From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 276: Infiltrating Into The Netherworld [2/10, Please Subscribe]

Lin Fan's two clones are both in the Tao Fusion realm.

With the help of hundreds of great powers, the power of self-destruction can be said to be devastating.

All the Death Stars in the surrounding starry sky were blown to pieces, including the Emperor Grade life star.

The King of the Devouring Heaven Realm was also killed...

The dead can no longer die, leaving nothing behind.

Lin Fan can also swallow the Great Dao, and he can no longer feel the existence of the Heaven-Swallowing Realm King.

This means that the king of the swallowing world is dead.

Before he died, the King of the Devouring Heaven Realm went completely stupid?

I f*ck…………

He was desperate and confused inside...

Despair is despair over the power of Lin Fan's self-destruction, which consumes a lot of energy and has no strength to resist.

If he is still in full strength and can still withstand one or two attacks, he will be seriously injured but will not lose his life.

He was almost exhausted... so desperate that he could only wait for his own death, struggling internally to no avail.

He was confused because he was confused.

He is already a turtle in a urn at this moment. It can be said that he was already in a desperate situation.

There is still a glimmer of hope in the desperate situation, that is, he can self-destruct and still have a chance to escape with serious injuries.

Originally he was still struggling inside...

Should I blow myself up or not?

But he never expected that the master who besieged him at this time would actually choose to self-destruct?

He was confused...

How much hatred do I have!

As for that?

In order to kill themselves, the two masters even risked their own lives.

What unscrupulous thing did you do?

As for being so impulsive!

The king of the swallowing world died in confusion...

As for Lin Fan, this was the original plan. His purpose was to kill the Devouring Heaven Realm King.

Absolutely no chance should be given to him.

Originally, he thought that three of his clones could attack him and kill him.

As a result, he underestimated the strength of the Heaven-Swallowing Realm King.

He practiced the Devouring Way and was so able to withstand beatings...

So Lin Fan directly clicked, and after consuming the Heaven Swallowing Realm King, just in case.

He left a clone behind and left...

Then he ordered the two clones to self-destruct to preemptively strike.

Just kill him directly...

If the Heaven Swallowing Realm King is forced to a dead end, he may also explode himself. Although he is prepared, he can hide in the Cave Heaven Paradise at any time.

But it is possible for the Heaven-Swallowing Realm King to escape in this way.

As long as a strong person in the Fusion Realm does not die, he can quickly regain a certain strength with the help of the Dao's warmth, but it is difficult for the physical body to recover...

If you can't kill a top-notch Fusion Realm powerhouse like the Heaven Swallowing Realm King once, don't even think about killing him a second time.

He can leave the Pluto Monkey Star Realm and recover slowly, which will create hidden dangers for their Canglan Sect.

If the clone is lost, it can still be refined.

After easily trapping and killing the Heaven-Devouring Realm King.

Lin Fan instantly hid in the Cave Paradise.

Continue to condense the avatar...

And his two clones self-destructed, causing shock in the entire Swallowing Heaven Realm.

Their king is dead....

The divine energy lamp of the Devouring Heaven Realm King went out.

The remaining Fusion Dao Realm experts in the Swallowing Heaven Realm were aware of this terrifying self-destruction.

They didn't dare to check at all, their king was dead.

Aren't they here to deliver food?

All the powerful ones in the Fusion Dao Realm took a group of geniuses from their own families and ran away...

The King of the Realm is dead, and the turbulent Monkey Star Realm can no longer stay...

The top Fusion Dao realms are all dead, so where can they stand?

Who knows if the enemy is still in their Devouring Heaven Realm.

These powerful people in the Fusion Realm all fled in all directions...

Not a single Fusion Dao Sky-Swallowing Toad remained, they all ran away.

Not only that, I haven't gone to the Golden-winged Great Peng World, The Netherworld to inform...

Lin Fan naturally doesn't know...

Three hours later, Lin Fan came out of the Cave Heaven Paradise...

There are two more Fusion Dao Realm clones around him.

He then asked his clones to sweep the Heaven-Swallowing Realm and kill all the Heaven-Swallowing Toads above the Enlightenment Realm.

And he himself went to The Netherworld, ready to explore the situation of The Netherworld.

As for the King of the Dark Monkey Realm, who is the strongest, the name of the Dark Monkey Star Realm is named after the Dark Monkey clan.

The Dark Monkey Clan also has the most powerful people. The Dark Monkey Clan has many ways to practice, unlike the Sky-Swallowing Toad.

However, the King of the Dark Monkey Realm seems to be on the path to destruction.

Lin Fan's clone also dealt with him.

The Avenue of Destruction is extremely destructive. If he wants to trick the King of the Dark Monkey Realm, he should go find out the news first.

The death of the Sky-Swallowing Realm King will definitely arouse the vigilance of The Netherworld.

Only by knowing your enemy and yourself can you fight a hundred battles without danger.

To avoid being ambushed by them...

He knows many ways to change, and it is not a problem to disguise himself as a dark monkey.

After stepping into The Netherworld...

I happened to meet a group of strong men on their way and were summoned to the Hades Palace to discuss matters.

It seems to have been caused by the encounter in the Swallowing Heaven Realm...

The news spread quickly, and the entire Netherworld (Wang Nuohao) was on alert.

Lin Fan quickly controlled a strong man in the Yin Dao realm and checked part of his memory.

Disguise this Hades Monkey directly and go to the Hades Palace.

The Netherworld is a force that only strong people in the Netherworld are qualified to join.

It is the largest force under the King of the Dark Monkey Realm.

There are countless strong ones...Delete.

They are usually distributed throughout the Pluto Monkey World, and will only be gathered together when major events occur.

The last time we were called together was ten thousand years ago.

That was when their star realm encountered foreign enemies...

Now they don't know why.

And Lin Fan knew that it was actually because of him...

Soon he arrived at the ".Pluto~" star, which is the main star of The Netherworld.

It is also the lair of the Dark Monkey Realm King…………

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