From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 284 Who Gave Grandpa A Challenge? Come Out And Get Beaten... [10/10, Please Subscribe]

After the daughter of the Fantasy God King was killed by Lin Fan.

I don’t know what’s going on at the western border of the Monkey Star Realm.

Suddenly a shocking battle broke out, a battle in the Rongdao Realm.

Both the Dark Monkey Realm King and the Phantom God King took action...

The momentum was so great that Lin Fan could sense some fluctuations through the avenue.

He sent a clone to observe…………

"My daughter died in your Monkey Realm, and it was my people who saw the Golden-winged Great Peng clan abducting my daughter. You don't give me an explanation? This matter is not over... Let the Golden-winged Great Peng The king comes to see me.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. In the worst case, we'll start a war. "

"It's not convenient for Golden-winged Great Peng to come forward at the moment. Qingluo, give me ten days, and I will definitely give you a "550" answer."

The Fantasy God King and the Dark Monkey Realm King fought.

But it doesn't seem like he's trying his best.

Lin Fan can detect the picture memory fed back from the clone...

Not only did the two astral realm kings call.

There are more than twenty powerful people in the Fusion Realm taking action, for a Charming Beast Clan?

As for that?

The battle lasted for a short time, and it was convenient for a truce...

Everyone has their own injuries, but no one is dead.

Fantasy God King has withdrawn…………..

The Fusion Dao Realm experts from both sides are still stationed at the border. It is obvious that this matter is not over yet.

Lin Fan doesn’t know what’s going on?

But whichever charmed beast he killed was indeed of noble status.

He asked this from several people in the Dao realm.

She is the successor of the future fantasy God King and the future succubus star realm king.

The existence of extraordinary talent……..

In name, she is the daughter of the Fantasy God King.

It seems normal that the imaginary God King would go to war for her.

They did move, but their fight was very casual, without the murderous nature of killing each other.

Both sides seemed to be testing the waters.

Lin Fan doesn't care about these...

The reason why he did this.

It is nothing more than trying to distract the powerful Dao Fusion Realm experts from the Pluto Monkey Star Realm.

There are too many Fusion Dao realms stationed outside Fanlong Star Realm.

Lin Fan was afraid that they would break the jar, so he took action against Fanlongxingjie.

He is only in the early stage of Fusion Dao Realm now and does not have the strength to deal with so many powerful ones in Fusion Dao Realm.

Just in case, he asked his clone to do something.

A little stress relief.

The humans in Fanlong Star Realm cannot be destroyed,

Lin Fan still expects them to help him practice!

The Canglan Sect only accepted less than one in a million people from the Fanlong Star Realm.

Fanlong Star Realm has great potential...

Mainly because Canglan Sect is a god-level Sect after all, so it can’t accept disciples blindly.

You can’t accept all the people with a destiny star as your disciples!

If each destiny star is unified by their Sect, there will be no competition among forces, and resources will be consumed without limit.

It won't take long for a life star like that to run out of Spiritual Qi.

We still need to engage in sustainable development...

In fact, the main reason is not this.

It's about the battle between the avenues... It can be said that he is a little afraid.

He now basically has complete control over the Fanlong Star Realm.

If he wants to recruit as many disciples as he wants, he can recruit a trillion disciples in one day.

But he doesn't want to do that right now...

Because after entering the Fusion Dao Realm, the battle for the Dao begins.

He knows too many avenues...

Once he steps into the Indistinguishable Dao realm, he will probably be noticed by thousands of Dao Lords.

This is a serious problem…………

It would not be fun to be targeted by the Lord of the Avenue.

There is avenue positioning.

It is difficult for him to avoid the pursuit of the Lord of the Avenue.

From the moment Lin Fan stepped into the Fusion Dao Realm, he knew how cruel the battle between the avenues was.

We must step on a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood to reach the top...

The loser has only one fate, death and destruction.

If you want to survive, you can only be a slave to the Lord of the Great Way...

This battle between avenues is too ruthless. Before entering the realm of Indistinguishable Dao, he must take a long-term approach...

After crossing the Indistinguishable realm, his cultivation speed must not be slowed down.

So he is now preparing to accumulate information...

At that time, he will recruit many disciples in one day, allowing him to practice at a terrifying speed.

He must not be as slow as he is now. At his current cultivation speed, it will take him two or three years to reach the peak of the Fusion Dao Realm.

With such a cultivation speed, entering the Indistinguishable Dao realm, and being noticed by the Lord of the Dao, isn't that seeking death?

Therefore, he must accumulate foundation and be ready to go......

When the time comes to enter the Indistinguishable Dao realm, you must reach the peak of the Indistinguishable Dao realm within a period of time.

Only in this way can we survive the great battle.

And his immediate plan is to capture the Pluto Monkey Star Realm.

Seize all the resources of the Pluto Monkey Star Realm and transfer the humans of Fanlong Star to allow them to obtain the highest cultivation resources and further enhance their strength.

This can be regarded as accumulating foundation...

If we take one step at a time, we may have to expand our territory.


Without preparation, Lin Fan will be in trouble if he cannot break through the Indistinguishable Dao state.

But it's better than being targeted by the Lord of the Avenue.

The next day, Lin Fan sent a clone to attend the appointment.

Go to Beicang Star Realm battlefield,

Go and meet Pluto and King Dapeng for a while.

Lin Fan is really not afraid of them since they are both in the Fusion Dao realm.

At most, one clone will be lost,

The avatar can be re-condensed, which is not a big problem.

Lin Fan and the other two clones are all in the Fanlong Star Realm.

After all, every time a star is inhabited by humans in the Fanlong Star Realm, it is a huge loss for him...

After he cloned himself to the battlefield in Beicang Star Realm, he immediately shouted arrogantly: "Whoever issued a challenge to grandpa, get out and get beaten.".

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