From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 145 Fairy Bai Susu【2/10】

Lin Fan's Realm expanded instantly.

Covering the paradise in the center of the Ten Thousand Demonic Forest.

This strange ritual of these fox tribes is over.

Because they have all removed the demonic power placed on the altar, the ritual should have been completed.

At the moment of expansion, Lin Fan flew to the altar and released a ghost killing array.

The altar was completely trapped.

"Who breaks into the forbidden territory of our fox tribe?

"Despicable humans."

"court death.

Several scolding voices sounded, all from the ugly masters of the Gu~ clan.

Lin Fan could notice that there were a total of twenty-four King Grade masters in Realm, which was more than he imagined.

Seven or eight of them don't seem to be from the Fox clan.

It is estimated that all the powerful Magical Beasts in the realm controlled by their Canglan Sect should be here.

He threw out one hundred and twenty third rank swords.

A small universe sword array was set up outside the ghost killing array, and the flying swords directly killed all eight fox clan strongmen sitting cross-legged outside the altar.

They seemed to have expended a lot of demon power in performing this ritual, and were unable to resist at all.

With the sharpness of the third rank sword, they immediately became the dead souls under Lin Fan's sword.

Small Universe Sword Formation, Ghost Killing Formation.

It should be able to block the other King Grade Magical Beasts outside for a while, but let’s complete the contract first!

Lin Fan looked at the goblin sitting in Lotus Position in front of her. It seemed that she had not yet woken up, and she was at her weakest now.

Some are taking advantage of others' danger...

No, she is not human.

Lin Fan shook his head, looking away from her body, and condensed a strange symbol with Spirit Power in one hand.

Inject this strange symbol into the body of the fox demon girl in front of you.

Instantly she felt a powerful force blocking her body.

But it's a pity that Lin Fan's power is much stronger than the power in her body.

It didn't take long before the power in her body stopped resisting and the contract was signed successfully.

This is a master-servant contract. From now on, she will be Lin Fan's pet.

Just after the Lin Fan contract was signed.

The fox girl in front of her suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Lin Fan with a confused and unfamiliar expression, but she said, "He is here."

Lin Fan said heartily: "It's just like a fairy."

He threw a piece of clothing casually, turned around and said, "Put on the clothes."

"It's the master."

But she stood up and picked up the clothes but didn't know where to seemed like she hadn't worn them yet.

Lin Fan noticed something strange about her, turned around and frowned: "Have you never seen any clothes?"

"Reporting to the master, I've seen it before. I just transformed today and haven't worn it yet. I don't know how to wear it." The fox girl replied.

Lin Fan is speechless...

Picking up the clothes and helping her put them on...

I underestimated in my heart: "Who is the master and who is the servant!"

After helping her put on her clothes, Lin Fan asked politely: "What's your name?"

"My name is Bai Susu."

The words just fell…………

A huge figure appeared in the sky above them, a golden python with a pair of lantern-sized eyes staring at Lin Fan.

The golden unicorn armor on it was actually able to withstand Lin Fan's third-rank sword, and directly destroyed the Small Universe Sword Formation and the Netherworld Killing Formation with violence.

The strength of these Magical Beasts is the peak of King Grade.

Old man Lin Fan, this golden python, murmured to himself: "This is a good weapon refining material?"

At this time, Bai Susu next to her suddenly opened her hands to block Lin Fan and said, "Uncle Jin, don't hurt him, he is my master."


The golden python made a voice and said: "Damn it humans, hurry up and untie the contract on Su Su, otherwise I will make you worse than death."

0·Please give me flowers 0.

Hearing this, Lin Fan curled up his lips and said, "Really? It depends on whether you have this ability."

As he spoke, Lin Fan took out the quasi-King Grade weapon he obtained from Jiuxuan Palace.

This quasi-King Grade weapon has a weapon spirit, but it is indeed a defective product and has not been completed. The weapon spirit has no independent consciousness...

But the materials and everything are top quality.

It's not difficult to break through the scales of King Grade Magical Beasts.

This quasi-King Grade weapon Lin Fan has already recognized its owner with blood, and it is also a sword.

Lin Fan flew out with his sword, and penetrated the body of the golden python...

"you wanna die"

The golden python opened its mouth wide and Lin Fan bit it.

He took Lin Fan into his mouth and swallowed it. A Spirit Power shield appeared around Lin Fan, covering him and Bai Susu.

After being swallowed into the belly of the golden python.

Lin Fan blasted out the Purple Sky Thunder Technique, splitting the body of the golden python into black pieces, and then they were vomited out.

He was spat out and flew far away.

The golden python said angrily: "I want you to die."

A five-color light group protruded from its mouth and flew towards Lin Fan.

Lin Fan frowned. He felt the terrifying aura from the light group and was about to resist...

"Five Poisons Conferred Gods Seal, King Jin, stop it. You must not hurt Su Su. She is the hope of our Fox Clan and the hope of our Ten Thousand Demons Forest."

"Hmph, who begged me to break the formation just now? Okay, in that case I don't care."

After saying that, the golden python disappeared.

Instead, fifteen King Grade Magical Beasts surrounded Lin Fan.

Lin Fan stared at the golden python in the distance that had transformed into a middle-aged man in yellow robes, and said lightly: "Kill him and bring his body back.

As soon as he finished speaking, a phantom appeared next to the middle-aged man in imperial robes. It was Lin Fan's clone... Four...

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