From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 209: Fighting The Ancient God Realm【5/10】

Lingshan sent in a total of more than forty powerful people in the realm of gods.

They are all at the Seventh Stage or above of the God Realm, and ten of them are experts at the Half Step Ancient God Realm.

They must have firmly believed that the murderer of their Sect personnel was still in the Demon Realm, so they conducted a carpet search in the Demon Realm...

Those who survived were all taken care of by them, and they probably didn't even find out why.

This time they suffered huge losses in Lingshan, including dozens in the God Realm, most of which were below the Fifth Stage of the God Realm...

You must know that cultivating a strong person in the realm of gods requires a huge amount of resources, and it must be a rare genius in Thousand Years to have such qualifications.

They have accumulated many years of experience in Lingshan, and there are only more than 300 powerful people in the Heavenly God Realm. They lost one-sixth of them all at once, and many True God Realms and False God Realms were killed.

This is hard for them to accept...

It has affected their big plan of 923.

The Minor World of Demon Realm has not been destroyed, so they are sure that the murderer is still there, and they think that the murderer is at most a Half-step Ancient God realm.

Because those who are strong in the Ancient God realm will be rejected if they don't destroy the Demon Realm, and they won't be able to enter at all.

And they also know the existence of Lin Fan, who escaped from the realm of gods that day.

Maybe he was pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

They can enter more than 40 late stages of the God Realm, and they are already fully prepared.

But they never expected that when Lin Fan came in, he was indeed in the realm of gods.

But in just over ten days, he had already entered the Ancient God realm from the realm of gods.

The positions of the more than 40 strong men were scattered and difficult to capture, so when Lin Fan came out to investigate, he let his clones go out first.

Let the clones act as only the Half step Ancient God realm's strength was discovered by them.

The result was just as he thought, the clone was immediately targeted by the monks from Lingshan, and more than forty strong men gathered over.

Each one was filled with anger that would tear him into pieces, and Realm pressed towards the clone.

Lin Fan is in the Ancient God realm. It is easy to avoid their detection. He is not far away from the clone.

The clone defended with all its strength. Futian Formation and Locking Saint Tower were all gathered around him, and he was also wearing the Ancestral Dragon's robe condensed by Martial Skill.

The purpose is to gather all the more than 40 powerful gods in Lingshan.

The strong men in Lingshan only released Realm suppression and did not take action immediately.

However, the space has been sealed and Lin Fan's clones are surrounded. It is basically impossible for his clones to escape without exposing his strength.

However, just when the forty-six of them were gathered together, the surroundings suddenly changed.

All 246 people in the two Futian formations were trapped, and a golden Saint Locking Tower emerged around each person.

"The aura of the Ancient God realm?"

"How can it be?"

"How come no one noticed when I entered the Demon Realm from the Ancient God Realm?"

"This is impossible!"

"Unless he came in from the Heavenly God Realm and broke through the Ancient God Realm in the Demon Realm, there is no way we wouldn't be able to discover him (abbb)."

"There is another possibility, that is, he has top-level space-time Magic Treasures, Magic Treasures that can hold the power of Ancient God realm."

"How is that possible? We don't even have this thing in Lingshan..."

"Stop talking about this, let's find a way to escape! We are no match in the Ancient God Realm."

"Everyone starts first and breaks this tower.

These monks suddenly panicked and released their Martial Skills one after another, trying to break the Holy Lock Tower and escape.

At this time, Lin Fan's two clones started to move together, basically one move at a time.

Facing the Ancient God realm, the Heavenly God Realm has no power to fight back.

It is useless to choose to self-destruct in the Half step Ancient God realm.

Their begging for mercy was of no use.

Lin Fan has no intention of letting them go, and anyone who wants to kill him will die.

In less than three minutes, all forty-six gods were eliminated.

And just after he solved the forty-six realms of gods, he suddenly felt that the entire demon realm was trembling.

It was like an earthquake.

There is a strong person outside attacking the demon space barrier. It should be a strong person from the Ancient God realm.

The people in Lingshan couldn't sit still.

After losing so much of the Heavenly God Realm, they no longer care about that much.

If the murderer is not solved, the murderer will hide in the Demon Realm, and the wide area will not belong to their spiritual mountain...

After shaking for a while, it seemed like the sky was falling apart.

A hole appeared in the sky, and three monks came down from it. All three of them seemed to be strong in the Ancient God realm.

The moment they looked at Lin Fan, their eyes showed horror.

Because Lin Fan and his clone are also three Ancient God realms.

Both parties moved their hands without saying anything.

It seems that they are afraid that Lin Fan will escape, and the passage they opened has been blocked by the Ancient God realm expert outside using Martial Skill.

"Dragon Subduing Technique"

"Arhat Palm"

"Buddha's Light Realm"

…………There is something.

For a moment, Lin Fan seemed to have entered a Leiyin Temple, surrounded by monks chanting sutras.

But his barrier-breaking pupil technique can see through everything.

Looking at the giant palm slapping towards him.

Lin Fan sacrificed the heavy weapon he refined, a giant sword, a weapon that even the gods could not pick up...

"The art of moving the sky".

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