From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 178 The Cruel King Grade Sect【5/10】

This news was obtained from Master Yunzhi. Master Yunzhi is the ninth Elder of the Supreme Holy Land. He has a very special status because he has been to the King Grade Sect...

There is a more powerful Sect above the first rank Sect. Lin Fan knows this.

However, the power of King Grade Sect is still beyond his imagination......

Listening to what the Elder said, the world they are in is a continent called: Tianling Continent.

Tianling Continent is divided into three thousand domains.

Each domain has a first rank Sect.

On top of the first rank Sect, there is also the King Grade Sect.

There are three King Grade Sects in the entire Tianling Continent, and they control the entire continent.

All first rank Sect live in the shadow of King Grade Sect...

Why do you say that?

First: The disciples recruited by these three King Grade Sects are all peerless geniuses in Tianling Continent. They have ruled Tianling Continent for many years, and their Sect strength is unfathomable.

Second: King Grade Sect possesses heaven-defying means. The reason why the Spirit Power of these Sect areas is thin is that the Spirit Power of the entire continent has been gathered by King Grade Sect to their Sect station using shocking heaven-defying means.

According to the Elder of the Holy Land, in the King Grade Sect, ordinary people can become stronger even without practicing...

None of these are important. What makes Lin Fan feel dangerous is:

The super strong King Grade Sect cleans up the top Practitioners in the entire continent every Thousand Years.

Slaughter the powerful men above the saint realm across the entire continent.

Maybe they are afraid that the Practitioner in the world will endanger their Sect status.

As long as they break through to the Saint King realm, they will slaughter them mercilessly. Anyone who dares to break through will not be able to escape the fate of death within a Thousand Year.

The strength of the Holy Land of the Supreme Emperor was not so weak originally. They also had strong men at the peak of the Saint Realm. Unfortunately, their ancestors who were at the peak of the Saint Realm a few years ago could not restrain their urge to own and broke through the Saints to reach the Saint King Realm. Experienced the scenery of Saint King.

But a Thousand Years ago, the ancestor of the Holy Land died in the massacre of King Grade Sect.

No matter how he hides, he still can't escape the pursuit of the dry-level Sect.

Therefore, only the Shadow Emperor of the Fourth Stage of the Saint Realm is left in the Holy Land of the Supreme Emperor.

Under the brutal rule of King Grade Sect…………

The Practitioner who broke through the Saint King realm could not survive more than a Thousand Year, and like a curse, it enveloped the hearts of all first rank Sect Saints.

According to the Elder of the Holy Land of the Supreme Emperor, the Thousand Year is coming soon.

This is no secret.

But when Lin Fan heard it, it made him tremble with fear, if he broke through the Saint King realm at that time.

It won't be long before he will be hunted down by King Grade Sect's men, who will pursue him relentlessly at all costs.

There is basically no room for improvement in the first rank Sect...

For example: The Great Wilderness Sword Master of the Supreme Sword Sect is at the pinnacle of the Saint Realm. He just doesn’t dare to break through to the Great Saint Realm, otherwise he wouldn’t do things like raising swords that delay his cultivation.

It's probably not that he can't break through to the Saint King realm, but that he doesn't dare. He still wants to live for a few more years.

Lin Fan can see in Quanzong's power that he can break through the Saint King realm after thirteen days.

He now has two options.

First: Choose to break through the Saint King Sect, but it won't be long before he will be hunted down by the King Grade Sect, because the Thousand Year period is approaching.

Second: He can choose not to break through and temporarily use the power of the whole sect to enhance the strength of Sect disciples. He can survive this upcoming Thousand Year period.

But the risk is still very high [Who knows what kind of monsters are in the main level Sect.

He can disguise himself, but there is no guarantee that a saint who suddenly appears within Thousand Years will not be noticed.

At that time, it would be difficult for him to survive.

It was a matter of life and death. After pondering for half a day, Lin Fan was still ready to break through to the Saint King realm.

Only his own (Zhao Li's) breakthrough, facing all dangerous forces to resist the strength, if he doesn't break through, he can only be at the mercy of others.

So he can't stop, and he has to have all the power of the whole sect poured into himself to develop Sect as much as possible.

Before the massacre of King Grade Sect comes, have the strength to compete with them.

He couldn't waste any more time.

There was no need to delay, so he immediately announced that Canglan Sect was promoted to first rank Sect.

Refined the first rank Sect token yourself.

Until he heard it.

.Congratulations to the host for binding Sect and being promoted to first rank Sect”`

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