From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 134: They Are Too Cruel

I didn’t expect Jiuxuan Palace to be so powerful.

There are thousands of Realm realm powerhouses, and there are dozens of Divine Sea realm powerhouses above the Realm realm.

Is this the background of third rank Sect?

Lin Fan is not yet qualified to challenge the third rank Sect. Fortunately, he just defeated the Hidden Wolf, otherwise it would be troublesome to alarm the Jiuxuan Palace Divine River Realm.

He can cross levels to challenge, and even if he meets a strong person from Realm Stage 8 or Ninth Stage now, he will be worthy of it.

Fighting in the same Realm is nothing more than a competition of Spirit Power and Martial Skill.

He has a steady supply of Spirit Power from the entire sect, and the difference in Spirit Power base is almost gone.

Martial Skill competition, his emperor-level Martial Skill is all about returning to the original Realm, which he believes is unique. Hidden Wolf is six hundred and thirty years old and has been immersed in Martial Skill for two hundred years. He has only mastered the Imperial Martial Skill to the point where he has mastered Realm.

Returning to one's original nature is impossible to achieve without time's training, without tens of thousands of actual battles, and without real battles with real swords and guns.

And he has the Martial Skill inheritance and can directly achieve it. This is Lin Fan's confidence.

He can now be said to be the same big Realm invincible,

However, there are still powerful people in the Divine Sea Realm in Jiuxuan Palace, which he can’t challenge yet, and he doesn’t know how strong the powerful people in the Divine Sea Realm are…

But it shouldn't take long, as long as their Canglan Sect is promoted to fourth rank Sect, he will get the fourth rank Sect token.

I believe that soon he 257 will be able to reach the Divine Sea Realm…………

With the help of Hidden Wolf, this is not a big problem.

Lin Fan got two high-grade emperor-level Martial Skills and Japanese genuine mat-level Cultivation Technique from Yinlang.

He will learn it after the cooldown of Martial Skill inheritance ends.

Moreover, Hidden Wolf can also directly give them some privileges to the Canglan Sect, such as letting Piaomiao Pavilion and other fourth rank sects give them some territory to the Canglan Sect.

He, the Elder, can completely decide these things. Hidden Wolf's position in Jiuxuan Palace is not low, because most Realm realm experts are unwilling to take care of things. They only want to practice and pursue Martial Dao, which is a very high Realm.

In this way, Canglan Sect can recruit disciples from more dynasties, and it won't be long before Lin Fan is no longer afraid of Jiuxuan Palace.

Four days passed like this.

Lin Fan's strength has reached Realm Realm Fourth Stage.

Lin Fan

(abei)Age: 19 years old

Identity: Canglan Sect Sect Leader.

Sub-professions: Eight-star pill refining master, fourth rank refining master.

Martial Dao Realm: Realm Realm Fourth Stage


Cultivation Technique: Hunyuan Yi Qigong

Martial Skill: Rakshasa Overlord Fist (Return to Original Nature) Demon Shadow Technique (Return to Original Nature) Void Sword Technique (Return to Original Nature) Canglong Armor (Return to Original Nature) Blood Devil Body (Return to Original Nature) Turtle Breath Technique (Return to Original Nature) Broken Jade Slash (Return to Original Nature) Luofeng Palm (Return to Original Nature), Thirteen Crazy Breath Slashes (Return to Original Nature)

Secret Technique: Second Stage Qi Jin (Return to Original Nature) Thousand Faces Technique (Return to Original Nature) Dantian Sealing Technique (Return to Original Nature) Barrier-breaking Eye Technique (Return to Original Nature)

Illusory magic (returning to nature)

Methods to control beasts: Dangu contract (return to original nature) Slave contract (return to original nature) Demonic beast control technique (return to original nature)

Formation: Kowloon Sky Swallowing Formation (returning to nature) Five Elements Spirit Gathering Formation (returning to nature) Yin & Yang Bipolar Sect Protecting Formation (returning to nature)

The speed of cultivation is getting faster and faster, and the time to advance to the First Stage of Realm realm has been reduced by 20%, and it will get faster and faster...

And this day is the day when the Thousand Dynasties War ends.

Lin Fan learned from Yinlang that this ancient ruins turned out to be the ruins of a destroyed second rank Sect. They, Jiuxuan Palace, stood up after discovering this ancient ruins.

However, the good things inside have already been plundered by their Jiuxuan Palace seniors, and this Heavenly Marrow Fruit is just an unexpected surprise bred by the special formation of this ruins.

That's why they Sect have been stationing people here to protect this unexpected surprise.

The danger in the ancient ruins is nothing more than the intrusion of Magical Beasts into the ruins. These Magical Beasts have grown into eight-star or even nine-star Magical Beasts in the ruins. Of course, these are only a few...

Since this morning, Sect Elders have been coming out of the ancient ruins from time to time. After they came out, they were strictly searched by the disciples of Jiuxuan Palace. The Interspatial Ring and the small and medium-sized ones were all taken away by Jiuxuan Palace.

The remaining 20% ​​is their spoils.

One by one, one after another came out.

However, the loot was not very generous. Some only found dozens of Sky Marrow Fruits, some ranged from several hundred, and the most were not even broken yet.

I learned that more than 2,000 people came out that night, including Lin Fan and his elder from the Canglan Sect.

They gained a lot, and each of them came up to Shangfang Weilong Spring.

After waiting for a day, less than 3,000 people came out.

Something big happened!

In the past, only 30% of the people who entered the ancient ruins were lost, but this time they actually lost 70%. They entered more than 10,000 Celestial Realm people!

This time, Jiuxuan Palace harvested hundreds of thousands of Tianmui Fruits, which was more than half less than in previous years.

All the Sects dared not speak out in anger, and they all suffered heavy losses, so that no Sect could come out alive.

Lin Fan's lips twitched, they must be too cruel!

Each of the ten Elders has thousands of lives in their hands…………

After they broke through the Divine River realm, they were completely beaten, so they committed such a bloody debt.

However, the ancient ruins were originally a battle of life and death, but there were a little more deaths this year.

There is no doubt that Canglan Sect has the leader.

The number of Heavenly Essence Fruits handed in was much greater than in other Sects.

The Qianchao War ended peacefully.

When Lin Fan left, he picked up an Interspatial Ring outside the ancient ruins.

These are the Heavenly Marrow Fruits secretly stored by their Canglan Sect Elder, totaling 600,000. They killed so many people and obtained nearly 800,000 Heavenly Marrow Fruits.

He handed over nearly two hundred thousand to Jiuxuan Palace and hid the rest, waiting for Lin Fan to pick it up.

After all, the development of Canglan Sect requires money…………

There is no reason to not want this kind of windfall.

Canglan Sect won the first prize and was naturally qualified to be promoted to the fourth rank Sect.

The next day, Lin Fan asked the Wolf King to participate in the Jiuxuan Palace fourth rank Sect assessment, which was nothing more than a formality to cooperate with the hidden wolf.

Of course, the Wolf King also has the strength to pass the level, but with Hidden Wolf as an internal agent, the promotion assessment is very easy, and there is a lot of weight.

After passing the assessment, Lin Fan took Jiang Linglong and the others back to Canglan Sect. Yin Lang could stay with him. When the Sect token arrived, Yin Lang would send it over in person, so he would not have to go back.

Before leaving, Lin Fan also asked Hidden Wolf to trap a Realm realm Fifth Stage strongman for him, and he took him as his subordinate.

Because there are some things that he is too lazy to do and require a Realm to solve, such as Piaomiao Pavilion...

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