From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 174: Breaking Through The Saint Realm [10/10]

He originally thought that strong people in the Good Fortune Realm could walk sideways in the Heavenly Realm.

But when he met a strong man in the Saint Realm, he finally understood why so many second-rank Sects in Tianyu had to surrender to the Holy Land of the Supreme Emperor.

Good Fortune Realm is nothing.

The gap between the Saint Realm and the Good Fortune Realm is as insurmountable as a chasm. Who is the strongest person he has seen so far.

After Lin Fan calmed down, he settled on the first floor of Time Tower.

He started to condense his clone, and just now his clone revealed that it was destroyed.

It's a pity to condense the three clones of the secret technique of transforming three pure things into one qi. It's a pity to continue refining it after it's destroyed.

There are two clones guarding the Canglan Sect's station. Although they are far apart, he can still sense them.

If those two clones were not destroyed, he would not be able to refine them again.

The refining speed of the clone is very fast, from refining to shape, to increasing in strength step by step.

The clone's strength gradually increased, Body Tempering Realm, Chakra Realm, Condensing Pill Realm, Yuanfu Realm, Heavenly Cave Realm, "God Realm... It didn't take long until Yin-Yang Realm."

Lifting the clone to the Celestial Realm Lin Fan stopped.

He is now stuck in the Tower of Time and has plenty of time.

If you want to refine him quickly, you can go to the fifteenth floor of the Time Tower, and you can easily refine the clone with a strength ratio of one to fifteen.

There is a problem now that there is no way to open the entrance to the Cave Heaven Paradise in the Time Tower, and he doesn't know why...

In this way, he would not be able to contact Jiang Linglong and the others.

But his best choice at that time was to enter the Time Tower, because it would allow him to refine the clone again.

There is no time acceleration in the Cave Heaven Paradise, and the richness of Spiritual Qi is of little use to him.

There are houses on each floor of Guangyin Tower.

Lin Fan lived on the first floor. After arranging Nangong Qiuye's arrangements, he went to the second floor of the Time Tower to take a look.

I found a woman sitting in Lotus Position practicing in the Tower of Time.

It was the saint of the Xuanming Sect who was captured a few days ago.

Judging from her appearance, she must have entered the trance state and experienced life and death.

Otherwise she wouldn't be able to practice so peacefully.

Seeing Lin Fan appear, she opened her eyes, pointed to the entrance to the Taichu Divine Realm, and asked: "What kind of world is behind that door? Why did I come back to life even though I was dead?"

Lin Fan said calmly: "I don't know, how about it? Have you thought about it? You are doing it for me, not preparing to commit suicide.

She said nonchalantly: "I want to live..."

In a simple sentence, you can imagine what he experienced in the trance state.

Impulse often makes a person lose his mind, but once he calms down, he will be afraid.

"What's your name?" Lin Fan asked softly.

He still doesn’t know what this saint’s name is!

"My name is Huang Woxue, how is the Xuanming Sect?" she asked eagerly.

Lin Fan: "The ancestor of the Xuanming Sect was killed by me, so he will probably be reduced to the third rank Sect!"

Huang Woxue didn't have any emotions. She asked again: "What do I need to do?"

"You don't need to do anything for now, just practice well?"

After speaking, Lin Fan went to the fifteenth floor of the Time Tower.

I went to see how these disciples were practicing and distributed some Spirit Stones to them.

The group of disciples who just entered the Time Tower have been practicing for more than a year.

Their strength has not improved by any means.

Coupled with training in the Taishen Realm, it is almost all-round improvement.

But in Lin Fan's view, they are not chickens.

Too weak to keep up with him.

But if there is time to speed up, I believe it won't be long before they can become independent.

Judging from their respective performances, Lin Fan may be happy and will select some of them and use the power of the whole sect to help them improve their strength.

Two days passed quietly in the Time Tower.

Two days later, Lin Fan's strength has reached the peak of Good Fortune Realm.

Lin Fan

Age: 20 years old

Identity: Canglan Sect Sect Leader.

Sub-professions: King Grade pill refining master, King Grade weapon refiner.

Martial Dao Realm: Good Fortune Realm Ninth Stage Peak

Cultivation Technique:Huangting Avenue Sutra

Comprehension Law: One Hundred and Fifty Ways

Martial Skill: Taixu Miejiguang (return to nature) Taiyi Qingmuling (return to nature) Star Slash (return to nature) Nine Sky Blood Lotus Kill (return to nature) Black Dragon Armor (return to nature) Azure Dragon Body (return to nature) Broken Moon Shadow Star (return to nature) Void Technique (returning to nature)


Secret Technique: Second Stage Qi Jin (Return to Original Nature) Thousand Faces Technique (Return to Original Nature) Dantian Sealing Technique (Return to Original Nature) Barrier-breaking Eye Technique (Return to Original Nature)

Illusion God Technique (returning to one's original nature) Transforming the Three Pure Ones with One Qi (returning one's original nature)

Methods to control beasts: Heavenly Dao contract (return to original nature) Hearts Demon guide (return to original nature) Master-servant contract (return to original nature) God control technique (return to original nature) Dangu contract (return to original nature) Slave contract (return to original nature)

Formation: Ecstasy Formation (Return to Original Nature) Demon Locking Formation (Return to Original Nature) Large Universe Sword Formation (Return to Original Nature) Ghost Killing Formation (Return to Original Nature) Spirit Swallowing Formation (Return to Original Nature) Reversal of Sect Protector Formation (Return to Original Nature) Small Universe Sword Formation (Return to Original Nature)

It's not enough, the pinnacle of Good Fortune Realm is not enough.

However, he did not dare to go out before he reached the realm of a saint, fearing that he would die if he went out.

The sword bound to the entrance of the Time Tower has been brought back by the Saint of the Supreme Holy Land and thrown under a tan to be suppressed.

If Lin Fan comes out of the Time Tower, he will definitely be discovered.

What he didn't expect was that (Nuo Dehao) wanted to break through to the saint realm for eleven days...

He still has to stay in the Time Tower for eleven days.

It’s really infuriating when you think about it.

This is tantamount to imprisonment…………

When he goes out, he will definitely kill the Holy Emperor of the Holy Land.

Eleven days are neither long nor short.

But eleven days later, people from the Supreme Emperor Holy Land should have been to Canglan Sect.

I don’t know what the result will be... Post...

Will they attack the Canglan Sect?

I hope they don't do stupid things. If they dare to touch his Canglan Sect, no matter who it is, he will never let them go.

Enjoy Nangong Qiuye's dancing every day, play chess with her during leisure time, drink and brainstorm with her.

Time passes day by day.

Ten days later, Lin Fan broke through to the Saint Realm.

Finally felt the power of the Saint Realm.

No wonder there is so much pressure on him…………

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