From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 224: Star Boundary Battlefield【10/10】

The Haotian Sect is composed of four major forces.

Nie family, Yun family, Ouyang family, Bai family.

The four major forces are relatively balanced.

Each is in charge of its own power, and each power is complete.

There are only the Divine Beast Hall, the Pill Refining Hall, and the Weapon Refining Hall. These three special places have personnel from the four forces.

For the resources of the three palaces, you and I are competing for each other.

Of course, in essence, the four major forces formed the Haotian Sect, so his identity as Elder can move around.

He walked around and visited all the places he could go.

It was found that the Haotian Sect had no less than fifty main gods who were not in Closed Door Training.

There are also many Closed Door Training, as well as strong men who go on missions in the star realm battlefield. The foundation of Haotian Sect is still very deep.

As for the existence above the main god realm, this is not a secret. .

650 but known as Sect Elder.

Together with the Sect Leader, Haotian Sect has a total of six powerful people in the Divine Lord Realm.

The Divine Lord Realm represents the Holy Sect’s top combat power.

Every additional divine king in the Holy Sect means that the Holy Sect becomes more powerful.

In the star realm, the Haotian Holy Sect is still relatively weak.

As for whether there is any extra Divine Lord Realm, Lin Fan doesn't know.

There won't be too many, because among the Holy Sects, the more powerful you are, the broader the territory you get.

There are more resources, so there is no need to hide them.

There is competition among the Holy Sects, but there will not be any battle to destroy the sects.

Because at the level of the Holy Sect, Sect’s enemies are people from other star realms.

If you want to fight for it, go to the star realm battlefield to kill enemies in other star realms, earn merit, and exchange resources to cultivate strong men.

(abad) Sect can become more and more powerful.

Of course, it is also possible to go to the astral battlefield and sacrifice a Sect's powerful God-Grade Sect, weakening the Sect's strength, or even falling into an Emperor Grade Sect.

It is already considered good that Haotian Sect can have six divine kings.

It seems that the Haotian Sect is not very strong,

Just give him some time and he can break through to the Lord God Realm.

It only takes thirteen days for him to reach the peak of the Ninth Stage of the Main God Realm. It will not take more than a month for him to break through to the Divine Lord Realm of the Main God Realm!

And his cultivation speed is still increasing.

The men he sent to other planets should have established branch sects and started recruiting disciples.

In addition, he can also collect some branch disciples into the Time Tower, because the Time Tower has five more floors.

The time it takes for him to reach the Divine Lord Realm will only become shorter and shorter...

After walking around for a while, I returned to the Elder's Courtyard and found that there were about a dozen disciples waiting in front of my courtyard.

Seeing Lin Fan coming back, they gathered around him one after another.

"Teacher Lin, I have another question to ask.

"Teacher Lin, I have something to ask you for help. The fee can be easily negotiated."


There were actually female disciples ogling him.

Lin Fan is speechless, is Haotian Great Master so unserious in private?

Everyone came to block the door...

Lin Fan said coldly: "I'm not free at the moment, please come back! If you need anything, you can make an appointment with the guard. I will order them to notify you if I am free."

After saying that, he disappeared.

It would be impossible not to give it to these disciples at all.

He didn't want to talk to these disciples and went to teach just for show. After all, he had just joined the Haotian Sect, so he still had to have an attitude...

After Lin Fan returned to the room, he began to set up the isolation formation.

Able to isolate people under the Lord God Realm from snooping...

Then he left his avatar behind to practice in the formation to hide his identity from others, and his true body entered the Paradise of Cave Heaven.

He has no time to deal with those disciples...

Wouldn’t it be nice to go into a cave and accompany your own woman in the paradise of heaven?

The current area of ​​Dongtian Paradise is no smaller than Tianling Continent of Yumu Lingxing.

The Spiritual Qi among them is rich, and a variety of elixirs have been cultivated and specially taken care of by people.

Created a living environment for many elixirs and moved many elixirs.

He also raises many Demonic Beasts, all of which are top-notch Demonic Beasts that can be found on the planet Mu Ling.

Recently, many Demonic Beasts have been introduced to Yanhuang Star.

There is a branch inside.

Strictly speaking, this is the main sect of Canglan Sect, because Lin Fan is always with him.

However, there are not many masters among them. The power of his entire sect is mainly blessed by himself, and the rest is by his women.

Because he doesn’t want his own woman’s Cultivation Base to lag too far behind him, and can only be used as a vase...

Talked to Dongfang Bai Qian...

After that, he passed the time by pill refining and refining weapons in the Paradise of Cave Heaven.

time flies.

Five days later he came out of the Cave Heaven Paradise.

I looked through the tasks released by the Haotian Sect's Task Hall.

see a task

"Star Boundary Battlefield Mission"

So he clicked and took a look...

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