapon in his hand at present is the fifth rank sword obtained by Piaomiao Pavilion.

The fifth rank sword is so sharp that even a body in the Divine River realm cannot withstand the fifth rank weapon.

Fifth rank weapon materials are all made of top quality materials and are forged using special weapon refining methods.

Lin Fan wants to refine a higher-grade sword for himself.

Weapon refining is not difficult for Lin Fan. Lin Fan uses Martial Skill to inherit and learn the weapon refining method, returning to his original nature.

0·Please give me flowers...

Ninth-grade weapons can be easily refined. Use Spirit Power to transform and forge flames to forge the essence of black iron from ordinary black iron. As long as there is enough black iron, ninth-grade weapons are easy to refine.

He has inexhaustible Spirit Power. As long as he has enough materials, he can refine hundreds of them at a time. He can refine tens of thousands of ninth-grade weapons in a day. Lin Fan can equip every Canglan Sect core recipe with one.

Eighth-grade weapons are a little more difficult. The refining materials used are getting rarer and rarer, and it is more difficult to refine the materials and extract the essence. Even Lin Fan spends a lot of time, but refining hundreds of pieces a day is not a problem.

Sixth rank, seventh-rank weapons Lin Fan did not try, he directly started refining fifth-rank weapons.

This is the weapon he wants to use. After learning how to refine weapons, he no longer likes the weapons he got in Piaomiao Pavilion.

In his eyes, any sword is just garbage, a waste of materials, and so many good materials have been wasted.

And he got a lot of materials from Piaomiao Pavilion, and he still has the materials for refining fifth rank weapons.

Lin Fan spent a day and finally refined the fifth rank peak weapon that he was satisfied with.

It is also a sword, and the fifth rank weapon has certain special abilities. For example, when Lin Fan refines this sword, it has the effect of increasing the fire attribute Spirit Power, and activates the fire attribute sword skill to exert 150% of its strength.

His strength has been greatly improved. He activated the Void Sword Technique to change it. The Void Sword Technique combined with this weapon has greatly improved its power.

Lin Fan can't wait to be promoted to Sect, get better weapon refining techniques, learn stronger forging flames, and refine stronger weapons.

But three days have passed and there is still no news from Shangqing Sect...

Lin Fan was also helpless and could only send a Shangqing Sect disciple back to urge him.

After lingering with my wife every day, I feel boring.

When he had nothing to do, he could only pill refining medicine, and before he knew it, he had become a seven-star pill refining master.

Lin Fan

Age: 19 years old

Identity: Canglan Sect Sect Leader.

Sub-professions: Seven-star pill refining master, fifth-rank weapon refiner.

Martial Dao Realm: Divine River Realm Ninth Stage

Cultivation Technique: Taiyi Guiyuan Jue

Martial Skill: Void Sword Technique (return to nature) Blood Devil Body (return to nature) Turtle Breath Technique (return to nature) Immortal Shadow Technique (return to nature) Rock Demon Armor (return to nature), Broken Jade Slash (return to nature) Falling Wind Palm (return to nature), Crazy Breath Thirteen Cuts (returning to one's original nature) and Baji Quan (returning one's original nature).

Secret Technique: Second Stage Qi Jin (Return to Original Nature) Thousand Faces Technique (Return to Original Nature) Dantian Sealing Technique (Return to Original Nature) Barrier-breaking Eye Technique (Return to Original Nature)

Methods to control beasts: Demonic beast control (returning to nature) Slave contract (returning to nature)

formation: Gathering Spirits Formation (returning to nature) Yin & Yang Bipolar Sect-protecting Formation (returning to nature)

Six days later, the Sect Leader of the Shangqing Sect came to the mountain in person. .

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