From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 136: Confused After Drinking... [First Update]

Lin Fan ran the secret method of One Qi Transformation into Three Purities in the Time Tower and began to condense the clone.

A steady stream of Spirit Power poured out of his body, forming three Spirit Power lights and shadows next to him.

One Qi Transforms Three Pure Realms has been cultivated to the Realm of Return to Nature. He can condense three at a time, but of course he can only condense three.

These three lights and shadows slowly turned into three phantoms, and then turned from phantom to reality, condensing bones, flesh and blood in the clone body, Dantian...

A day has passed before I knew it.

I don't know how much Spirit Power was consumed before the clone was initially condensed, and its actual experience was already in the Yuanfu realm.

The three clones were exactly like him. Lin Fan felt that these three clones were like his own arms and could be controlled with his mind.

This state is really amazing.

He can control the clone to speak, walk, and release Martial Skill by his own will.

And it is divided into the touch, hearing, and vision of the "one and a half" body...

The images of three clones surrounding him and looking at him from a blind angle will all reach his ears.

It's like he has four pairs of eyes...

He can also control them to listen or not, to see or not to see.

The secret technique of transforming three pure things into one qi is also useless.

Moreover, he has enough brains to control these three clones as if he were controlling his own arms, without any pressure...

There is a feeling of multi-tasking.

After upgrading the clone's strength to Yin-Yang Realm, Lin Fan left the Time Tower.

Unknowingly, he stayed in the meeting for three days. In fact, only about fourteen hours had passed in the outside world.

It was already midnight when he came out......


He was so obsessed with practicing secret arts that he didn't eat for three days.

With his current strength, he can go without eating for half a month, but he still feels that the food is delicious and he will never get tired of eating it every day. He has three meals a day...

So he took out the transmission talisman to contact Tao Yuexi and ordered: "Xiao Yuexi, go to the kitchen and bring me a table of good food. This Sect Leader is hungry.

At the same time, Tao Yuexi was practicing in the next room and received an order from Lin Fan.

She threw the transmission talisman aside, her pretty face was frosty, and she stomped open the door and went out.

He was so angry that he asked her to prepare food in the middle of the must have been intentional.

She had to go, because Lin Fan could decide whether her father could continue to be the Qingzong Sect Leader with just one sentence.

From time to time, Tao Yuexi walked in, dressed in a blue and white cheongsam, her appearance was smooth and charming.

Lin Fan asked her to wear this blue and white cheongsam. The maid must be stylish, so... Tao Yuexi's clothes are all cheongsam.

Four servants followed behind Tao Yuexi, all carrying two food baskets. They came in and set a table of sumptuous dishes for Lin Fan before leaving.

Lin Fan looked at the table of delicious food, turned over his hand and took out a jar of good wine that Hidden Wolf gave him today, glanced at Tao Yuexi, and said, "Sit down and drink with me, Sect Leader."

"Yes, Sect Leader." Tao Yuexi said abruptly, then sat down and poured wine for Lin Fan.

She has been with Lin Fan for a while, so she is already used to Lin Fan's behavior.

Speaking of her role as a maid, she didn't have much grievance. Even though others would serve her in the future, and now she serves others, she still couldn't accept the contrast.

Lin Fan didn't use Spirit Power to suppress the alcohol, but he wanted to try it. Hidden Wolf said how strong this "Blood Spirit Wine" was.

The more I drink, the more energetic I become...

While drinking, Lin Fan got drunk, and suddenly looked at Tao Yuexi, who was wearing a blue and white cheongsam next to him. Even though she was his maid, she was still full of temperament, noble and elegant, as beautiful as frost, and aloof.

In a daze, Lin Fan didn't know what happened...

Early the next morning, he found some broken clothes in the room, which was a blue and white cheongsam, and...


Lin Fan sighed in his heart: "The wine brought by Hidden Wolf is indeed very strong."

Lin Fan took out the transmission talisman and wanted to call Tao Yuexi over, but after thinking about it, he decided not to. Because Lin Fan felt that she was in the next room and did not leave......

At this time, his strength has broken through the Realm Realm Sixth Stage.

Lin Fan contacted Wang Qizong and asked him how the disciples he asked him to gather were doing.

Wang Qizong replied that he had summoned three thousand disciples.

Others are still coming from Calvary.

They now have more than 500,000 core disciples in Canglan Sect. These 3,000 people are unintentional treasures among millions of disciples. Talent physiques are all Heavenly Spirit Physiques, and there are dozens of Emperor Grade physiques.

Lin Fan has always treated his disciples equally, as long as they are disciples of the Canglan Sect.

No matter how talented they are in cultivation or what their physique is, they are treated the same. If they are bullied, he will help them regain their place.

However, the training resources are given differently. There is nothing we can do about it. Even if the Huangti disciples give them Spirit Stones, they won’t be able to use them!

However, those with high physical constitution of Talent find that Spirit Stones are too few and not enough for them. This difference is inevitable D.

Since the three thousand disciples we have found are outstanding and have this talent, let’s give them a chance to shine!

Entering the Tower of Time is their perfect opportunity to shine.

It can make them become masters as soon as possible and stand alone......

Unfortunately, there is no Spirit Power in the Time Tower, so Lin Fan needs to give them Spirit Stones to practice.

The Time Tower has a huge space. Lin Fan entered and set up dozens of practice formations that consumed Spirit Stones to create a practice environment every minute. It was not a problem to accommodate the people above.

After destroying Piaomiao Pavilion, he still has quite a lot of top-quality Spirit Stones. Thousands of Spirit Stones veins are being mined within his jurisdiction. Currently, there is no problem in cultivating Spirit Stones for his disciples.

Most of their Canglan Sect disciples are desolate bodies and cannot use many Spirit Stones at all. As for the Outer Sect disciples except for the core discipline, they do not have the method of condensing pills and are destined to be unable to break through to the realm of condensing pills.

But if they can join the Canglan Sect, they can have a worry-free life.

It's not that Lin Fan can't give them the method of cultivation, but he doesn't want the world to become chaotic, because he thinks it's a good thing to separate the Sect world from the secular world.

Three thousand disciples were sent into the Time Tower by Lin Fan. He just told them that this was a training formation.

Then they were given solid food and ordered not to come out until a certain Realm. These disciples only felt honored...

Sect Ju1.5 has provided them with such a good cultivation environment.

After Jiang Linglong and others found out, they all wanted to go into Closed Door Training, but Lin Fan refused.

He feels that although this Time Tower is heaven-defying, it is not a good thing...

It's simply a waste of time. If Jiang Linglong and the others are allowed to go in and practice, won't it speed up their aging? Lin Fan doesn't do this kind of thing...

He feels that it's good to have them by his side. He can improve their strength with just a thought. Wouldn't it be nice to stay by his side?

However, he didn't say it clearly, and naturally replied affectionately: "He can't bear to leave them."

After hearing this, Mu Qingchan and the others calmed down.

More than 10,000 disciples were sent to the Time Tower to practice one after another. After more than 10,000 people entered, Lin Fan's practice speed increased to a terrifying level...

ps: For those of you who are still chasing orders, can you do me a favor to make the flowers exceed 10,000 yuan? The fourth update will start today. .

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