From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 25 An Unexpected Surprise[310]


Lin Fan was dumbfounded.

At this moment, Huang Xianyi still wore a black veil on her face, but the black clothes on her body had faded. Instead, she wore a very conservative white undergarment.

Her skin is like ice and snow, and she is as graceful as a virgin.

Lin Fan thought that he had seen many beauties in his previous life, but compared with her figure and skin, none of them in his memory could match her.

Is it because this world is a Martial Dao world?

Who can withstand this!

Lin Fan quickly said: "I said, why are you still covering your face?"

"Sect Leader, aren't I afraid of scaring you?"

After saying that, Huang Xianyi took off the veil, revealing the scar on her face, and Lin Fan felt relieved.

Seeing the scar on her face, no one else could lift the flagpole.

Lin Fan sighed in his heart: "I never thought that one day I would have to see a woman at her ugliest side to suppress her anger."

Huang Xianyi looked disappointed and found the seat farthest away from Lin Fan to sit down.

Lin Fan gradually calmed down and continued to enjoy the comfort brought by the hot spring.

But Huang Xianyi was different. After she sat down, the water level of the hot spring only reached her chest. She actually started to practice, making Lin Fanlei's body burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

Do you want to work so hard?

This must be the power of hatred in her heart!

Half an hour later.

Lin Fan stood up and prepared to go out. He felt pretty good, refreshed and his body felt much more relaxed.

After getting up, Lin Fan couldn't help but glance at Huang Xianyi's figure, really crushing the woman in his memory.

What a shame about the scar on her face.

This made Lin Fan even more interested in the person who disfigured her... He wanted to kill her.

Lin Fan said: "Let's go! It's almost time."

Huang Xianyi opened her eyes and heard that Lin Fan was leaving. She stood up and asked in confusion: "Aren't you here to soak in the hot spring? Why are you leaving?"

She felt like she had just sat for a while, why was she about to leave? Not to mention that it was her first time to practice in a hot spring, and it felt pretty good...

Lin Fan glanced at her and said jokingly: "You are in good shape. You think bathing in hot springs is for training! It will take a few hours... half an hour is almost. Go out and walk around. Come back later."

Hearing this, Huang Xianyi reacted and protected herself with her hands, but found that there seemed to be nothing to protect herself. She was wearing clothes, but they were a little wet.

She didn't care about Lin Fan Sect Leader's identity and cursed: "Rogue."

She said she would leave immediately as quickly as she could.

Lin Fan smiled and followed out.

After changing clothes, I found Huang Xianyi waiting outside.

She put on her veil again.

Seeing Lin Fan come out, Huang Xianyi asked: "Where are we going now?"

Lin Fan said: "Eat and climb mountains."


Huang Xianyi understood it while eating, but she didn't understand it when climbing a mountain.

Huang Xianyi asked: "What the hell is mountain climbing?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan explained: "I want to go see the crater."

When Huang Xianyi heard this, he immediately said: "Sect Leader, are you crazy? Why are you so high..."

He stopped mid-sentence and changed his words: "You are in the Dan Condensing Realm. You can go up there. I can't go up. I'll wait for you here!"

Hearing this, Lin Fan objected: "No, it would be boring for me to go alone, you have to accompany me."

Huang Xianyi could only compromise.

After eating, the two went up the mountain together.

There are steep rocks on the mountain. Not to mention that if you don't have the strength, even using the climbing tools from your previous life will be difficult.

But now he is a strong man in the Condensation Realm. He can leave the body with Spirit Power and fly briefly.

When he encountered a place where he couldn't climb up, Lin Fan used his strength to take Huang Xianyi to fly up...

Climbing halfway up the mountain, Huang Xianyi finally couldn't help complaining: "I said Sect Leader, you can fly up, why do we have to climb up!"

Lin Fan said two words to her, "Interesting."

Huang Xianyi stopped talking...

It would have taken just a few minutes to fly up.

It took them four hours to climb up.

Climbing to the top of the mountain, Lin Fan could feel that the air had become much hotter.

It seems that this volcano should have erupted before, and there is an obvious hole, pointing straight down.

Lin Fan used Spirit Power to drag his body and flew into the hole to take a look.

It was discovered that there was actually a universe inside this cave.

There was no magma visible, but the temperature inside was quite high. After flying in, Lin Fan found that there was a lot of crimson grass growing on the surrounding cave walls...

There really are Spiritual herbs,

Lin Fan casually took two beads, took them out of the cave and said to Huang Xianyi, "Does this mean we know each other?"

Seeing the thing in Lin Fan's hand, Huang Xianyi was shocked and said: "Oh my God, Chi Yan Spiritual Herbs...

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