From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 182: Time Flows Backward【9/10】

After Lin Fan returned to Canglan Sect, he immediately summoned his clone to return to the sect.

Leave a clone to guard the Canglan Sect's station, just in case.

Because he is going to enter the Time Tower Closed Door Training for a period of time.

He took the other two clones and entered the 20th floor of the Time Tower. Now the clone's strength has not yet reached the Saint King level. He must seize the time and quickly improve the clone's strength.

That way he would have one more means of surprise.

The clone's use of the Holy Killing Technique is definitely a killing move.

He spent more than 10 days in the Tower of Time before raising the two clones to the Saint King First Stage.

The outside world has only been around for half a day, because the clone's improvement in strength is completely different from his. With the power of the whole sect continuously providing Spirit Power, he can increase the strength of the clone 01 to a realm comparable to his own.

His own strength also improved to the Saint King level two in half a day.

He is not afraid of the strong ones in the King Grade Sect. He can always hide in the Time Tower or the Cave Heaven Paradise without leaving.

But you still have to hurry up. It only took less than half a year for Canglan Sect to be promoted from a subsidiary Sect to a first rank Sect. His name Lin Fan is also very famous and will definitely attract attention.

They couldn't do anything to him, but they could use Canglan Sect to operate on him. Lin Fan didn't want to...

He just wanted to have a head-on confrontation with King Grade Sect.

As expected, not long after he came out, a strong Saint King came to the Supreme Sword Sect to investigate.

Lin Fan did not kill the golden snake because he discovered a secret.

In fact, a strong person in the Saint King realm can merge between heaven and earth and is not easy to be discovered. If you want to hide in the Saint King realm, you can't be discovered at all.

The reason why King Grade Sect can discover these Saint King masters who broke through in first rank Sect is just because the Saint King masters of King Grade Sect planted their mark when these Sect masters were in Saint realm.

It will be triggered when they break through the Saint King realm. No matter where they hide, they will be found and killed.

Thousand Year is a scam.

I really fell into a trap...

I naively thought that after the Thousand Year period, I could break through the Saint King realm and survive for a Thousand Year, which would be exactly what I wanted.

As soon as you break through, you will be discovered and hunted to death......

Lin Fan saw through this scam because he noticed that a strong Saint King came to the Tianyu. He restrained his aura, and the strong Saint King did not notice him at all.

Lin Fan asked his Saint King Fifth Stage clone to pretend to be himself, and sure enough, without him noticing, his clone was given a special EDIZ by this Saint King realm expert...

This is a mark that is completely imperceptible in the Saint Realm.

This is the method of Saint King, a strong man who can play this special Martial Skill to perfection.

Lin Fan knows this method. He can now place a mark on ordinary disciples, which will be triggered when the disciple encounters danger. The mark has one thousandth of his power and can help the disciples resist danger.

Maybe all the saints in Tianling Continent have been imprinted with this kind of mark. Unless they leave Tianling Continent, they may die if they break through the Saint King realm.

According to the Star diagram, Tianling Continent should be just an island on a planet.

This made Lin Fan even more curious about this planet... How big is this planet!

Originally, Lin Fan didn't plan to alert the snake and wanted to get over it, but after this guy imprinted the mark on Lin Fan's clone, he didn't do anything so despicable and shameless.

This bastard actually attacked the newly elected saint of their Canglan Sect. When Lin Fan saw this scene, he couldn't bear it anymore.

He watched his Sect disciple being insulted, but he really couldn't do it...

Lin Fan used the barrier-breaking pupil technique to see the man's strength.

Just Saint King Fourth Stage...

The current Lin Fan is the Third Stage of the Saint King, and both clones are the First Stage of the Saint King.

Lin Fan did not hesitate, and the disciple's advantage was taken advantage of while hesitating.

It's too late, it's fast.

Lin Fan and two clones appeared at the same time, and in an instant Realm opened and released the Holy Locking Tower, trapping the bastard.

"Huh? Who?"

By the time this guy reacted, he was already trapped.

The two clones next to Lin Fan simultaneously used the 410 Holy Technique of Ultimate Killing and blasted at the Saint King without mercy.

This guy was very calm and immediately used Martial Skill to defend and resist, but unfortunately, the attack power released by Lin Fan's two clones at the cost of dropping Realm was very powerful.

After a few seconds of stalemate, this guy couldn't resist...

He was about to be touched by the Holy Killing Technique.

But at this moment, this issue actually used some kind of secret technique crazily and blew itself up.

he died.

The Holy Killing Technique released by Lin Fan's clone lost its target and immediately dissipated out of thin air.

The power of this person's self-destruction was so powerful that it broke Lin Fan's Saint Locking Tower. Lin Fan was in a daze and their Canglan Sect's headquarters was blown into ruins.

The entire Qingtian City is in ruins...

Thousands of disciples were killed by huge explosions, and hundreds of thousands of ordinary people were wiped out...

Lin Fan was immediately stunned. The self-destruction of this strong Saint King was so terrifying!

Looking at the ruins in front of me...

Lin Fan clenched his fists, his heart filled with self-blame. Suddenly he was inspired and whispered: "Time flows backwards.",

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