From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 140: Shangjiuxuan Palace【2/4】

One hundred and two third rank swords, in Lin Fan's Realm, the sword comes to life like a fish in water.

He flew to the old man's side and formed a sword formation.

It is the most powerful formation he has learned, the Small Universe Sword Formation.

The Small Universe Sword Formation not only has a defensive function, but also has a killing effect.

One hundred and twenty swords attacked the old man from all directions, making it impossible to defend against him. The old man could only form a shield in all directions to withstand all attacks.

But he will consume Spirit Power very quickly in this way, consuming much more ability than Lin Fan.

Not only that, the old man fell completely passive.

He can only hold on hard, and now he can't even escape. The small universe sword formation also has the function of sealing the void.

Lin Fan was not in a hurry to kill him, but to see what other methods his opponent had at this critical moment of life and death.

Anyway, he has many methods and is not afraid of him escaping.

Sure enough, after a stalemate for a period of time, the strong man from Jiuxuan Palace knew that he was no match. If this continued, he would probably die of hatred.

So he actually used the forbidden technique, detonating his own Realm, destroying his Universe sword array, and escaped into the void to escape.

But it's a pity.

Lin Fan's clone had already arranged the Five Elements Heavenly Imprisonment Cage to wait for him, and finally more than ten purple lightning bolts struck him to death.

His avatar is still at the peak of the Realm realm, and has not yet entered the Divine River realm.

If you want to set foot on it, you still need Lin Fan to condense it with the secret technique of One Qi Transformation into Three Purities, but it shouldn't take long.

It's just because this powerful man in the Divine Sea Realm self-destructed his Realm. This is a trick that kills one thousand enemies and damages eight hundred. He himself was seriously injured. Otherwise, with the strength of the clone's peak Realm realm, he would not be able to stop him, let alone Kill...

This time the powerful man from the Divine Sea Realm of Jiuxuan Palace also died.

It should attract their attention.

The powerful people in the Divine Sea Realm are the foundation of Jiuxuan Palace, which can make the powerful people in the Divine Sea Realm fall.

I believe that Jiuxuan Palace will not dare to visit them easily.

Lin Fan plans to wait a few days until his clone reaches the second level of the Divine Sea Realm, and then he will kill Jiuxuan Palace.

Force their Jiuxuan Palace Sect to be demoted, and let their Canglan Sect be promoted to third rank Sect.

If they obey obediently and submit to their Canglan Sect.

Surrender to their Canglan Sect, become their Canglan Sect's affiliated Sect, and help their Canglan Sect dig Spirit Stones in the future.

Lin Fan can still let them go, but if they don't know the truth.

Then Lin Fan can only destroy them Sect.

Get rid of them completely.

For the next few days, everything was calm.

No one comes to pry anymore.

Lin Fan is also happy and free.

In the past few days, his strength has reached the Second Stage of the Divine Sea Realm.

The Divine Sea in the First Stage has a diameter of nine million battles, and its Spirit Power foundation is already very strong.

Now, even if he faced the powerful people from Divine Sea Stage 5 and Sixth Stage, he was sure to kill them.

But he was not sure if he could surpass those who were above the Sixth Stage of the Divine Sea Realm.

Even if such a strong man wants to escape, he won't be able to keep him.

But it is basically impossible to kill him.

Moreover, he spent seven or eight hours in the Time Tower to raise the strength of the three clones to the Divine Sea Realm.

This is equivalent to their Canglan Sect already having four powerful people in the Divine Sea Realm, who are already qualified to become the third rank Sect.

Although Canglan Sect, Celestial Realm, Divine River Realm, and Realm Realm are temporarily in a vacuum period.

But he is enough to handle everything.

As long as his fist is big enough, the rest of the Canglan Sect are ordinary people and can become the third rank Sect.

In the past few days, many powerful people came to spy on Wushuang City, but they did not dare to enter the city.

Lin Fan knew without even thinking that he was someone sent by Jiuxuan Palace.

He was probably afraid and did not dare to set foot in Canglan Sect easily.

At this time, the number of people in their Canglan Sect had increased by several million, and the number of people in the Time Tower had also exceeded that of the main party.

His cultivation speed now only takes two days to reach the First Stage of the Divine Sea Realm.

At this time, his Canglan Sect's attribute board is already like this.

Canglan Sect

Rank: fourth rank Sect.

Number of people: 23.97 million.

Financial resources: 126.8 billion Spirit Stones (Poor Sect)

Tibetan Scripture Pavilion:

Cultivation Technique:

Emperor level: "Overlord Sheng Yuan Gong", "Hunyuan Yi Qigong", "Devil Suppressing Gong", "Seven Evils Burning Heaven Jue"

Emperor Grade: "Qingshuang Chixia Gong", "Red Dragon Art", "Taiyi Guiyuan Art" and "Tong Yang Gong"


Martial Skills:

Emperor level "Purple Sky Thunder Technique", "Heaven-turning Seal", "Five Elements Heavenly Imprisonment Cage", "Five Poisons Great Compassion Hand", "Rakshasa Overlord Fist", "Void Sword Technique"

0‧Ask for flowers…

Emperor Grade《Nine Nether Sword Technique》《Blood Devil Body》《Earth Devil Claw》《Turtle Breath Technique》《Fairy Shadow Technique》

Secret Techniques: "Second Stage Qi Jin", "Thousand Faces Technique", "Dantian Sealing Technique", "Obstruction Breaking Eye Technique", "Illusion God Technique", "One Qi Transforms Three Purities"

pill recipe, how to control beasts……………………

Enable ability:

1: Talent increase: All Canglan Sect disciples’ talents will increase by 180% through practice. (effective permanently)

Two: The power of the entire sect: Bind the Sect Leader, extract one-tenth of the Cultivation Base that all disciples practice every moment, and pour it into the bound person. [Six binding positions] (Sect Leader has the power to change binding objects, and Cultivation Base infusion has no side effects.)

Three: Comprehension increase: All Canglan Sect disciples, Martial Skill practice, emotional temperament increased by 18% H (permanent effect)


Four: Martial Skill inheritance: As long as the Martial Skill is included in the Sutra Pavilion, the Martial Skill inheritance can be initiated to any disciple of Sect. [Skill six times] (There is a cooldown, which depends on the level of Martial Skill and the degree of inheritance. It changes with the level growth of Sect.)

Five: Blessing of destiny: All Canglan Sect disciples’ luck will increase by 35% (effective permanently)

Sect warehouse: (The best Spirit Stones × 300 million, Blood Spirit Fruit × 13......)

Cave Heaven Paradise: (………)

Time Tower: (......)

Lin Fan has completely transformed the Cave Heaven Paradise into an elixir garden and planted many elixir seeds.

Sect's hidden high numbers are all sent into the Time Tower.

It’s just that the Spirit Stones Spirit Stones are being consumed a little too fast, and he can hardly hold it anymore.

Less than ten days have passed, but the disciples in the Time Tower have been practicing for nearly two months.

This kind of consumption is extremely terrifying.

Spending Spirit Stones is like running water, and it won't take long before the Spirit Stones in the Sect warehouse are exhausted.

You have to find a way to earn Spirit Stones. So far, robbing Jiuxuan Palace to get Spirit Stones is the fastest...

However, to be on the safe side, Lin Fan decided to wait.

Let’s wait until his strength improves a bit!

Six days later, Lin Fan's strength had reached the Sixth Stage of the Divine Sea Realm.

And he also promoted his clone to the Fifth Stage of the Divine Sea Realm.

On this day, he left a clone to guard the Canglan Sect's headquarters, and he took a clone with him to Jiuxuan Palace.

Prepare to force Jiuxuan Palace to downgrade itself to Sect level...three....

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