From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 128 Blood-Stained Tianquan Peak

He used Immortal Shadow Technique to rush over.

On the way, he used Turtle Breath Technique to change his breath and Thousand Faces Technique to change his appearance, making his appearance slightly older.

Soon he arrived not far from Tianquan Peak. He was not in a hurry to go to Tianquan Peak.

Instead, he used the barrier-breaking pupil technique to check, and immediately found a lot of powerful auras on Tianquan Peak. He didn't expect that Piaomiao Pavilion would look down on him so much.

Less than a hundred people came.

Seventy people came to Shanquan Feng Piaomiao Pavilion.

Among them, fifty people from the Celestial Realm and twenty from the Divine River Realm are all experts at the Third Stage or above of the Divine River Realm. There are only six masters at the peak of the Divine River Realm.

There is no one else.

Of course, there are also the captured disciples of their Canglan Sect. Most of them are in the Condensing Pill Realm, and few are in the Yuanfu Realm. The most powerful one is Langya, the master of the Criminal Law Hall, who is a strong man in the Celestial Realm. What Canglan is he on the Tianquan Peak? Among the disciples of the sect, it is not difficult to distinguish.

Tianquan Peak stands alone in the mountains, so it is indeed suitable for setting up an ambush. There may be strong people around, but you can't tell, but as long as there are no strong people who have surpassed the Divine River realm, Lin Fan is not afraid.

Lin Fan appeared on Tianquan Peak with his hands folded.

Appearing next to their Canglan Sect disciples, more than a thousand Canglan Sect disciples were surrounded by several Piaomiao Pavilion Celestial Realms. Seeing that the disciples were basically covered in color, Lin Fan became even more angry.

When he appeared on Tianquan Peak, he was immediately locked by several auras.

Lin Fan condensed a tortoise shell shield with a flip of his hand, covering all the Canglan Sect disciples. He used illusion magic to knock out these Canglan Sect disciples and Elder, and quickly threw them into the Cave Heaven Paradise.

After doing all this, he started to kill without saying a word.

Holding the Scarlet Sky Sword, Zhenru Phantom cut into several pieces the Celestial Realm masters from the Canglan Sect who surrounded them.

These people were killed by him before they could react.

After he killed these Piaomiao Pavilion disciples, the Piaomiao Pavilion Divine River Realm powerhouse sitting on the ground in the distance reacted.

"Shuzi dares you..."

An old voice scolded.

Before the voice fell, an old man appeared next to Lin Fan and started to attack him. The Hidden Man was a peak master in the Divine River Realm.

Lin Fan's armor appeared on his body, and he was sent flying with a Void Sword Technique move.

At the same time, Lin Fan had been surrounded by twenty powerful men from the Divine River Realm.

It's probably impossible for him to run away now.

One of the old men asked: "You are the King of Thieves "Fan Ye" [?"

Lin Fan did not answer, disappeared with his sword, and then cut an old man from the Piaomiao Pavilion in the Fourth Stage of the Divine River Realm into two.

Then he disappeared again, appeared in front of another Kamigawa realm, and struck down with a merciless sword.

The Piaomiao Pavilion Elder was angry. This person was so bold and dared to attack their people...

And using the Martial Skill, what do you think of their Piaomiao Pavilion’s Void Sword Technique?

It was too late to ask, so they all attacked Lin Fan.

Most of their attacks were dodged by Lin Fan, and their close attacks were blocked by Lin Fan's Rock Demon Armor.

Lin Fan ignored their attacks and continued to look for people to kill.

One person and one sword.

Like slicing tofu, he slaughtered the powerful Piao Miao Pavilion expert in the Fifth and Sixth Stage of Kamigawa Realm.

They couldn't stop Lin Fan's attack at all.

The Void Sword Technique is used to its extreme. It looks like a sword, but in fact, they have more than one sword...

The Return to Basics Void Sword Technique is so terrifying.

As for the attacks of the powerful Ninth Stage masters of the Piaomiao Sect, they also have people who know the Void Sword Technique, but unfortunately they are not on the same level as Lin Fan Realm.

Lin Fan transformed into a god of death.

If gods stand in the way, they will kill gods; if they stand in the way of Buddha, they will kill Buddha.

Of course, Lin Fan was attacked by their powerful attacks, but unfortunately they couldn't hurt him, but they were better with more people, and with their combination, Lin Fan would occasionally be hit [but at most he would be knocked away a certain distance.

In less than two minutes, Lin Fan killed five powerful people in the Divine River realm.

He has the Barrier Breaking Eye Technique, and every Martial Skill is a return to his original form of Realm. To be honest, beating them is a bit bullying.

After Piaomiao Pavilion lost five people, Piaomiao Pavilion realized that Lin Fan's strength was at the peak of the Divine River Ninth Stage.

One person quickly scolded: "Elders below the Eighth Stage of Kamigawa Realm have withdrawn from the battle circle."

Six people immediately flew away, and Lin Fan was surrounded by the remaining nine people.

Suddenly, a woman from the Eighth Stage of Kamigawa came from Lin Fan's left. Lin Fan wanted to kill her with the Rakshasa Overlord Fist, catching her off guard.

But found out that this woman is actually Ruobing......

That day when he was disguised as Wang Jungang, this woman taught him the Martial Skill.

Why is she here?

But her move is also the Void Sword Technique...

Lin Fan blocked, and then used the Illusion Magic, which made her eyes confused for a moment, and then Lin Fan hit her Dantian with a Dantian sealing technique, causing her to lose balance and fall.

At the same time, Lin Fan's rock demon armor was shattered...

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan directly used the secret technique.

"Second Stage Qi Jin"

This is the first time he has used this secret technique.

Second Stage Qi Jin can double your strength within a period of time.

A terrifying aura erupted from Lin Fan's body.

Suddenly, only his visible afterimage appeared in the void. Eight powerful men in the Divine River Realm were wiped on their necks by his Red Sky Sword. Blood mist flew across the sky, staining the sky with blood...

After killing them, Lin Fan will turn into an afterimage.

After catching up with the Piaomiao Pavilion Elder who had escaped at this moment, the Tiantian people were left with only Ruo Bing, who was unconscious...

This is when several figures around Tianquan Peak escaped into the air.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan has a special Martial Skill of sound transmission, and the sound is like a bell roaring through the mountains and forests.

.Piaomiao Pavilion, please listen to me. Our Canglan Sect has lost one hundred and thirty-two disciples. Each of us will pay one million top-grade Spirit Stones as compensation. I will see the Spirit Stones within ten days, otherwise your Piaomiao Pavilion will no longer exist. .

He asked Lin Fan to look down at the unconscious Ruo Bing, and Lin Fan sealed her Dantian's Kamigawa and Deva, leaving her with only the strength of the Yin-Yang Realm. She would not be able to break through this seal for a while.

When everything is settled, there is no way she is seeking revenge on herself...

It can be considered as repaying her kindness for teaching Martial Skill!

Lin Fan really couldn't kill her...

Lin Fan looked at the blood-stained Tianquan Peak with an indifferent expression, and Nan Nan said: "If you dare to stab someone in the back, it seems necessary to go to the Shangqing Sect to sit down.

As he spoke, Lin Fan disappeared.

From time to time, the unconscious disciples of the Canglan Sect appeared in the Canglan Sect's headquarters and moved out of the Paradise Paradise.

Withdraw the phantom magic and let them wake up,

After handing the healing Medicine Pill to his disciple, Lin Fan returned to the inn.

Return to the inn and quickly take Jiang Linglong and the others out of the Cave Heaven Paradise, and then give them the antidote.

When they woke up, Lin (Qian's) Fan randomly found an excuse to fool them...

Then Lin Fan took them back to Canglan Sect, gave them Medicine Pill, and asked them to practice well. Bind three positions of the entire sect's power to them, and each of them divides 5% of the entire sect's experience into them.

own women, they must be able to protect themselves.

In the afternoon, Lin Fan inspected the Canglan Sect's formation. The formation base was not damaged and was quickly restored to operation.

These sect-protecting formations are still not strong enough and are still vulnerable to the Divine River Realm...

There still needs to be a strong person in charge, and there is only one way, that is to recruit disciples.

He couldn't stop his own strength to train his subordinates, he could only enhance the strength of the whole sect and use some of it to help others.

So in the next two days, Lin Fan promoted the core members of the Dragon Group and the Wolf Group to the Celestial Realm First Stage, and ordered them to establish Canglan Sect residences in other dynasties to recruit disciple Yuan.

Early on the fourth day, he left Canglan Sect and went straight to Shangqing Sect.

If Tao Cheng dared to stab him behind his back, he would naturally not let him go. .

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