From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 234 Emergency Calling Order【1/10】

"Samsara Rebirth"

In fact, it makes them think that they have awakened the memories of the past life and recognize Lin Fan as their master.

Retain their peak strength level and become Lin Fan's slaves...

Unfortunately, this attempt failed.

They are all powerful in the Divine Lord Realm.

With powerful divine energy protection, it is not easy to be controlled, unless Lin Fan is stronger than them, at least reaching the Fifth Stage of the Divine Lord Realm.

He doesn't have this strength now, and it will probably take him six or seven days to arrive, but God Lord is on the Fifth Stage.

There is nothing that can be done about it. If you try to control them by force, Lin Fan will be backlashed. Not only will he not be able to control them, but he will also hurt himself.

We can only let them go...

If he wanted to kill, he could at least kill one more.

But if he continues to kill, he may attract the attention of the Hunyuan Sect. He came to this astral battlefield to kill other enemies in the astral realm.

What does it mean to kill one's own companion?

It's okay to do this kind of thing covertly, but it won't work if it's done too openly.

The four of them wanted to steal Lin Fan's merit points, but Lin Fan killed one of them. After all, no one knew his strength.

If he killed two of them, it would probably attract the attention of the powerful God King Realm of Hunyuan Sect.

Lin Fan is not afraid, it's just that he wants to go more steadily, and it will be a matter of course for him to reach the Holy Sect.

It is not that easy to become a Divine Sect and to trample the Hunyuan Sect under your feet. It is best not to attract their attention.

The best results can be achieved by surprise.

Accept the merits of the three of them.

The total amount is only 260,000, which can be said to be pitiful. No wonder Su Meier reminded him not to be promoted to Sect.

It seems that merit points are really hard to earn.

This is not a hurry, Lin Fan's goal is not to earn merit points.

His goal is to become a slave in the realm of the God King.

In this way, Canglan Sect can have 10 powerful men in the Divine Lord Realm as quickly as possible.

That way he could be promoted to Sect.

By then, his cultivation speed will be increased several times. In fact, as Sect is stationed in more and more places.

His current cultivation speed is increasing rapidly every day, because many new disciples join their Canglan Sect every day.

If you join these addresses of Canglan Sect, you will get a 5 times talent increase. The talents received from disciples on Yanhuang Star are all good.

So much so that it only takes about two days for him to break through the First Stage of the Divine Army Realm, and it will get faster and faster...

Lin Fan withdrew the God-killing Formation and let the three God Lords leave.

The matter of accepting the slaves of the Divine Lord Realm can be postponed for two more days.

I returned to the Hunyuanzong station, and the own Sect main token has not been created yet.

So he inquired about the location of Haotian Sect's headquarters.

It was still early, so he went over to take a look first.

The Haotian Sect has surrendered to him, so there is no guarantee that they will not do one thing on the surface but another behind their backs.

The Haotian Sect itself is a small dead planet.

The gate station is also very small.

There is not much room for people to disperse.

Lin Fan investigated and found that there were about 600 people in the Ancient God realm, more than 100 people in the Ancestral God realm, more than 30 people in the Main God realm, and three God Lord realms.

Two of them are only at the First Stage of the Divine Lord Realm, and one is at the Sixth Stage of the Divine Lord Realm.

Their residence clings to the void of the universe nearby.

That is to say, the coverage area of ​​the Realm of these three gods. If someone from the enemy star realm comes to attack from here.

They can immediately notify other Sect people to come to aid through the Holy Sect's Order of Merit.

And if the Hunyuan Sect wants to organize an attack on the local star realm, they will gather some elites in each Sect, go to one place to meet, and then attack there.

Such battles come and go, so every year there are many strong people in Death's Ancient God realm and Ancestral God realm...

They are equivalent to cannon fodder in this New Territory battlefield, and there are very few casualties in non-god realms and god realms.

A strong person in the Lord God Realm or the Divine Sovereign Realm can withstand even a plot and wait for reinforcements to avoid being killed instantly...

As for cannon fodder in the astral battlefields such as the Ancestral God Realm and the Ancient God Realm, if they meet a strong person in the Main God Realm, they can easily kill them instantly, so there will be heavy casualties.

Even on the battlefield, the residual power of the battle in the Divine Lord Realm can kill them.

It's so cruel.

Therefore, none of the Ancient God Realm Elders in the Haotian Sect want to come to the Star Battlefield.

Lin Fan's snooping was discovered.

"Which god is here to spy on you? Isn't it rude? Please show up and see me."

The strong man from the Sixth Stage of the Divine Lord Realm of Haotian Sect spoke up.

0‧Request flowers 00

Lin Fan did not run away, but appeared directly and flew towards the Haotian Sect's headquarters.

Facing the Divine Lord Realm, he is not panic at all now.

A godly king flew out of the camp. He was a white-haired old man. He asked warily: "This godly king is unfamiliar! Does he have a merit token?"

Lin Fan shows his own merit token.

This is the way for all the star battlefields in Sirius Star Realm to confirm each other.

There are special Restrictions in the merit token. As long as the owner holding the merit token dies, the merit token will be destroyed by itself.

This prevents enemies from blending in with them.

Of course, this kind of prevention is only limited, just like Lin Fan recruiting slaves. Other New Territories also have such methods, and there will definitely be enemy spies among them.

Therefore, Hunyuan Sect will be very careful every time it takes the initiative to attack...

After confirming that it was correct, the white-haired old man relaxed and asked: "What is the name of this divine king?"

Lin Fan replied: "I am Canglan Sect Sect Leader Lin Fan"

"Canglan Sect Sect Leader? I don't know you. I am Fang Yun, the deputy Sect Leader of Haotian Sect."

Lin Fan wondered if he didn't know him. Didn't Nie Gui inform them yet?

Since they didn't notify him, they didn't reveal their identity. He said, "Maybe you haven't heard that I, Sect, will be promoted to the holy level Sect soon.'

Hearing this, Fang Yun cupped fist and said: "Congratulations to Lin Sect Leader. We will have the opportunity to work together to kill enemies in the future."

Lin Fan left after a few polite words with him.

I wonder what will happen to him after he receives the news from Nie Gui in a few days? Their Sect Leader was killed by Lin Fan...

After returning from the Haotian Sect's station, the Sect Master Merit Token has been completed, and Lin Fan handed over the Sanren Token.

After waiting at the inn for a while, I got my merit token and was about to leave.

The main merit token of Sect was trembling.

Then a majestic voice came from the merit token.

"An enemy appears at the Tai Xuan Sect station. Come quickly to support. Each Holy Sect will bring at least one Shenjun across."

It is an emergency summons from the Hunyuan Sect, which means there is an emergency. This is a mandatory order. If the Holy Sect disobeys the order, merit points will be deducted...

There will be a war so soon? The Canglan Sect has just become the Holy Sect!

What a coincidence!

But Lin Fan decided to go and see Ling. .

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