From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 164: Phoenix Tower Card? 【10/10】

See her speaking fearlessly.

He looked cold, as if he was ready to die.

Lin Fan was speechless, his mind was so fragile in troubled times.

After all, you are also a strong person in the Law Realm!

He said: "If you die, will you have nothing?"

The saint said again: "Kill me!"

Lin Fan really didn't want to take action against someone who was not a threat to him, so he said: "You can commit suicide, I will help you collect your body, and give you a generous burial. I will buy you the best coffin, and I will personally decorate your cemetery. Don't worry. Go for it!”


Immediately, Lin Fan threw her into the second floor of the Time Tower, and then opened an entrance to the Taichu Divine Realm for her there and said: "If you want to commit suicide, commit suicide. I will collect the body for you later. You can go out if you want. Where is the door?" , but I can tell you that the danger behind this door is extremely dangerous, and you will definitely die if you try to get out.

There is another option, which is to agree to be my maid. "

After that he left.

If Lin Fan hadn't been greedy for her body, Lin Fan would have given her a slap...

Such a beautiful woman, it's such a pity to die.

She will definitely not be able to accept suicide. It takes a lot of courage to commit suicide. She will definitely enter the Taichu God Realm. Lin Fan deliberately did not tell her about the situation in the Taichu God Realm.

When she narrowly escapes death and then dies, she realizes that she is not dead, and she should have some enlightenment!

Lin Fan didn't ask her name, let's talk about it later!

He went down to the first floor of the Time Tower and built a palace on the first floor of the Time Tower. This was where he hid from the scoundrels.

Entering the Time Tower, the entrance is closed and there is nothing anyone can do.

Even if the royal weapon binding the entrance is obtained by someone, he will not worry about being discovered, because only he can open the entrance.

The first floor of the Time Tower is consistent with the outside world. You don’t have to worry about your women getting older. You can take them with you at any time. It’s good...

Lin Fan counts the harvest.

The strong man in the Good Fortune Realm is really rich in background. Not even a third rank Sect is richer than him, and he also has the king-level Spirit Stones.

That is something that can only be produced in large Spirit Stones veins. There are only four such Spirit Stones veins in Yuzhou. They used to be in the hands of other third rank sec in Yuzhou, but now they are owned by Canglan Sect.

Among the king-grade Spirit Stones, the Spirit Power contained in them is more pure. It can be used to restore Spirit Power or practice with half the effort.

This guy actually has 70 million in his hands...


There are also many king medicines, even royal medicines... That is the treasure of refining the king medicine Pill. The harvest is good...

It's not worth it that he spent a big Realm to kill him.

A few hours later, there was still no movement outside.

Lin Fan then went out to eat.

At this time, he has returned to the First Stage early stage of Taoism.

After eating, he left Canglan Sect.

I went to several other states under the jurisdiction of the Xuanming Sect and chatted with the third rank Sect among them.

Two days later, all the third rank Sect and Supernatural Power Realm experts in the realm governed by the Xuanming Sect were all controlled by him.

In the past three days, the eighth, seventh, and sixth floors of the Time Tower were all full, and thousands of disciples already lived on the fifth floor.

They are all poaching from these disciples, and they are all poaching from the third rank Sect...

At this time, Lin Fan has returned to the peak of the Law Realm, and he will be able to break through the Good Fortune Realm in two days.

The current Canglan Sect.

Canglan Sect

Rank: third rank Sect.

Number of people: 38.4 million.

Financial resources: 19.5 billion Wangpin Spirit Stones

Tibetan Scripture Pavilion:

Cultivation Technique:

Saint level: "Qiankun Holy Spirit Technique", "Long Yang Gong", "Lei Yuan Gong"

Emperor level: "Overlord Shengyuan Gong", "Hunyuan Yi Qigong", "Demon Suppressing Gong", "Seven Evils Burning Heaven Jue"...066704501 Feilu 181151271]

Martial Skills:

Holy level: "Nine Sky Blood Lotus Kill", "Broken Sky Shuttle", "Xuanlong Armor", "Azure Dragon Body"

Emperor level "Purple Sky Thunder Technique", "Heaven-turning Seal", "Five Elements Heavenly Imprisonment Cage", "Five Poisons Great Compassion Hand", "Rakshasa Overlord Fist", "Void Sword Technique"

Secret Techniques: "Second Stage Qi Jin", "Thousand Faces Technique", "Dantian Sealing Technique", "Obstacle Breaking Eye Technique", "Illusion God Technique", "One Qi Transformation of Three Pure Ones", "Extreme Killing Saint Technique"

pill recipe, how to control beasts......

Enable ability:

1: Talent increase: All Canglan Sect disciples’ talents will increase by 240% through practice. (effective permanently)

Two: The power of the entire sect: Bind the Sect Leader, extract one-tenth of the Cultivation Base that all disciples practice every moment, and pour it into the bound person. [Seven binding positions] (Sect Leader has the power to change the binding object, and Cultivation Base infusion has no side effects.)

Three: Comprehension increase: All Canglan Sect disciples, Martial Skill training comprehension increases by 240%. (effective permanently)

Four: Martial Skill inheritance: As long as the Martial Skill is included in the Sutra Pavilion, the Martial Skill inheritance can be initiated to any disciple of Sect. [Skill seven times] (There is a cooldown, which depends on the level of Martial Skill and the degree of inheritance, and changes with the level growth of Sect.)

Five: Blessing of destiny: All Canglan Sect disciples’ luck will increase by 55% (effective permanently)

Sect warehouse: (King Spirit Stones × 70 million, top grade Spirit Stones × 6.8 billion, Longyang Fusion Blood Ginseng × 2, Holy Spirit Fruit (Zhao Hao) 25

Cave Heaven Paradise: (………)


Taichu Divine Realm:(...)

The Canglan Sect is developing rapidly and has a population of 40 million. The Canglan Sect is really the only Sect that accepts people like them...

At this moment, Lin Fan is dining in the Xuanming Sect... Liang...

The people of the Xuanming Sect now know that their ancestor is dead, and have contacted the Holy Land of the Emperor to seal off Sect.

It is said that the powerful men from the Holy Emperor's Holy Land will come in three days...

Lin Fan is now disguised as a deputy leader of the Xuanming Sect and is working at Fengxianju, the best restaurant in the Xuanming Sect.

At this time, a disciple who was sitting down suddenly came to report.

་. Qixi Cult Leader, Cangzhou Phoenix Tower has brought you the top spot this year.’


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