From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 266: The Crisis Of One Billion Human Races [3/10, Please Order In Full]

The strongest one is Time Avenue.

In this boundless world of chaos, the avenue of time is the strongest.

There are many other great ways, and as far as he can feel, there are more than three thousand kinds.

The moment he came out, he felt invincible again.

For others who specialize in one discipline, they are already very strong if they can reach the realm of guiding the way...

But he has comprehended more than 3,000 great principles, and his level of comprehension has reached the level of guidance, which means that he can borrow three liters of multiple great principles...

The Yin Dao realm is a qualitative leap.

He did not use the laws of the Great Dao that he understood.

Instead, you can borrow the power of the great avenue of the entire vast and boundless world of chaos.

How should I put it? In fact, in the Ancient God realm, you can open your own Minor World, and you can specify the rules in the Minor World you open. In fact, those rules are the Tao.

It's just that the way to open up those Minor Worlds is extremely weak. Compared to the entire chaotic world, it is not even a speck of dust.

Every avenue in the entire chaotic world is very powerful.

Lin Fan's ability to borrow the power of the Great Dao now seems indescribably small.

For example, one avenue is the entire Pluto Monkey Star Realm, and the path he borrowed is one of the Death Stars.

It's so small... I can only say that he is finally on the road...

Although he feels small, he is stronger than ever at this moment.

After entering the Dao Dao Realm, his strength increased more than a thousand times.

Being able to borrow the power of the great avenues of heaven and earth, the strength can no longer be described as doubling.

His one thought can make all living beings on an Emperor Grade planet stand still.

Time is no longer passing. As long as he keeps borrowing channels, he feels that he can make the creatures on the planet immortal.

However, borrowing the passage consumes a lot of money.

The main reason is that after borrowing the power of the avenue, you still have to control the power of the avenue to attack or defend, which is very costly.

However, he has the power of the whole sect to continuously replenish it. As long as he does not make big moves, the water will flow slowly.

He can always rely on the power of the avenue.

The day he met the demon clan who was good at illusion, he could play with her to death.

Lin Fan was not in a hurry to test his strength.

He opened his own Realm, which is now said to be his own dojo.

Find an Emperor Grade destiny star.

Then he disappeared and teleported to appear on the fate star.

I heard countless people lament.

"Ah! Why me? I don't want to become the blood of the demon clan~~"

"Damn it, I hate it so much! Why are we so weak?"

"Oh my God! When will this nightmare end?"

"I would rather die than be the blood food of the demon clan."

"Lord, why did the demon tribe suddenly increase its blood food consumption five times?"

"Alas! Because humans in the Enlightenment realm appeared in the Fanlong Star Realm and killed the grandson of the King of the Swallowing Heaven Realm. The King of the Swallowing Heaven Realm was furious. Originally, the Heaven-Swallowing Toads of the Heaven-Swallowing Realm did not eat our human race, but now they suddenly want to eat them, and they need it. The portion is huge...

Alas, I heard from the Demon Emperor that this was the result of Pluto and Dapeng King’s efforts to stop it.

The King of the Sky-Swallowing Realm originally planned to destroy the Fanlong Star Realm, but he had already swallowed many King Grade and Emperor Grade destiny stars.

After being stopped by the two realm kings, the swallowing realm king was so angry that he wanted to make up for the blood food that they had not asked for in the past.

Apportioned to each Emperor Grade destiny star, it is five times the amount.

There is nothing I can do..."

"Heaven is going to destroy our human race!"

"Everyone should be willing to eat blood for the sake of our own descendants! Pointless resistance or suicide will only make our descendants die faster.'

"That damned human race has no strength and is still strong. What's the use of killing a sky-swallowing toad? It's us who will suffer in the end. That's all, that's all. I'm willing to eat blood. Please be kind to my family."

The entire planet is full of negativity.

Even Lin Fan has been scolded to death.

He even felt that there was a lot of Karma on his body. Too much Karma would make a person unlucky...

But fortunately, he knows the Karma Avenue and can cut off these Karma.

What should I do now?

He can't just watch so many of his kind die!

However, his current strength may not be enough to face the three realm kings.

But he can already do things in the Pluto Monkey Star Realm.

Can't win against them...

The only way he can think of now is to save the country through curves.

How to play this curve to save the country?

He had to think carefully about it...

First, he had to learn more about the situation in the Pluto Monkey Star Realm.

As a result, he controlled several Yin Dao realm monsters who were in charge of Emperor Grade's destiny.

I learned a lot about the situation in the Pluto Monkey Star Realm from their mouths.

It turns out that the human race in the Fanlong Star Realm only supplies blood food. The Pluto Monkey Star Realm has three major star realms, The Netherworld, the Swallowing Heaven Realm, and the Golden Wings Great Critical Realm.

In the past, it was mainly supplied to The Netherworld, and the Golden-winged Great Peng world.

In addition to these three star realms in the Pluto Monkey Star Realm, there are also thirty-eight star realms with the Fusion Realm King.

However, there are remaining humans on these star realms.

It's just that the status of human beings is similar to that of the Demonic Beasts in the Sirius world. They are raised to be used to refine weapons, be used as food, and be used as mounts...

I have to face dozens of powerful people in the Fusion Realm!

As long as he steps into the Fusion Realm, it won't be a problem.

But now after entering the realm of guiding the way, cultivation is the understanding of the law and the avenue.

The speed of cultivation is decreasing, maybe because there are not enough Sect strong men who can understand the law...

It actually took him twenty-six days to break through a small Realm in the Dao Dao Realm.

It’s too late in time…………

There are billions of human beings in the Fanlong Star Realm, and they will be taken away as blood food in twenty days.

We can only let the clone go out and cause trouble.

As long as we can deal with the three star realms...

can save these billion people.

Lin Fan made a plan and asked his two clones to go to the three star realms to cause trouble.

Not to mention anything else, Lin Fan is going to send two clones to kill the three stars...

No matter what, come up and kill them first.

He wants to make the monsters in the Monkey Star Realm afraid...

Only in this way can they have the consciousness to sit down and talk.

After the plan was finalized, his two clones left the Fanlong Star Realm...

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